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black cat

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Posts posted by black cat

  1. anyone here..tried the Green tee tabs of HealthyOptions. HO is claiming its ephedra-free and so its really friendly for the heart, so they say. Wala raw palpitation sa mga mahihina ang puso. It helps the body lose fat daw 43% faster than other known brands...is there no FRs for this? i'd like to try this tabs as supplement for my 2x a week badminton to increase my rate of slimming...


    Alam ko si Google gumagamit nyan at very effective nga raw sa kanya (pero may mas mura dyan.. yun sa kin nabili ko lang sa isang seller sa femalenetwork.. effective rin naman sa kin). Pero kung kaya mo naman uminom ng green tea.. mas okey yun at mas mura pa! ;)

  2. THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED TO IT. as in wala silang choice in the matter. they were dealt bad hands at the genetic lottery.


    Napanood ko pala sa Oprah.. sobrang tataba nung mga tao na episode.. sa first post ko pa lang, I was asking kung meron nga bang choice ang mga ganitong tao.. ng mapanood ko yun Oprah.. meron naman pala talagang choice. Kung gusto mo talaga mag-trim down, aayusin mo lang yun eating habits mo at mag-exercise ka. There is no such thing na inborn na mataba. Kontrolado natin ang buhay natin.. lahat pwede nating gawin kung gugustuhin lang natin.


    Kung may sakit ka naman sa thyroid chuchu mo, di ipagamot mo. Pag may ubo ka nga, ginagamot mo eh.


    Di naman nga kailangan talaga na maganda ang katawan ng tao.. at di rin dapat ikahiya ang katabaan.. pero di naman talaga equal ang opportunity ng isang attractive na tao at sa hinde. Kung equal ang intelligence and qualifications, tapos pareho din maganda ang mukha.. sino pipiliin ng employer? Yun mas maganda ang katawan syempre. Don't burn me for this kse hindi naman ako ang author ng ganyang mga pangyayari kaya hindi ako ang may kasalanan nun (ine-explain ko ng mabuti para di na ko masabihang mahina ang ulo ko :blink: :P)

  3. nah...that's what i call lazy


    Lagot ka, may maghuhuramentado na naman dito nyan... hahaha! :lol:


    Missmanners, first and foremost, I never intended to pick a fight and it's good that you have ended it since you were the one who started it (in the first place). But I don't need your sarcasm just to prove that your "banat" was all wrong. You don't have to preach that what's important is what's inside.. of course.. we all know that and I even agreed naman di ba.


    You seem to hate people who judge other people by their looks.. but you know what... you are not different from them (only in a different light). You regard people who won't agree to your views as dumb, narrow-minded and who thinks similarly as Marcos.


    To get back on the topic:

    The real world: fat people are less healthy and less attractive (I did not say "panget".. nililinaw ko na yan kse baka mali na naman ang interpret).. all my previous posts were intended to convince people who are out of shape that there are more benefits on keeping fit and trim than staying fat. It is no way to be taken as criticism or even prejudism. I have nothing against fat people... I am just stating what's happening and what's real.. it may be a bitter pill to swallow but that's the harsh realities of life.


    Fact is, my husband is currently out of shape.. he is overweight by 20 lbs... I want him to get in shape because I love him and I care about his health.. though he is happy and contented with the way he is now (sabi nya), ayoko pumayag! Kaya kinukulit ko syang mag-badminton, basketball, golf, etc.. kahit anong sport activity kinukulit ko sya (sinasamahan ko pa!). Kung tutuusin, dapat maging masaya ako na may beer belly sya.. at least mas konting girls ang magkaka-interes sa kanya.. pero ayoko pa rin. Does it mean na hindi ko na sya mahal? Mahal ko nga sya kaya gusto kong mag-trim down sya.. it's for his own good. :)

  4. Yeah... the problem with people here is that they try to justify being fat by claiming that people who have great bodies are bad people, mayabang, hindi magaling sa kama, etc. Tama ba yun? That's simply sour-graping. :rolleyes:


