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black cat

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Posts posted by black cat

  1. That's an unfair question, to me, and the two ladies, but let me answer it anyway. 


    I know.. pero nangyayari talaga yan... di ba? :)


    Podweed... Chunky chose the sexy one.. pinaikot lang nya, pero yun ang pinili nya. ;)


    Google, I've never met Chunky. Anyway, I don't need anybody's (from the net) judgement or approval that I look good. More than enough na sa kin yun reaction ng mga ka-interact ko in real life. B) Besides, does one need to have a great body just to post a view that being fat is generally unhealthy (and disadvantageous)? I don't think so.... :)


    Speaking of mental health issues.. again, the scenarios you have presented Mr. Chunky are more of the exceptions. Anyway, sabi nga, ang tao raw, normal na walang contentment sa buhay.. pero syempre it's just a state of the mind na naman. One may choose to be contented and stay the way he/she is. While the other one may strive harder to achieve what he/she wants in life (bakit, lahat ba ng nagi-strive rin for perfection automatic na sakitin? :blink: ). In short, case to case basis yan.. wala yun sa pagiging mataba o mapayat.


    Eto pinost na dati: Bakit naman nagta-thrive ang mga slimming business kung mas okey maging mataba? :huh:

  2. that's 4 hours in one weekend. siyempre pag weekend, wala kang hinahabol na oras

    so maraming rest period in-between that's why it takes me that long in the gym and

    i'm actually a morning person so i hit the gym opening time and by lunch, i'm done na

    to go malling, meet up with friends, gimik, etc.    :)


    ako din, minsan more than 4 hours pa sa gym pag weekends... kasama na pag-shower dun tska kung may treatment ako. ;)


    i workout at least 3x a week.. 2 hours/day... that's 1 hour cardio and 1 hour for the weight training.


    try nyo rin pala belly dancing.. nakakaliit nga sya talaga ng tyan. :cool:

  3. this is one helpful thread :)


    has anyone tried lipolight? its being offered by the belo medical group, i saw its add in the papers yesterday, looks promising kasi, no invasive procedures and outpatient lang.


    Yan ba yung mesotherapy/lipodissolve? :unsure:


    Balita ko, sa Asian Hospital daw meron nyan.. P5,000 per session lang (30 injections).. para rin daw nag-abs workout ka.

  4. Hehehe.. mga sistah.. mga cheaters pala kayo eh! :P


    Kidding aside, para sa kin, okay lang yan.. why do we have to torture ourselves di ba? Honestly, di ako naniniwala sa diet diet na yan.. mas effective pa rin yun balanced diet tska lots of exercise. Green tea also works! (in capsule form or liquid form) :cool:


    Btw mga sistah.. avoid sweets lang (yun ang malakas makalaki ng balakang.. guilty rin ako coz I can't live without chocolates! hehehe.. anyway, bine-burn ko na lang yun calories by doubling my cardio workouts everytime I'd pig-out on chocolates) tska moderate drinking lang. Wag na lang beer kse malakas din makalaki ng tyan yun. :P


    Shoot.. I drank san mig light last saturday.. naka-5 bottles ako.. hehehe :D

  5. I suppose the real issue here is whether one's self esteem should suffer on account of body mass. I think it shouldn't, although it would be nice if we were all physically healthy, a low self esteem would definitely agravate things. And like Dobermaxx says, its more important if you're happy with everything else. Cant say Im proud to be fat, but im fine with it.  B)


    I agree... :cool: ;)


    Mr. Chunky, I would like to point out that what we've been discussing here is more of the "general rule".. of course, it's already a given that in every rule, there is an exception. B) If someone is overweight or underweight.. well, both conditions are not the average di ba.. might as well do something to correct it. I didn't say though that it is automatically unhealthy. But the possibility that is is indeed unhealthy should be taken into consideration since it is not within average. If you have taken the CBC, take note that the normal amounts are indicated beside your actual count. That's what I'm talking about... being overweight/underweight is not normal.


