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Sir Galahad®

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Posts posted by Sir Galahad®

  1. The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel


    They usually have an extra stanza when they sing it live, it includes these lines...


    Now the years are rolling by me
    They are rocking evenly
    I am older than I once was
    And younger than I’ll be
    But that’s not unusual
    No, it isn’t strange
    After changes upon changes
    We are more or less the same
    After changes we are more or less the same.
  2. "Houki Gumo" (ホウキ雲) - Comet Cloud


    This is what I get from watching Yakitate Japan hahahaha!


    彗雲の向コウに見つけた 一粒の星は
    輝く星でも かすかな星でも 君だけの光
    さぁ この手をひらいて 今 何を信じますか?


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