    Again, if you're really happy with your life... stay healthy.. para matagal ka pang mabuhay sa masaya mong buhay. ;) And para sa mga matataba.. if you're really proud that you're fat.. di kayo dapat nagsa-sour grape.. di ba? :rolleyes: Lagay nyo na lang.. to each his own... wag nyo kaming pakialaman dahil mas gusto namin maging mataba. :cool:


    Nga pala... I am not skinny... fyi, I have the right curves at the right places (pakitingnan na lang sa pic gallery.. dare to bare thread). Yes.. pinagyayabang ko talaga yan. :rolleyes: :upside: :lol: Yan kse ang bonus ko for trying to stay healthy. :cool:


    I don't even have to convince myself or anybody that I am happy... it shows naman eh. :)

  5. I had some fat/chubby female friends ...and most of them are Better Lovers than those sexy but egoistic ladies, who think they are Gifts from God.



    Missmanners... look o, he/she also referred to his/her friends as fat/chubby. Di ba dapat awayin mo rin sya.. porke ba sinabi nyang better lovers okey na yun sa yo? :blink: :P

  6. no one else thinks like you around here. i don't see anyone saying they agree with you.


    Read again... seems that you don't understand what you're reading. :blink:


    Many have posted that being fat is UNHEALTHY. Di pa ba malinaw sa yo yun? And hey, don't brag about your life here.. convince yourself more that life for you is good... I will not argue with that (coz that's not the topic). :rolleyes:


    I never judged you missmanners.. you were the first one who judged me... you were the first one who insulted me. Again, if you find the adjective FAT very offending.. then, that's your problem (awayin mo rin si Sex Guru o.. hehehe). :D


    Besides, wala kang isang salita.. akala ko ba di ka na magpopost dito sa thread na to? (Ikaw nagsabi ha.. walang nagbabawal sa yo). Sa Net na nga lang, maski word of honor na lang sana ang ipagmalaki mo.. wala rin pala. :rolleyes:

  7. :lol:


    i will not allow myself to get entrenched in personal attacks... because obviously, miss black cat, you are part of a very small minority with very small brains. no one else thinks like you around here. i don't see anyone saying they agree with you.


    miss black cat, i wish you a happy life. i've been blessed many times over in mine. i surround myself with good people. and i also have a brain and a good heart. a brain that i use all the time and a heart that doesn't judge based on looks.


    unlike you.


    so good luck to you, your skinny body and your skinny brain. good luck also to everyone you encounter in this life. i just hope that they pass your very high standards to make it to your elite circle of sexiness.




    Hahaha! Look who's talking about personal attacks? And you're even claiming that you are smart? Hahaha! Smart people don't have common sense pala? :blink: (ni hindi mo kaya sundan yun topic ng thread eh.. matalino ka ng lagay na yan? :rolleyes: :blink: :lol: )


    And hey.. hindi porke mataba ka, monopolize mo na ang pagiging matalino. Pwede ka rin maging sexy, matalino at maganda. Masama ugali ng ganun? Inggit ka lang. Hahaha! :lol:


    Galit ka ba sa mundo kse di tumalab sa yo ang South Beach Diet? Cool ka lang kse.. after 2 weeks pa bago mo makita resulta nyan.. at samahan mo rin kse ng exercise. ;)


    Sa last post mo para kay google... inamin mo rin na ang pagiging mataba ay hindi healthy.. kaya patingin ka na rin sa doctor.. kung ano mang problema ng glands mo.. kung pwede pati glands sa utak pacheck-up mo na rin.. hahahaha! :lol:

  8. Hahaha! Speaking of sex, pano naging magaling yun madaling mapagod? Hahaha! Laging depende yan.. may taong payat na hindi magaling sa sex.. may taong mataba na hindi rin magaling sa sex. So, hindi porke mataba or payat ang isang tao, guaranty na yun na magaling sya sa sex.


