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Posts posted by johnlove

  1. For that amount of money, you can buy a GTS 450 and can play most games at medium to high settings. Bear in mind that powerful videocards demand robust power supplies (PSU). If the power supply that you are presently using came with the computer casing, then it is most probably the generic type. You must purchase a branded, true rated PSU to accomodate the more power videocard.


    PSU brands that I would recommend are: HEC Cougar, Corsair, Antec, Enermax, Silverstone, FSP. Make sure that you purchase at least 500 watts.


    Hope this helps.


    Stay away from iMaster power supply, they are worse than most generic power supply. Do not be deceive by the 'professional' looks of it's cable.

    iMaster uses low grade components that might damage your pc components in the future.

  2. i'm retiring my Nvidia 8500 GT after 1 and a half year of service. i'm a semi hard core gamer, currently playing Metro 2033, world of warcraft, mass effect 2, DA series, starcraft II and so far i'm having a bit of lag when i pulled out hard on the graphics. any advise on what graphic card i could get next?? thanks in advance!


    btw, future games that i want to play are: H.A.W.X. 2, DA 2, dead space 2, diablo III and a whole lot more.

    get a card with GTX 460 oc 1gig memory

  3. Every single vehicle I have owned, be they off-road or plain use, are diesel machines.


    This is for the very simple reason that I always drive pick-ups - which are all diesel-fed here in Pinas.


    If you drive long distances for pleasure, like say 720 kilometers going up the extreme north of Luzon, heavily loaded with people and cargo, and no repair facilities in sight, and you only meet the occasional fellow vehicle every hour or so, you will want something tough, durable, can take merciless treatment, and keep plugging on.


    That can only be a diesel machine.


    There is a reason you never see a puny flimsy gas engine burning overpriced gasoline installed in serious, heavy duty trucks, anywhere on this planet.


    A very good reason.


    Leave the gas engines to them city boys and the electric cars to them tree-hugging environmentalists. They can't take nothing stronger.




    Very well said.

  4. i'd been hearing bad comments about n8 like, if you let it drained the battery won't charge again! also, its push email is erratic, it doesn't update or very late (as in, days!) in updating at all.


    and the worst part is, it's all true according to my friends in nokia and smart!


    i call it 'new entrant blues'. the technology isn't perfect for first batch models, the correcting firmware isn't far but a few months wait is in order. yeah, the first explorers get the first arrows

    I'm sorry to hear that, I guess that will send me back to Globe and iphone.

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