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Posts posted by Dr_PepPeR

  1. Guys, Im an aspiring law student i wonder if you could help me make a decision.


    i passed the law entrance exam in ust and san beda.


    in your opinion, which law school is better and why?


    sorry for being out of topic but... theres no other place to ask the question.


    Ayoko sagutin ito pregnant yung question hehehehe.

  2. Actually I'm only sticking to 1/72 for aircraft kasi vast majority ng aircraft ko kasi is in that scale. I do have a few 1/48s - F14, MiG 15, F86 & OH 6 Cayuse to be exact. Ang hirap nga mag perfect ng metallic finishes, up to now hindi ko pa mastered. Wala ako kasing mahanap na adheisve aluminum tape locally. I'll take a look at the 1/48 P51  :thumbsupsmiley:


    Naisip ko na din yan, to panel a model with cheap aluminum foil or yung foil galing sa mga candy wrappers kasi maninipis. But I have no idea what glue to use it with. I thought of using Elmers but that would take too long to set. I'm thinking contact cement, if only I could figure out how to thin it. its too thick straight from the bottle.


    As to aluminum tape all I've seen are duct tapes, medyo makapal.

  3. I have several books on the Vietnam War (VW) -- Navy Seals, LRRPs, VW Battles. Does anybody have the original "The First Casualty" by Phillip Knightley? -- a book about war correspondents.


    So do I, aside from the usual pocketbooks on SEALS, LRRP, Force Recon, I also have books on the helicopter pilots and on the USMC (by Charles Henderson).

  4. My grandfather fought in Korea with one of our Battalion Combat Teams. He also authored, "Guerilla Warfare on Panay Island in the Philippines".


    Really? A lot of good things were said about the PEFTOK contingent. At that time, they were one of the battle tested units of the allies, having just come from the Hukbalahap campaign. They were especially appreciated by the South Koreans for their aggressive role in hunting down the North Koreans. I have a friend from the US who is compiling material for the Korean War. I gave him FVR's email but the former President is either too busy or does not want to be bothered. Can I give your grandfather's name to my friend so they can exchange some correspondence?

  5. Let's see . . .


    1. Are Spray Paint Cans that good? or should we invest in expensive Air Brush Machines?  - Definitely get an Airbrush Machine. I use a Tamiya Spray Works (Air Gun + Compressor Set, siguro PHP8000+ na ngayon). Di nespose ko yung Badger ko after using it. Ang laki ng range ng fine point niya, as long as you take care of the needle. The problem is pag luma na siay eh yung parts ng compressor dries up so you have to get a new one. I was able to jerry rig my Spray Works gun sa old compressor ko (bought it near UST). It works ! ! !


    I use the Tamiya Sprayworks too, its great for simple airbrush jobs. I also have a Badger 150 with a half HP compressor that I got in True Value during a sale. I don't use this too often kasi tamad ako to clean the Badger. When I do a mono color paint job, I simply use spray cans either Tamiya Lacquers or Painter's Touch. You have to invert the cans for a while (like a day or so), then dip it in warm water and shake for at least 10 minutes before spraying. When spraying, keep the can moving, start from before the area to be painted and make lampas before you stop. Do not attempt to cover everything in one coat. Start with several mist coats from at least 6 inches away and then make several passes until you get good coverage. A gloss coat will require at least one wet coat.



    2. Are there cheap Air Brush Machines (locally made or Purchase Abroad)? Price Range? - Average price na ata for air brush only is PHP 3000+ up. But lifetinme monggagamitin yun & you'll never want to hand pain a model again if you use one.


    Yes, an airbrush is expensive. Better get a quality one like a Badger or an Iwata rather than a cheap one made in China because you expect a lifetime use from a quality aribrush.


    3. How can we know when to use Spray paints or Brush? You use a can if you're sure you'll use up the paint within 3 months or else sayang lang.


    I still do a lot of brushpainting. I usually use a spraycan for basecoating. I do a lot of washes and drybrushing, and then detail painting so I'm still basically a brush person.


    4. how about using Putty?  even now I still have problems with parts that have gaps when they are fitted? Actually I use Tamiya (Grey, for malalalim), The Mr. Putty by Ginze Sangyo (the white one) for shallow (they shrink very terribly) & for evrything else cyanoacrylate 'super glue'.