    At hindi rin porke mataba, hindi na masama ang ugali at hindi tatamaan ng karma. :rolleyes: (mas madali nga silang tamaan kse malaki sila... hahahaha! okey.. that was a joke! :P)


    Anyway, as I've said, AGAIN, being fat is not healthy. Bonus na lang if you look good because you have a nice body. Marami rin namang pangit na payat. So, hindi issue dito kung maganda ka o pangit ka. Since nasa health and fitness thread tayo.... IT'S ALL ABOUT HEALTH!!!



  9. as a matter of fact, miss black cat, i am very happy with my life right now. i don't care what people have to say about me. i have more than i can ever wish for--a family that loves me, friends who will k*ll for me, a job i enjoy to high heavens, and everything else that can possibly make life comfortable. i am also proud of myself because i have an open mind--a mind that doesn't judge people on how they look. which is more than i can say for you.


    Well, you don't have to convince me that you're happy with your life. :) The way you post shows that you have hang-ups on being fat.


    We're just discussing here why one shouldn't be proud of being fat. Yes, some people may have accepted the fact that they are fat.. but.. why be happy if you're not healthy? If you're not healthy, mas maiksi ang buhay mo.. that's also a fact. If you're truly happy with your life, dapat pahabain mo pa ang buhay mo.


    That was my point. You just have to misconstrue it with your negative way of thinking.


    That's your problem... that's happiness for you. :)

  10. Missmanners.. hindi rin porke maganda ang katawan ng tao ay automatic na mayabang at walang utak. Nasa studies yun na mas malinaw ka lang mag-isip at hindi makitid ang utak pag healthy ka (READ: hindi ko sinabi na mahina ang utak ng matataba.. ikaw ang nag-conclude nun).


    Tignan mo ikaw, ang dali mag-init ng ulo mo at napaka-negative ng pagtingin mo sa buhay. Kulang pa ang nagastos mo sa south beach diet mo.. dagdagan mo pa. :lol:

  11. BRAVO ! :) 


    actually hindi lang in this country...even in US ganyan, discrimination..dati sa skin color nagyun naman sa body build..pansin ko nga din sa mga sexy at machong katawan medyo mayayabang nga ang dating. pero wag ka... karamihan dyan BAKLA naman..:) HAHAHHA


    at totoong hindi lang discipline ang kailangan mo sa pag papayat, magastos din yan !! diet + gym ??

    sa hirap ng panahon ngayon ??


    quote nga sa komersyal........... INVEST IN YOUR MIND !! :)


    It's not even discrimination. If you think that sexy/macho people get better opportunities than the fat ones, then, that's your problem.


    Pano ba naging mayabang? Porke confident ka sa sarili mo, mayabang na ba tawag dun? :blink: Nayayabangan ka siguro kse naiinggit ka kse mas napapansin sila. :rolleyes: :lol:


    Invest in your mind.. mas malinaw ka mag-isip pag healthy ka. Pag mataba ka, madali uminit ulo mo (mataas kse ang cholesterol sa dugo) at madali kang mapagod... pano ka mag-iisip ng malinaw nyan di ba? :goatee:


    Di mo kailangan gumastos para lang magpapayat... DISIPLINA lang yan. :hypocritesmiley:

  12. hindi mo ako papatulan?


    accept yourself. whatever size you are, however you look, love begins by loving yourself. when you learn to drown out negative comments that will only bring pain and hurt, and learn to appreciate everything that you've been given and sharing happiness with others in return, then that is a life worth living.


    i wish everyone can have this.


    Yup.. di kita pinatulan kse di naman kita inaway just like what you did.


    Look, you were the one who took "mataba" as something negative. I only used it to describe (adjective) my friend who is really mataba. And she herself recognized that it was indeed a problem.


    You know what.. if you're really happy with the way you are now, you wouldn't have reacted that way. So what if the world is unfair? If you really are happy, it should not matter even if people would say something bad about being fat.


    Still.... being fat is not healthy.. so, why do you have to be proud of yourself if you're fat? Being fat means you don't know how to discipline yourself.. it means you have bad eating habits and you don't exercise.

