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grabe ang hiv testing they asked for my photo and complete info



I did the research, according to republic act 8504

Section 2 - B

1. Compulsary HIV testing shall be considered unlawful unless otherwise provided for in this act

2. The right of privacy of individuals with HIV shall be guaranteed



Article 3 section 18

The state shall provide a mechanism for anonymous HIV testing and shall guarantee anonymity and medical confidentiality in the conduct of such tests

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herpes simplex 1 located on the face trunk body and extremities.

herpes simplex 2 located on genital area


except pag nag oral sex kyo possible mapunta sa muhka or mouth yung virus


you can treat the symptoms pero forever na yung virus


you can use tee tree oil, vitamin B12 and vitamin C (nakalimutan ko na ung iba, Acyclovir ointment)


nag aactive ang virus pag stress, trauma or kinamot or bagsak immune system mo or me sakit ka. Pwede din puyat. Yung virus nakadormant sa nerves natin kaya hindi mo na mapapatay to.


pag meron ka make sure boost mo immune system mo, and pag me sores contagious to pwde kumalat sa boung katawaan kaya hwag kamutin. for life :unsure:



in addition, it is best to treat the symptoms as soon as they start.


Acyclovir cream to be appplied topically 5 x a day

Acyclovir (anti-viral) Tablets 200mg every 4 hours for 5 days = 20 tablets...parang 3Thousand yata or more ito...not sure... I think more.....

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sa body shop.


buy a base oil made from soya oil( 495 pesos) and ylang ylang( 350 pesos)...pure essential oil


blending: 30 ml of base oil (soya oil) = 12 drops of ylang ylang


contraindication: low blood, skin allergies, pregnant women


Add'l:(during love making too)


place sandal wood at the burner for scent...it help too for sexual dysfunction

Edited by Maribel-R18
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Mga bro hingi sana ko ngtulong sa inyo. My friend has this problem. Last month he do live from one MP in Pasay. Then after a week me nameet syang girl sa isang bar at nkuha nya yon and he didnt use condom. His problem arises last week ng nangati ang ari nya for 2 days and right now yung ilalim ng head namumula at parang nagbabalat. Tinatanong if this is a sign of std. Nagpapatulong sa kin magpahanap ng doctor pero wla kong kakilala. Bka me kakilala ka na pwedeng irekomenda para magpacheck-up sya. Patulong naman. Thanks. Also is this a sign of herpes?

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It could be a sign/symptom of many Sexually transmitted infections. Almost any competent doctor will have a good idea as to what it is once seen. If you go to a STD clinic, they may have a better idea being that they see these things all the time. No judgements or opinions about your friend but please advise him to abstain in the meantime until he is sure about his condition. also please ask him to be more careful with himself especially when it comes to having unprotected with an MPA or somebody he just met

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I wouldn't say immune but it offers protection for the virus. Remeber that it can be spread throiugh oral sex as well so keep that in mind.

you are right Sir Doobs as long sexual activity involving the sex organs, mouth, anus, or contact with blood

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can condom make you immune from herpes?

use latex condom lubricated with nonoxynol-9 from star to finish. Most people who are infected with HIV or STd are healthy are not aware of their infection, assume every sexual partner might be HIV oir STD positive and always take precautions.

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TRICHOMONIASIS ( Trichomonas vaginalis)is a disease usually passed by direct sexual contact. Can also be transmitted through contact with wet objects, wash clothes, and douching equipment.


Sign and symptoms:

Many men and most men have no symptoms. Females white greenish-yellow odorous discharge, vaginal itching, and soreness, painful urination. Males: slight itching of penis, painful urination, clear discharge from penis.


Diagnosis: Microscopic slide of discharge; culture test examination.


Period of Treatment: 4 to 20 days, with average of 7 days.


Treatment: Curable with oral medication


Complications: Long term effects in adult is not unknown. There is some evidence taht infected individuals are more likely to develop cervical cancer.

Edited by Maribel-R18
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SYPHILIS ( Treponema Palladium) is a sexual transmitted disease passed by direct contact with infectious sore.






Painless chancre(sore) at site of entry of germs, swollen glands.



Symptoms usually appear 1 week to 6 months after appearance of chancre and may include rash, patchy hair loss, sore throat, and swollen glands


PRIMARY AND SECONADARY SORES WILL GO AWAY EVEN WITHOUT TREATMENT, BUT THE GERMS CONTINUE TO SPREAD THROUGH OUT THE BODY. Latent syphilis may continue 5-20+ years with no symptoms, but the person is no longer infectious to other people.

A pregnant women can transmit the disease to her unborn child(congenital disease syphilis)


LATE SYPHILIS varies from no symptoms to indication of damage to body organs such as brain, heart, and liver.

Edited by Maribel-R18
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Can be transmitted even if you are wearing a condom because as mentioned it is transmitted by direct contact with infectious sores.


Abstaining from vaginal, oral, and anal sex with an infected person is the 100% effective means of sexual transmiSSION of SYPHILIS. Latex condom lubricated with nonoxynol-9 can reduce but not eliminate the risk of contracting the disease during sex.

However it is possible to contract syphilis, eventhough using condom, via sores in genital area. It is also important to avoid non-sexual physical contact with the infection sores (chancres), rashes or mucos patches caused by syphilis.

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