    For me, Tamiya Putty is still the best for small gap filling, you can thin it with Tamiya cement, acetone or lacquer thinner. For large gaps, I either cement a piece of styrene and sand it down or I mix styrene shavings with plastic cement or lacquer thinner to make a gooey paste and then use putty over it.


    5. Any Particular techniques in painting camouflage like mixing Green/Black/White/Brown? - free hand ako mag airbrush, just be careful of the spattyer.


    I also brushpaint camo, tamad talaga ako maglinis ng airbrush eh. I also use spraycans pero kakatamad din ang masking. Just remember to paint the lightest colors first then work toward the darkest. Ang tamad ko talaga!


    6. Any tips about doing Weathering?  For aircraft, after decalling & 'sealing' the model for 1 -3 days, run a very dilute mixture (1:10) of black grey paint: thinner sa panel lines. After mga 30 min - 1 hr., wipe with a clean cloth yung excess. The panel lines will stay black. for armor, dunno yet thats why mga 15 pa lang armor ko.


    For armor I do a lot of washes, mostly raw umber oils, brown and black washes, and chalk pastel powders. I really love weathering, especially for armor models.


    IP.S.  Any info on where I can buy the original TOP GUN movie F-14? - it's by testors. Used to have one. Since they are all overall ghost grey, try to look for their squadrons (VF - #) & you can maybe order the decals from the US/UK. I'm assuming you have Top Gun DVD so you can look at their tails & do your homework. They used planes of actual squadrons (hence actual insignias).


    Hop I was of help.

  6. Thanks Dr. P! Naalala ko lang is Tamiya item. It's in FSM Dec 05 or Jan - Feb 06. I also like props now & then, huwag lang sunod sunod kasi boring yung 'plan form' nila. The last one I built 1.5 years ago  was an Academy 1/72 Mustang (forgot the varianty, non Malcolm hood siya). Nadala ata ako kasi aside from being small, I have to use 3 shades of metallizers & ANG HIRAP mag metallizer - Clear Coat -Metallizer - etc . . . .  :grr:


    Bro might as well go upscale, get the 1/48 Mustang from Tamiya, I think the one with the decal sheet for the Mustang Aces has the new canopy sprue with the better canopy attachment. I hate bare metal finishes too, since I can't find Alclad II or SNJ here. Plus your surface finish has to be PERFECT, otherwise every little bump or hole shows up with the bare metal finish. I''m planning to try the Tamiya Silver Leaf spraycan and Painter's Touch Silver as an alternative when I get the balls to do a P-47 BMF.

  7. check out "secret soldier" by col. muki betser. it details the creation of sayeret matkal, the idf's elite unit. betser was also instrumental in the planning and execution of the entebbe raid.


    viktor suvorov -"the liberators"


                          "spetsnaz:the inside story of the soviet union's special forces" 


    jeremy hands and robert mcgowan - "don't cry for me sergeant major" the falklands



    check this out http://www.geocities.com/peftok/  i'm sure you'll find it worth the visit, especially the section on the battle of yultong


    Thanks for the link hellspawn. I've read some books that mention the PEFTOK, mostly by Americans, and they are not entirely flattering to Filipinos. They simply didn't realize that our soldiers are not trained for cold weather warfare.

  8. Hi...  Great forum...


    I'm into Scale Modelling but I'm still an amateur up to now...

    I've researched a lot but I always ended up not finishing my scale models...


    I used to buy WWII planes when I was a kid and wasnt serious enough and just ended up gluing and finishing the model...  When I was in High School I found an Italeri F-16A for about a 100pesos bec. Tamiya Models is so expensive (I think even still now!) but didnt know how to use paints...  then my sister bought me a genuine F-14 Tomcat 1:72 scale from the U.S. which has decals from the original movie - TOP GUN by Tom Cruise, but just barely started the cockpit and the front nose - (Somehow it was misplaced by my bestfriend who is now in Canada - together with the rest of my other Scale Models which were mainly Academy Kits).  I bought a SU-27 1:48 Academy Kit in Seoul when I was in Korea last 1998 but also didnt finish bec. my painting was soooooo bad (I used spray paint cans) - this one I left behind from my workplace somewhere in the pacific but I bought it for a cheap price bec. I saw it from an old store in Seoul (like a typical sari-sari store) which doesnt really sell models but just happens to be there - and so I ended up bringing the big box in the Airport as additions to my luggage.