  13. By the way, yun post ko, it doesn't mean na walang karapatan ang mga matataba na matawag na attractive. Ang ibig ko lang kseng sabihin.. mas marami talaga advantage pag hindi ka oversize.. mas malaki yun chance mo na mapansin or matawag na attractive. Marami naman akong kakilala na mataba pero maganda ang mga mukha. Pero sila mismo, nire-resent nilang mataba sila.


    Ikaw missmanners, di ba nagsa-South Beach Diet ka ngayon? Bat gusto mo rin magpapayat?


    Yun lang. B)

  14. Missmanners, I didn't mean to offend you with my post. I'm sorry if you were fat and you got so touchy about this topic. :blink:


    As for my girlfriend.. yes, we are friends. True friends shouldn't be pretentious. If you're fat (and you're my friend), I'll tell it straight to your face that you're out of shape.. why? .. because I care. Not because I want my friend to look good (bonus na lang yun actually).. I want her to be healthy too! Now, if you're only Missmanners.. I don't care if you pig yourself out and get fat.. why?.. because I don't care.


    I just posted my views regarding the topic.. I don't think you have the right to crucify me for it just because we didn't have the same views.


    I'm not even slim.. sexy lang siguro.. hahahaha! :lol:


    And puhleeeez... you're acting like Marcos yourself... you're bullying me! Nanghahamon ka ba ng away? Sorry, di kita papatulan. :)


    Welcome to the real world missmanners! Nakarinig ka na ba ng "wow! ang taba!".. di ba wala namang ganun? Harsh it may seem.. pero ganun talaga yun. And yes... I'm rubbing that in. B)


    (OT): Peeves, fully booked na ko this weekend.. next weekend siguro pwede na ko ulit mag-boxing. Pahiramin mo na lang ako ng gloves mo.. hehehe :P

  15. "What is essential is invisible to the eye."


    Sabi nga sa isang text message dati.. mas importante daw ang pangloob na kaanyuan... ang catch dun (sabi rin sa text), yan daw ang usually sinasabi ng mga pangit! hahaha! :D Anyway, agree naman ako na mas importante talaga ang pangloob na kaanyuan blah.. blah.. blah :cool:


    BUT.. we also need to accept the FACT that good looks matter. It's a reality that if you're fat, less people would take notice of you (or worse, nobody would even notice you at all). Being fat is less attractive... that's the reason why there are slimming tablets, lyposuction, gyms, etc. Wala namang fattening tablets di ba or kung meron man, I'm sure hindi malaki ang market share nun.


    I'll give you one example why it is better to be trim (aside from health reasons of course). Yun isang girl friend ko na mataba, palagi syang nahuhuli ng pulis at naglalagay sya para di makuha license nya. I told her na wag maglagay, gamitin nya ang charm nya.. pero wala pa rin daw epekto. Ako.. kahit ilang beses na ko nahuli.. never pa ko naglagay kase nadadaan ko sa "charm" yung pulis. Nang malaman nya yun.. magpapapayat na daw sya dahil napaka-unfair naman daw talaga ng mundo.


    Hindi naman sa ini-small natin ang matataba. Napapag-usapan lang kase nga meron naman tayo dapat na choice. Yun iba nga lang talaga, ang alam ko nasa genes na nila yun kaya wala na talagang choice.. pero ganun nga ba yun? Di ba lagi naman nga tayong may choice?


    Speaking of attitude... kung maganda na ang katawan at mukha mo, maganda pa ang kalooban mo... bah.. dreamgirl/boy ka na! :P Eh kung maganda lang ang katawan mo? Attractive pa rin di ba.. kahit pangit ang mukha mo, dami pa ring magnanasa sa yo.. sabi nga ng guy friend ko, takpan na lang daw ng sako.. hahaha! (term yata dun "hipon"?) :D :blink: Pero pag mataba ka, kailangan mo pang ipakita ang mabuti mong kalooban para lang mapansin ka. Masama talaga at pangit pakinggan pero yun ang katotohanan.


    Kaya tara na mag-exercise at maging healthy!