    Anyway, if one is happy with the way he/she is.. I think anyone's unfair judgement towards looks shouldn't matter. If one is really happy, you don't need to sour grape on people who has great bodies. I just stated the harsh realities of life.. I wasn't even the author of it. ;)


    Guys, I have a question (I hope Mr. Chunky would also answer):


    If you're currently hiring an assistant.. 2 ladies were shortlisted.. meaning, they're both intelligent, both came from a good school, and lastly, parehong maganda ang mukha. Ang difference lang, yun isa mataba (hindi chubby ha, mataba!) tapos yun isa sexy. Sino ngayon ang pipiliin nyo? :)


    Yun lang po. Cheers everyone! B)

  6. I really don't want to offend anybody with my statement... I'm just curious why people ... who are obviously have a larger body than the average sized people would say that they are proud to be fat rather than taking time to commit themselves in regualr exercise and diet..... did they lost their will to trim down or what?  I used to be really fat when I felt that I need to trim down when I was in highschool.... kasi panget na nga ako then it would be complemented by my very big belly...  kay todo exercise ako at diet.. pero not to the extent of torturing myself.....  lahat ng tao pwde magpapayat ..... they just need time and determination.. pati discipline... pero bakit ang daming gustong maging large framed sila for life? Why? not to offend kasi marami din ako friends na large...


    This is the topic Mr. Chunky. I answered it and gave my views about it kaya ako andito. Cheers! :)


    Anyway, being overweight/fat is really not healthy. Anything in excessive is not right. I think everyone knows that. Suzuki, kung love handles lang, okay lang yan, wag lang overweight.. kse di na maganda sa health mo yun. Eat sensibly na lang, I'm sure you have enough cardio activities already (hehehe)... it's for your own good mister. Mmwah! :*

  7. i took the initiative to say let's end this, and even wished you well.


    Come on missmanners.. you make it seem like inaapi kita. Ikaw naman nag-umpisa eh.. I even said I'm sorry if I have offended you but you wouldn't stop. Now, I'm giving you what you want.. umaatras ka? At panay pa ang paalam mo.. pero andito ka pa rin. :P


    Kung pintasan ka sa physical attribute mo, wala kang magagawa.. sa yun ang tingin sa yo eh.. iba iba naman kse ang tingin ng tao (beauty is relative nga di ba)... but to pre-judge one's character.. that is absolutely uncalled for.


    Dati pa kita pinagtanong.. sa flirt thread pa lang.. I was curious kse how you look like.. kse the manner by which you post, parang maganda ka eh. Kaya ayun, noon ko pa nalaman na mataba ka. :P

  8. exactly what is my body type, miss black cat? did i ever give any indication of which type i fall in?


    body type does not dictate what kind of brain you're going to have. is this even medically explainable?


    You're fat? Well, that's how your so-called brilliant-minded friends describe you.


    Oo pag mataba ka, di marami kang cholesterol.. di madali ka rin uminit ang ulo. :P Yan.. medically explainable yan. Magpa-BP ka kaya. :D

  9. but i stand by my word. there is nothing wrong with idealism. there is nothing wrong with fighting against convention. strength of character is proven when we deal with ordinary situations extraordinarily. what is wrong with going the extra mile and fighting against the common misconception that life isn't fair anyway? what is wrong in saying that everyone deserves the same chances in life whatever they look like?


    Oh... welcome back missmanners! :)


    Of course there is nothing wrong with idealism. We all have our own way of living our life.. to each his own lang yan. Problem with you, you're too intelligent to accept the fact that people don't think alike. There's a way to post your views without having to insult those whose views differ from yours.


    Why would you want this topic closed? This is one good example how two people with different body type handle agitation. Let them decide which path to take.


    Cheer up.. this is only a board/forum.. there is life outside this board. B)



    Sound Body, Sound Mind.