    Scale Modelling however, brought me to love everything about every aircraft esp. US aircraft (F-14,F-15,F-16,A-10,F-22,F-117,Apache,Cobra,etc.) and Russian Aircraft(Su-27,Su-22,Mig-29,Antonov,Hind,etc).

    For now I am here in Kuala Lumpur and hoping to start again and continue and happen to see Trumpeter Model Kits which has China Airforce Aircrafts and they are on sale for 50% discount last month.


    Glad to hear from fellow amateur modellers.  I hope you can provide Paint Techniques esp. for us amateurs who were having problems with paints and gluing parts. 


    1. Are Spray Paint Cans that good? or should we invest in expensive Air Brush Machines? 

    2. Are there cheap Air Brush Machines (locally made or Purchase Abroad)? Price Range?

    3. How can we know when to use Spray paints or Brush?

    4. how about using Putty?  even now I still have problems with parts that have gaps when they are fitted?

    5. Any Particular techniques in painting camouflage like mixing Green/Black/White/Brown?

    6. Any tips about doing Weathering?

    I read about using a clear top coat paint after finishing the paints and the decals to preserve the look. I also read that the 'mint' condition of the scale model also depends on the genuine Decals which are based on hard-to-find real insignias from the military. 


    Keep us updated and good to hear from this forum.


    P.S.  Any info on where I can buy the original TOP GUN movie F-14?  as I've said it was already lost, and I wanted to buy again, but I can't search anything from the internet.  Any info would be very well appreciated. I think my previous model kit was made by Revell.  Thanks


    Hey tobats glad to see you drop by. You have a lot of good questions and I have some material for that, but most of it is in my laptop at home. I'll try to post some articles (or at least the URLs) from time to time for most of your questions. Its just a matter of time, I hope to complete posting that nice article I started within the week. Keep on building!

  9. cool.  a thread for plastic model hobbyists/enthusiasts.  dying breed na tayo.  kahit ako nga, nag-hibernate rin.


    used to do tanks when i was in grade school.  (that was the time na marami ka pa makikitang plastic models dun sa main branch ng national bookstore sa cubao.  :) )  i did it more for the toy perspective.  kahit na punuin ng cement yung gitna, basta dumikit!  wala na pintura-pintura. :blush:  and the only ones you saw were tamiya, hasegawa and the occasional revell.


    in high school (in the us), semi-active lang.  a kit took months to build (maybe even a year?).  but i did stockpiling.  mainly star wars ako nun.  i had the x-wing, snowspeeder, darth vader tie fighter, AT-AT, BIG scale millenium falcon (gift from my sis  :) ).  i only got to finish x-wing and snowspeeder and some other small scale military aircraft (f-16 and a-10).  it was also the first time i got into painting the models.  spray paint first and then graduating to a single action airbrush with propellant can.  thankfully, nai-uwi dito sa pi yung AT-AT; still untouched up to now.  :blush:  but the (unbuilt) millenium falcon is still in the us and have no idea what its condition is now.  baka napatungan na ng kung ano yung kahon at pipe na.  :(  same goes for the other models i made...  masyado nang hassle just to bring them here.  :(


    tried a few car models when i got back here to pass the time.  2 nissan skyline models.  that was before college.  nag-hibernate during college.  did some f1 models after college.  am now back in hibernation mode.  meron nang asawa at anak e.  and most of the free time is spent on ps2.  :P


    though i ought to fix up those f1 models and put them on display.  sayang naman kung mabanish na lang.  does anyone know where to get those acrylic cases?  or is it easier to make one?  para hindi naman alikabukin ng todo when its out.  and so that no one will pick them up and play with them! 


    most irritating line i've ever heard - "do the wipers move?  oops!"  Well, duh!!!  it's not a real car, is it?  sheesh, tao talaga.  worst one is a maid dusted an f1 model with a rag.  pag-kita ko, tanggal na lahat ng wings and steering wheel, and the side mirrors and antennas were missing in action.  galit na galit ako nun!  :angry:  :grr:  bought another one to do over again.  non-hobbyists don't understand us at all...  :(  at least my wife does.  :D


    Have to find out about those acrylic cases too. If I run across Shakespeare Ng, I will ask him since he has some kits on display with acrylic cases. I suspect somebody makes them to order. Anyway, we're not as few as we believe, there are a lot of closet scale modelers out there. The funny thing is, we have two competing organizations, the IPMS Philippines Bert Anido Chapter, which is the older one, and the IPMS Philippines which is a sister IPMS of a US IPMS. My impression is that both are not on speaking terms. Sayang naman.

