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Sir Galahad®

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Posts posted by Sir Galahad®

  1. Of course there are no problems with hotels and serviced apartments, but that is only if you are staying for a full day or more


    I have never gone beyond 12 hours in a motel or a serviced apartment.


    During my debauchery days, I would stay at a hotel for 2 to 3 nights and various people would go in and out, if you know what I mean ;)

  2. いふぇえlゔぇり













    Para di off topic: The one who is making me sad today is because she hasn't communicated with me today... Not even a simple Hello :(

  3. Space is one thing that religion cannot explain fully. I mean a millenia ago people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun and the planets revolved around it, and outside of the solar system is a substance that makes up heaven (I think they called it Aether).


    Now we get pictures that makes us simply a speck in the universe, the pale blue dot.


    As for why they haven't contacted us, there are some possibilities


    1. They are just like us, so it meant they did not master space travel as well and are still confined to their planet


    2. The sci-fi series star trek, which talks about the alpha, beta, gamma and delta quadrants. They are only about the milky way. They even didn't touch the andromeda galaxy. All in all there is an estimated 225 billion galaxies in the observable universe. And are really really far from each other. Maybe they have tried to contact us, but they way light travels, it would take millions of years just to reach us. To send a message to andromeda, it would take 2.5 million years to send and another 2.5 million years to send it back.


    3. Another theory is also in star trek, is that they have a directive not to bother with civilizations less advanced then we are.


    "The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” (from the movie contact)



  4. Nung high school, I was actually obsessed with grades haha.... Ended up 2nd Honorable Mention with the Slimmest of Margins, kaunti na lang dapat Salutatorian ako except that kasama sa computation % ng 3rd year hehe.


    Nung college, at the start. And then I got a failing grade, in drafting of all subjects. Tsk! Although I'm a Brilliant yet Lazy kind of guy so I'm an A to B+ in college


    I would have gotten a silver medal (WTD AVG of between 1.76 and 2.09) except for the failure though.


    But I enjoyed the drinking and the overnight parties when I reached college. And contrary to what they say Mapuans can have fun too.

  5. Call it Fake or Scripted, but day in day out, you get bruised. They are like stuntmen who are doing it all year. Consider Daniel Bryan or Edge. They suffered career ending injuries due to the maneuvers they were doing.


    Part of the reason the fanbase got smaller was because they got rid of the attitude that made them famous.


    I mean changing the move names to make them "kid friendly"? I prefer F.U. over attitude adjustment

  6. Let's be honest, calling names while stating facts shows that you have a degree of animosity towards that person. Hehe!


    We can't pit each other one on one because Lebron is an explosive player and can blow by you. Larry on the other hand is a very smart player and if he gets hot anything he throws will most likely go in. And he is a better shooter.


    Strength and Speed would go to Lebron, but Larry is the smarter player. And in the 80's where you can do hard, even dirty defense (think John Stockton), Bird plays defense that can annoy the person he is guarding.


    We never saw Lebron have a scoring Duel with somebody. Bird has a lot of great ones again Wilkins (it's fun to watch those over and over again)


    For me consistency is Key - I go for Larry Bird.

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