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Pano Ba Paliitin Ang Tyan

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pareho lang effects ng beer at hard di ba??? i mean Vodka siguro yun ang hard drink na pang cut-up pero sa iba i think mas worse pa hard dahil mas mataas ang sugar content

thou bloated ka talaga pag beer. Pero in terms of volume mas mabilis ka talaga malasing pag hard so maybe may katotohanan nga ehehehehe


With regards to back pain i think yung core strength mu di mu ginagamet kasi pag sit ups abs lang gagana dba??? try Bodybuilding.com rame info sobra

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  • 2 weeks later...
wla.. kelangan mo muna magpahinga kung ayaw mong maoperahan uli.. kelang fully recovered ka.. sensitive ang spine..



...one year na nung august. need to exercise para maalis yung mga aches and pains. what should i do to flatten my stomack, washboard abs, at mga triceps ko at biceps ko fully developed.

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Depends on what type of surgery (is it spinal fusion, diskectomy, etc.?) and in what segment of the spine.


Whatever it may be, you can try some isometrics/muscle setting exercises..


try the 1st exercise of Williams flexion regimen; (you must first be cleared by your physician to lie in a supine/nakatihaya position):


Lie supine, place both hand between your body and bed (within the small of your back), push/squeeze your hands against the bed (you can only do this if you contract your abs/rectus abdominis muscle without any movement of your chest or pelvis & legs), hold for 5-8 seconds then release. Repeat: 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps of 5-8 seconds hold per rep.


The firs exercise of William's won't increase your abdominal strength nor will it decrease your waistline; it's goal is supposedly to prep the trunk for the succeeding levels of Williams and to prevent deconditioning in a bed-bound patient.


BTW, before doing any isometrics (exercises that involves you holding a position against resistance and thus holding your breath) a clearance from a physician must be obtained; it is because isometrics can increase your blood pressure during the exercise..


For the rest of the body especially your limbs, you can do Range-of-motion exercises. Try as much as possible to exercise the lower limb without producing a pelvic tilt (tuwad or liyad).


peace! :mtc:


...spinal laminectomy. thanks for the information.

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