  10. Me262 Komet - Pre sorry for nitpicking but Me 262 is a Stormbird / Stromvogel. Me163 is the Komet  :D


    Revell's Apollo 11 moon landing diorama was a nice build for an 11 year old kid - Can't find a model of that anymore. I haven't even remember if there is one in any store I visited.

    What I didn't like about prop planes is that they only look good with the landing gears down, and it would have to be on the shelf. - exactly, & their silhouettes are the same. Jets have more 'exotic' shapes (e.g. delta wing, double delta, swept wwing, swing wing, etc)

    My last build was a Bandai Enterprise NCC-1701, but it's not really a plastic model kit - it was a prepainted snapfit.  But it looks great, though! -  The Kirk or Picard Enterprise? To think of it, the only science / sci fi kits I built are Gundams. Medyo relaxin gkasi no research neccesary.

    What I don't like with some decals is they turn yellow after some time.  So if it's on a white plastic kit, it looks out of place - Pre overcoat your model with Future Floor Polish. You can airbrush it since it's dilute. it acts as a protective cover yun nga lang medyo glossy dating kits mo. I read in a recent FSM back issue that you add something to Futur to make their sheen semi gloss.


    You add Tamiya Base Paint to Future to make it semi-gloss or flat. I'm currently experimenting with the Johnsons Wipe and Shine because my English friend, who is also an avid modeler and chemistry professor, says it is similar to future, although the local product is milky, while Future is clear. I've used it to dip canopies in, and it does give that gloss shine that Future does, even if it is milky, the stuff still dries clear. I will find out if I can use it to gloss coat a model to prepare it for oil washes.


    BTW, I prefer jets to props too, but I will build a prop every now and then.

  11. Haven't seen a Batman kit lately.  The closest was a die cast Johnny Lightning Batmobile that you needed to assemble.


    Regarding Jedi or StarWars, ERTL has a StarWars line, but they are not to scale. 


    Fine Molds has accurate models of the X-Wing (Red Squadron - Red 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor, Jedi Starfighter with Lightspeed booster ring (Episode 2 starfighter), and the all time Japanese favorite StarWars craft - Slave 1.  All in 1:72 scale.


    Most of the StarWars models are available at Specialty Toys.  Price range - P800 to P4500, depending on the size of the model.


    If the kit is not available locally, you can go to www.hlj.com and order it from them.  They can ship it to the Philippines, but you'll have to work with the customs at the post office regarding taxes and import duties.

    Yes, I remember seeing some of the AMT/ERTL Starwars kits at Winston's shops. I haven't seen the Finemolds 1/72 Millenium Falcon although basing on Finemold's prices, I'm sure that would cost a lot!


    That is what I hate with Mail Order. Most of the time post office customs will rip you off for tariffs and taxes. I did a trade once with an Aussie and I asked him to dirty and soil the box so it would look used. I think there is a Pinoy mail order company that delivers door to door, they take care of ordering it for you in the US then ship it here. I just forgot their name.

  12. mga bro how much ang isa, I would like to buy batman ang jedi's



    Haven't seen a Batman kit lately.  The closest was a die cast Johnny Lightning Batmobile that you needed to assemble.


    Regarding Jedi or StarWars, ERTL has a StarWars line, but they are not to scale. 


    Fine Molds has accurate models of the X-Wing (Red Squadron - Red 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor, Jedi Starfighter with Lightspeed booster ring (Episode 2 starfighter), and the all time Japanese favorite StarWars craft - Slave 1.  All in 1:72 scale.


    Most of the StarWars models are available at Specialty Toys.  Price range - P800 to P4500, depending on the size of the model.


