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Posts posted by babymaker

  1. For women, it is PRACTICAL to get real MEN, men who actually have enough income to take care of the women, house, feed, clothe, raise children. So some women, the hypergamous, practical women, are attracted to PROVIDERS.


    Young men usually cannot provide YET, it takes some men some time to ramp up his income to a level that can support a family.


    Provider men, prefer young women.

  2. im a 25 year old guy and i have fallen for lady 15 years older than me.


    i'd like to know if anybody has experienced this. what were the obstacles you encountered?


    if you haven't had such a relationship. what do you think of it?


    Do not marry her... UNLESS she is VERY rich. :D

    Your mommy will usually NOT approve... ever.

    Your parents will be concerned you will not have children because she will be too old.

    It is unreasonable for your OLD girl, not to expect you to have other women eventually when she gets older and retires from sex (menopause) far earlier than you.


    If she is very rich, and she really loves you, she should supply you with younger women just for sex.

  3. Knowing exactly what women to avoid and actually not falling in love with one is a different thing. Here is my recent story.


    Met the prettiest girl I laid my eyes on 2 days ago. She was absolutely stunning, but my guard was up since I knew she was the most dangerous type of woman: the woman who you can't avoid. She is a car show model and has a contract with a tv network. I could tell she knew my guard was up, so she did every trick in the book to break my walls down. She offered her number, I refused because I know this chick will mess me up and honestly I knew this would get her interested. I said that she text me instead, and this I know made her more interested. Things eventually led to drinks and kisses, I knew I was in trouble when she told me "magtiwala ka di kita sasaktan", this line was all that was needed to make me vulnerable.


    The next day I picked her up went to my place, same thing flirting, kisses and drinks. This time her phone was ringing every 5 seconds. She put her phone into silent and said shell stay for the night. I knew someone she was seeing was texting repeatedly, and then after an anxious expression that she had to go. She said she will be back tomorrow., I knew she was playing. I knew from the start that she was dangerous and my mind was saying avoid her at all costs, but it was almost as if I am addicted to her. Damn if looks can k*ll this is it. I'm doing the best I can to stop feeling this way for this girl. She admitted she was molested when she was a kid and had red flags all over. But there is such a woman that is almost impossible to avoid if not impossible.


    I would avoid this kind of woman.

    One could get KILLED messing with a woman with a jealous BF or HUSBAND.

    Do not let yourself be used as a tool.

    My friend wound up in JAIL because of this kind of woman.

  4. The baby I will have is NOT PURE.... not purely mine. Genetically speaking.

    Women absorb dna, keep the dna, of every male she has been inseminated with.

    Studies have shown this.

    Animal breeders know this.

    Ask your top dog breeder if he still considers a bitch will be able to create PURE BRED dogs if in her first litter she was bred by a MONGREL STUD.

    Ha ha ha.

  5. guys...


    just a quick question...


    i'm still confused right now, discovering that i have a brother from another mother...


    i still don't know how to react...


    Men having children with MULTIPLE WOMEN is absolutely, historically, and prehistorically NORMAL.


    The only problem I see is children being taught on TV, radio, or their religion, or by their own mothers that that FACT is TABOO.


    You need to be re-educated for you yourself to study just HOW NORMAL having half siblings is. Dalawa sinko yan.


    CELEBRATE! Imagine having more brothers and sisters to celebrate life and help each other... blood blood blood makes family.

    • Winner! (+1) 1
  6. The Filipinos have a system that works:


    #1 - nobody is forcing you to get married. so if the no divorce marriage is not for you. then do not get married.


    #2 - boyfriend girl friend relationships and live ins are de facto marriage just like your american anglo saxon european idiocy.


    #3 - sex less marriages or low sex marriages are balanced by the KABIT system


    #4 - marriages keep the FILIPINO FAMILY together for a great majority of people. The FAMILY is our nation's foundation!


    We do not have WELFARE in the Philippines. What most of you forget. We / you and I have to take care of our old people, our young people, and other people who cannot care for themselves. FAMILY is what we have.


    DESTROY everything about the Filipino family and our culture / our nation / our people are LOST.


    Let's keep our culture FILIPINO.

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