  16. Alam mo, may mga friends akong matataba.. nahihirapan daw sila magpapayat eh. Mahina naman nga sila kumain.. siguro may sakit sila kaya ganun? :blink:


    Is it really a choice? Baka naman wala lang talaga silang choice.. sinasabi na lang nilang masaya sila na mataba sila since tinanggap na lang nila na wala na silang pag-asang pumayat. :blink:

  17. for example..u have a Plan 2000, u can consume that 2000 thru local & international calls, SMS, etc..and by default....any excess of ur plan will be charged the standard rates


    ganyan din sa smart. :cool:


    hirap lang sa sun, pag gabi na at wala ng "araw", ang hirap na maka-connect. :D inaasar ko nga mga friends kong sun ang line.. pang-araw lang kako ang mga linya nila.. :lol:

  18. I dropped my globe acct before because of their foreign currency adjustment (na di nila ma-explain kung pano i-compute) and when you text to other networks, kahit di mo naubos yun free text mo, they would still charge you. Kundi ba naman sila mga mukhang pera. :rolleyes:

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  19. Dear Y,


    I told you I hated you for coming into my life. And I hate you for even wanting me to be your friend despite everything I've said and done. I hate you for seemingly not to feel anything bad against me. I hate you because you don't hate me at all.


    But you know what, I really missed you. I wish I could just say yes everytime you'd ask me to see you.. but I really can't.


    I'm sorry for everything. Sorry, for not even having the guts to tell you goodbye personally. I wish I could have hugged you one last time.


    Your fool,



  20. hi guys,


    can you guys suggest a diet for me and my fiancè?


    i'm  weighing 130 lbs., my height is 5ft.8in. (not ideal right?) i want gain a bit more weight...


    while my fiancè weighs 180-185lbs. (i think) and stands about 5ft.,7in., a bit overweight don't you think? she wants to lose weight...


    any suggestion is highly appreciated  :D


    anong a bit overweight? overweight talaga sya! :P


    pwedeng mag-readback ka? marami kang mapupulot na tip.. ;)


    para sa yo naman.. sa gym buff thread ka magbasa. :)

  21. yeah...guys are guys...


    and yes, no matter what i say or do he will make the decision by himself. masakit pero true. thanks sis...i just feel like someone so important to me died...and im helpless...


    tama sila...you only realize how much you're loosing when you've lost it.


    i just pray he comes back to me...i wasn't naman that bad for him to dump me like that...i just wish he'd come to his senses...soon.


    pray for me...


    Hey... know what? Everything happens for a reason. ALWAYS.. God has better plans... ;)


    It's okey if you wanna sulk in a corner for awhile.. give yourself time to heal. If he eventually asks you back.. think about it first... sometimes, being in a relationship is not all about love. How easy for him to give up on you (kahit kasalanan mo pa)... do you think he's still worthy of your love?

  22. Hi Chelly!


    If he needs space, then give him just that. I believe that if he really loves you, he will soon realize his mistakes and ask you back without you making any effort (to make him come back).


    Guys are guys. Kung ayaw na nila, di mo sila mapipilit.. the same way na pag gusto ka nila talaga, they'll do everything (even swallow their pride kahit ikaw pa may kasalanan) just to win the girl's heart.

  23. san nakakabili ng green tea capsules? how much?


    ang pinaka-effective na diet na na-try ko ung no food after six with taebo... sobrang bilis un nga lang nagka-hyperacidity ako :(


    sis, don't starve yourself kase.. small but frequent meal works.. ;)


    i forgot na how much.. around 300 yata.. ym id nya is: jhengky_0579

  24. No carbs is very effective for me. I also drink lots of water plus yun green tea capsules.. kase I don't drink tea eh. :P


    Lots of cardio exercise of course. Di na ko diet ngayon pero I keep on losing weight pa rin... I try to control my weight though, pag bumaba na sa ideal weight ko, lalantak ako ng pagkain nyan.. nyek.. napaka-unhealthy ba? Ayoko naman kseng pumayat ng sobra, hindi na bagay sa face ko.

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