    If the kit is not available locally, you can go to www.hlj.com and order it from them.  They can ship it to the Philippines, but you'll have to work with the customs at the post office regarding taxes and import duties.


    A few months ago I saw the Bandai 1/35 scale Batmobile kit in Roel's shop in Makati Cinema Square. Although I really wanted to buy it, it was too steep for me (I think it was more than P2K). Anyway, here is what it looks like:





  13. thought i'd share something here.


    i started building models when i was 13.  i bought and built the Tamiya PzKpfw II and Sdkfz 222 (1/35)from National bookstore in Crossing.  Went on to build more tanks and attempted building a Mi 24 Hind (1/48) but armor was what i really loved building.


    i concentrate mainly on German WW2 armor and figures.  I dont know  but i've always been fascinated by anything German.  their AFVs are way too cool!  as Dr. Pepper mentioned i also source my kits from the Chinese guy who runs shops in AliMall, GH, ATC etc.  sometimes at Lil's but i tried ordering via the internet at Hobbylink Japan.  Cool and fast service, they offer some kits with unusual subjects.  the price is competetive too.


    i build mostly for fun and relaxation.  but with the advent of the internet, having unlimited access to a wealth of information one cannot help but conduct his personal research with regards to the kit you are building.  there are numerous websites as Dr. Pepper mentioned like ML, HS, armorama, planet armor, PMMS etc to help you with your model building.  i also have this urge to take my model a step further.  before i was satisfied with OOTB builds but now i want to detail it more!  in the modeller's lingo: AMS (advanced modellers syndrome)! but i want to clarify that i am not an advanced modeller, i only want an accurate kit.  oh God thank you for the new Dragon kits!  :thumbsupsmiley:


    also, being a bit older (31) i have more funds to divert for my hobby (to the chagrin of my wife! LOL  :D ).  now i can buy resin figures and PE upgrade sets that when I was in college hangang pangarap lang ako! hehehe.  ang dami ng choices and manufacturers of different models specially with WW2 AFVs!  before we only had Tamiya and Italeri and Hasegawa.  now, we have Dragon, Trumpeter, Tristar, ICM, Minibox, Academy etc! 


    i have lots of unopened kits, i temporarily took a break from scale modelling due to space constraints.  our house (condo unit) is too small to accommodate my stash!  sayang, i left them at my parent's home.  i'll get back to it again once i get a bigger house!  LOL! yeah i wish!


    i'm just glad to know that i have fellow scale modellers here!  also, i want to know who builds or are interested in WW2 German armor?


    Same here. I'm happy that there are a lot of us here. I think German WWII armor is really kewl, dig those 3 tone camos especially the ambush pattern! Glad to share with my fellow modellers!


    Nice handle. I'm partial to the Panzer Lehr myself.

  14. Used to have such an account with RCBC. Which other banks are currently offering such a product, bro?


    Almost all of the universal/commercial banks have UITF products now, and even some thrift banks have it too, like Robinsons Bank and Keppel. The big boys have a family of UIT funds that are targeted to different market sectors too. The investors don't really have a choice if they want better than Time Deposit or money market rates, as the Common Trust Funds will be shifted by October of this year.

  15. Is there a criminal complaint if the victim illegally crossed the street most of coastal road/C5/Edsa/etc? or a tricycle/pedicab is on a national road where they are not allowed?


    What would be the condition?


    Criminal liability would accrue if there occurs physical injuries or damage to property due to reckless imprudence. Even if there may be contributory negligence by the victim, such as violating an ordinance or law, a defendant would still be criminally liable if the injury or damage was caused by his/her reckless imprudence. What constitutes reckless imprudence will most likely depend on the particular circumstances of the incident and which may be drawn from the decisions of the courts in similar cases.

  16. I didn't like Uris' "Battle Cry". Among his books, I was impressed by that least. I enjoyed his "Armageddon".


    Has anyone read "Third World War: August 1985" by General Sir John Hackett? That was scary.


    You guys interested in the IDF, too?


    Yes re: the IDF. Currently reading a book on The Six Day War.

  17. If Im not mistaken, a criminal complaint for reckless imprudence resulting to damage to property and/or physical injuries prescribes in two months.


    Please correct me if Im wrong:-)


    You're probably right. It's been such a long time! :D

  18. calling all bankers, loan agents, loan sharks, investors.