  10. oh i can write wonderful fiction as well, miss black cat. you'd be happy to know that. ;)


    HAHAHAHAHA! :lol: You didn't even have to indicate that my sexy friend.. it was soooo obvious that you are really very imaginative. ;)


    Huy teka, I'll give you a tip sistah.... try to trim your oversized belly este ego pala (sabagay, pareho na rin yun) :lol: :D so you can find a real boyfriend (instead na imaginary lang).. bakasakali mabawasan ang pagiging cranky mo. :D


    Good day ill... errrrr miss manners! ;)


    Going back to the topic... who says life is fair? It isn't... so, why fight it? Instead, just go with the flow and maximize the benefits of being attractive coupled with having a good brain and a good heart. Ang good brain and heart kse di naman kagad nakikita yan.. kung baga, kung pwede rin lang pakyawin lahat para mas "liyamado" ka sa bakbakan sa buhay... bakit hinde? Hindi ba okey na game plan yun? ;) Kailangan naman kse MAPANSIN ka muna bago mo maipakita na meron kang good brain at good heart eh.


    So... stay fit and healthy! May bonus pa na mas attractive kang tingnan... usually, yun "iba" na di ganong attractive (hindi ko nilalahat ha.. ang mag-react, guilty! :P), pansin ko galit sila sa mundo kse sinisisi nila ang genes nila bakit sila less attractive. Bakit naman isisisi mo sa genes mo.. gawan mo na lang ng paraan! ;) At least, di mo kailangan gumastos para sa mga hindi mo kakilala para lang mapansin ka at mapakita mo ang good brain and heart mo... hindi mo kailangan ipagpilitan ang sarili mo sa isang grupo maski nire-reject ka... and lastly, di mo kailangan i-offer ang bahay mo sa mga strangers para lang ma-accept ka sa isang grupo at magkaron ka ng mga kaibigan (how pathetic). :P


    Who says life is fair again? :huh:

  11. Read: I am not proud that I am fat but I am proud that I can make myself  successful even if I am fat.


    That's good. Of course, all we need is pure determination and hard work to get what we want. Cheers to you sistah! :cool:


    By the way, if I may suggest, pinaka-effective pa rin yun eat at least 6 times a day.. in small quantities ha. If you could avoid eating fatty foods (anything fried tska taba ng pork) and non-complex carbos (sweets).. better. After 6 also works. Kung di mo kaya hindi kumain after 6, at least wag ka na mag-rice. Mas mabagal ang pag-lose mo ng weight, mas matagal to bumalik. So, slow but surely dapat. Learn to eat sensibly and exercise (kahit twice a week lang)... concentrate ka muna sa cardio till ma-reach mo yun desirable body weight mo tska ka mag-body toning (weights). If you want to learn more, may topic na "diet" dito rin sa health and fitness section. Goodluck! ;)

  12. Ideally speaking, I agree with what you posted missmanners.. but that's not what's happening in the real world (writer ka nga.. bagay ka pumalit kay Hans Christian Andersen.. bravo! :cool: ). Please also refer to Lord Zagato's post.


    By the way, I'm not stupid not to notice that your post was dripping with sarcasm.. no matter how you mask it with niceties (tupperware yata tawag dun in layman's term :unsure: :P ).. since from the start up till the end that you called for a truce, you have judged what kind of person I am though you don't really know me. Coming from a person who's advocating for equal opportunities.. that doesn't seem to fit the equation. Have you ever tried practicing what you preach? I could go on and slap you with all my achievements (well, that's aside from having a great body... hehehe), but as you have indicated, I'm sitting comfortably my pretty ass (take note, my pretty ass :P) on a high horse to ever stoop down to your level. Hey, at least the horse can take on my weight! :lol:


    Uh oh.. sorry that you do not have a monopoly on sarcasm, my sexy friend. And you know what... you don't have to be so smart just to learn how to be civilized. Have a nice day mis.. errr... missmanners. :)

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