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Posts posted by babymaker

  1. Handsome or at least very presentable men can and do end up with - pardon the term - ugly women. Or to be more politically correct, aesthetically challenged females. As Private Ryan said, fallen from the top of the ugly tree.


    Prime example: Manny Villar and Cynthia "Battleaxe" Aguilar - Villar.


    What are the possible reasons?


    Money? Tremendous sexual prowess on the part of the female? Gayuma?


    Please to share your thoughts. TIA.


    There's money of course when the man is CONSCIOUS about what he is getting into.


    There's also love, caring and cooking that I know a friend who went for that.


    There's also the case of love is blind, the man was temporarily blinded or his taste in women is off... like what happened to me at 17, until my own MOM told me STERNLY that my Girlfriend was BUTT UGLY... so I dropped her immediately... mom knows best.


    So please, someone who cares... TELL THE GUY his chick is UGLY.

  2. Hey,


    a nice lady friend of mine brought up a shocking topic...


    his 10th month old boyfriend would hurt him physically, everytime they talked on different issues.


    Tell me why do some guys would lift their strong hands at delicate women?


    ( When I met the guy, ...I "Knocked" his head off and make him realized that a woman should be well taken cared of, treated well with utmost respect, and pampered. )


    though I believe in the afterlife, why? why do men hurt women physically?


    please kindly share your thoughts my fellow brother....


    I know a young lady who was a battered live in girl friend.

    Upon further investigation, I found out that the young lady herself was a verbally and physically abusive batterer and instigator.

    Young lady was a short fused anal screaming violent bitch herself... who starts s@%t... and receives the same s@%t in return.


    So a BIG WARNING to all you would be "hero" / knight in shining armour to the rescue boys of those battered ladies... DON'T DO IT. Do not catch that prospect girl who claims to be battered. There are 2 sides to the same story. There is a big percentage that lady is just as violent as her previous man. It takes 2 to tango.


    Couples will always have fights... it is how you fight that matters.

  3. hey anyone?? what makes relationship work?? sex or love??


    i think sex makes relationship work partners should be compatible.


    parang 80% sex 20% love


    what do you think?? hmmm dry.gif


    3+ CHILDREN - Money - Commitment Forever Mindset - Love - Sex


    Lots of children between each other, especially the more sons you have, the more solid you will be.

    For example if you had 3 or more sons... rock solid.


    It is biology, it is a long explanation.

  4. This is what is so wrong with society.


    It is the mis-education of our very own children... teenagers specifically.


    The correct teaching is SEX is nature's way of REPRODUCING.


    And reproducing - having babies - is a GOOD thing... survival of the species... survival of your blood line.


    Wanting to have sex is like being a dog in HEAT. You need it you want it you have to have it.


    The ugly thing is MIS-EDUCATION... teaching our youngsters to FEAR their OWN babies... renamed as "consequences", renamed as "responsibility", renamed as "financial burden"... and that "you are never ready to have them".


    This is NUTS.


    We should teach our youngsters NOT to fear real sex. Which probably makes babies.


    What most of the RH bill mindset is doing is teaching "contraceptive sex"... "safe sex"... basically REAL life reproducing NATURAL SEX is shown in a NEGATIVE LIGHT as UNSAFE sex...


    Talk about SABOTAGE of our children!




    Well, I'm not doing that bull s@%t to my children.

    I will teach them that all grand children are WELCOME!

    It does not matter the circumstances, they will come because you are of reproductive age.

  5. Avoid hot headed cursing women.

    Verbally abusive women.

    Violent women.


    These are the same women who were "battered" / binubugbog by their previous partners.

    And with their subsequent partners they are still "battered".


    Why? Because their personality is hot headed and verbally abusive to all those men she previously partnered with.


    So if you meet a new chick who says she was "battered"? Stay away from them. RUN!


    Most likely the reason she was battered if you ask those men, was that she herself was hot headed, verbally abusive, and may have been VIOLENT herself toward those previous men.


    So stay away from women who claim they were BATTERED by their previous partners.

  6. Well 100% loyal for the rest of his life may be almost impossible.

    But at least strive for 90% - 95% pwede na di ba?


    My Lola's Technique:


    - pag kinalabit... GAME... "I never say no!"


    My other Lola's Technique:


    - where he is assigned... I go with him... do not believe in long distance relationships... wife must go with husband wherever he goes.


    A tip I heard a mother in law say to her daughter in law:


    - fulfill all your husband's (my son's) sexual fantasies.

    - be his porn star


    What I see from the ultimate 70+ year old grand mother I idolize:


    - make children in great numbers

    - love him, be sweet, thoughtful, respectful

    - never ever nag


    What I see in some advice columns


    - initiate sex some times


    What I think:


    - give him all the sex he needs, women want monogamy but do not "put out" have sex enough with their husbands to justify monogamy. So you put out 1 or 2 times a month? s@%t... that is obviously NOT ENOUGH.

    - if your man is drained of semen when he gets out the door, he won't have bullets to shoot elsewhere.

    - maintain health and figure and beauty

    - wear the hottest shorts and tank tops at home until your 50s... kaya yan if you are healthy...


    Do not use condoms on your husband... sex with condoms suck... big time.


    Do not use chemical contraceptives or disabling ligation... disabled fertility... means disabled sexuality... no more pheromone or vibration beauty / attractiveness signals... you will lose it all.... including your man.


    If you need birth control... learn NFP... skin to skin... internal vaginal cum is wifely sex... Pull out is frustrating for your man too.


    If it is your fertile time... you can always SWALLOW... hell if you are the chick that swallows... you are the bomb!


    Strive to be his best and most varied lover... learn various sex moves.

  7. Mahal mo silang lahat.

    Lahat kayong lalaki kaya magmahal ng madami.

    Mahal mo nanay mo at tatay mo.

    Mahal mo mga lola mo at lolo mo... 2 pares pa yan.

    Mahal mo lahat ng kapatid mo.

    Mahal mo lahat ng anak mo.


    Kaartehan lang yan sa TV at radio na hindi mo kayang mahalin silang lahat.


    Ang sabihin mo, bitin ang pera.

  8. Yung dream girl ko skin to skin palagi, walang condom, putok sa loob lagi.


    Paulit ulit kong binuntis dream girl ko.


    Inalagaan ko ang kalusugan ng dream girl ko, wastong pagkain at pahinga. Hindi ko linason ang dream girl ko ng pills, injectables or ligation or IUD.


    24 years na kami ng dream girl ko, dream girl pa din ang katawan, mukha at appeal ng dream girl ko.

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