    I would like to loan around 1 to 1.5 million for a piggery in bulacan.


    anyone interested please post the details of the loan.

    i can even double your money in 5 years.


    I would suggest you go to a thrift bank, more particularly, one of the numerous savings banks in the country like PS Bank, BPI Savings, Equitable Savings Bank, RCBC Savings Bank, Robinsons Savings Bank and go through the process for getting a loan. Thrift banks are now required to lend to small and medium enterprises, aside from agri/agra loans. They will be more than happy to talk to you.



    Q: What is a Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF)?

    A: UITF is a pooled investment fund that commingles the monies of investors into a single dynamic portfolio of investments and made available by units of participation. The units of participation will be based on the price of the fund on date of purchase. The UITF was created by the issuance of BSP Circular 447 to align the management of pooled investment funds with global standards.


    Q: How is the price of the fund computed?

    A: The price of the fund is the Net Asset Value Per Unit (NAVPU). The NAVPU is equal to Net Asset Value (NAV) divided by the outstanding units of participation in the fund.


    Q: What is Net Asset Value (NAV)?

    A: NAV is the total market value of the financial instruments of the fund less expenses such as taxes, fees and other qualified operating expenses.


    Q: Why is market price used for valuing the financial instruments of the fund?

    A: UITF employs global standards by using a mark-to-market (MTM) valuation method for all financial instruments of the fund. This means instruments are valued daily against end of day market prices. It provides equitable treatment to investors coming in and out of the fund because it offers a fair price for the purchase and redemption of units of participation.


    Q: Is investing in UITFs safe?

    A: Yes. Investments will be limited to high-grade and highly-liquid instruments such as time deposits government securities. However, because of the valuation method used, an investor may be exposed to price risk when he redeems, if interest rates are volatile. Client can defer redemption until market conditions become more favorable. It should be noted that exposure to price risk in UITFs is the same as in other long-term investments.


    Q: What are the benefits of participating in UITFs?

    A: A: Investors can enjoy several benefits:


    Ability to participate in high-yielding long-term financial instruments in the fund but will not necessarily lock up client's money.


    With a minimum required contribution, participants can enjoy a wide selection of financial instruments and thus minimizing risks. Clients have the opportunity to access different instruments not normally available to retail investors.


    Opportunity for higher returns due to possible capital gains on top of accrued income.


    Pool of funds can reduce transactional costs bringing potential savings.


    Q: What are the other global standards used by the UITF?

    A: An accredited BSP 3rd party custodian will safekeep the securities of the fund while an independent auditor acceptable to the BSP will audit each UITF annually.


    Q: How will an investor know where the fund is invested?

    A: A list of prospective and outstanding financial instruments of the fund will be made available at the Head Office of Asiatrust Bank.


    Q: How can an investor compare the performance of their trustee bank versus others?

    A: At least once a week, all trustee banks will publish in major dailies, the performance of the fund, which include the latest NAVPU and the Return on Investment.


    Q: Why cannot an indicative rate be quoted?

    A: Indicative rates cannot be quoted because of the valuation method used.


    Q: What will an investor receive to evidence his participation?

    A: An investor will be receiving a Confirmation of Participation that indicates the name of investor, value date, NAVPU, currency amount of investment and the number of units pruchased.


    Q: What is an ideal minimum investment horizon for UITF?

    A: We are encouraging a minimum investment horizon of at least one (1) year because the fund has opportunities for higher returns due to possible capital gains on top of accrued income.


    Q: When can an investor withdraw his investment?

    A: Investors may withdraw after the minimum holding period of the UITF has been met. The investor can still redeem his investment even before the required minimum holding period but subject to an exit fee.


    Q: Why is there a need to impose an exit fee?

    A: The exit fee will be used to defray the processing cost of the client's pretermination in the fund.


    You may post here or PM me for any questions. Thanks for looking.

  20. The reality is, you cant. One can only enter into a compromise agreement with regard to the civil liability. So kahit na naareglo pa yung kaso in the sense that you paid for the medical expenses and/or  gave additional money for whatever reason, you cannot prevent the other party from filing a criminal case for reckless imprudence.


    But the criminal complaint must be filed within a reasonable time. I don't remember whether there is a prescriptive period. Anyone?

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