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Proud To Be Fat?

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There's nothing wrong being fat and it's not even a sin or immoral to be one, but let me just share my experience in applying for an insurance. I'm not really that obese but was fat. After going through a medical exam, the results proved that I was more prone to sickness as it showed some signs. The doctor me that fatter people are more prone to sickness and have higher chances of getting disapproved for insurance application so that's why. After more than a year of workout, diet and divulging into sports, I got approved after all.

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There's nothing wrong being fat and it's not even a sin or immoral to be one, but let me just share my experience in applying for an insurance. I'm not really that obese but was fat. After going through a medical exam, the results proved that I was more prone to sickness as it showed some signs. The doctor me that fatter people are more prone to sickness and have higher chances of getting disapproved for insurance application so that's why. After more than a year of workout, diet and divulging into sports, I got approved after all.


It is common and accepted medical fact that obesity is deleterious to health. It can lead to heart attacks, diabetes, stroke, and a host of other medical problems. Some people are more prone to obesity than others. It has something to do with one's metabolism I think. I know some people who eat as much as they want but don't gain weight. And I know some people who eat so little and yet continue to gain weight.


Obesity should be treated as an illness requiring medical intervention.

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  • 6 months later...

It is common and accepted medical fact that obesity is deleterious to health. It can lead to heart attacks, diabetes, stroke, and a host of other medical problems. Some people are more prone to obesity than others. It has something to do with one's metabolism I think. I know some people who eat as much as they want but don't gain weight. And I know some people who eat so little and yet continue to gain weight.


Obesity should be treated as an illness requiring medical intervention.


This is a good attitude. It's NOT about being fat and proud. It's more of HOW do we ADDRESS this health problem? Yes, like what lomex said, there's something that could be done.


However, society should try to avoid judging those who are obese. There could be a medical reason after all.


Let's cite these two very different but quite similar examples:


1. A colleague of mine can eat 2 cups of rice/meal carbs + protein + sweets and she DOESN'T get fat. Why? She has hyperthyroidism. It's difficult for her to gain and maintain her weight, quite dangerous. This speeds up the metabolic process resulting in weight loss.


2. A relative of mine can't lose weight. This person eats little and exercises. However, this person has hypothyroidism. This on the other hand slows down the metabolic process resulting in weight gain.


So, I guess it's not about being proud. It's about trying to live a normal life, especially for those who have MEDICAL complications that can aggravate the obesity. The first step is to consult a doctor and get treatment. The ideal world, people should be more understanding instead of judgmental.

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I agree with most of the post that there's nothing wrong in being fat and I also agree that people should strive to be better. Better in the sense of being healthy (heart, blood pressure, sugar level etc). The issue here is the social connotation that fat is equivalent to unattractiveness or unwantedness. I hope people will help individual under these circumstances rather than judging them or worse ridiculing them.

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I agree with most of the post that there's nothing wrong in being fat and I also agree that people should strive to be better. Better in the sense of being healthy (heart, blood pressure, sugar level etc). The issue here is the social connotation that fat is equivalent to unattractiveness or unwantedness. I hope people will help individual under these circumstances rather than judging them or worse ridiculing them.

Very nice thing to say! I concur.

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