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Posts posted by babymaker

  1. For some reason the purpose of this thread is not clear to most readers...


    I have teenage daughters. You may have daughters too.

    I want my daughters to marry well:

    ... for life

    ... to have the most children they can have

    ... to a loving man who will be there for her... for life.

    ... to a man who she can have a home / house, have yayas,

    ... my daughters can make money via online businesses and have time for her children as well

    ... to a man who is a provider... who does not need a wife's income

    ... and at the same time the wife is not constrained to not do business... why we have the internet today.


    So where are these men?

  2. Its almost impossible, but still probable, to have the Best Men = Good Guys.


    Most Good Guys = Successful Men are not a show-off. They tend to be simple, i.e., no jewelry, will not flash their stack of 1000 bills, drive a non fancy cars.


    However, most of the Good Guys prefer plain looking RTWs. But if you will check the labels, they are designer brand, i.e. Ralph Lauren, Dunhill, Custom made pants by LOR's... etc.


    Moreover, they are into good personal hygiene, clean nails, well groom, sporting a good cologne, i.e. Drakkar, Fahrenheit, Jacobs, etc...


    Lastly, they tend to equate their intelligence and match it to the person they are talking too. Meaning if that person has not gone to a good school or even finished high school, these Good Guys will not look down on them but rather be more friendly and soft spoken.


    These are the traits of the Good Guys.


    Enroll my daughters in upscale, good schools so they have that badge of educated approval.


    Sounds good.

  3. When are they required to be honest?


    This question right here is the summary of it all... If you understand the answer to this, you will never be bitter, you will never feel bad, and you will never be well a victim.


    Becauss the answer to that is NEVER.... Hahahha..




    I would have to agree with this observation.

    With women, the only truth I can rely on is a paternity test!

  4. guys...


    just a quick question...


    i'm still confused right now, discovering that i have a brother from another mother...


    i still don't know how to react...


    I am a father to children from multiple different mothers.


    Celebrate! You've got more siblings!


    Blood. Magkakamukha. Pretty. Handsome.


    You lucky kids.

  5. I'm pro-family and thus pro-polygamy.

    In my thesis of observations of the improvements we can have in this country in the future is to legalize polygamy.

    Polygamy is the dark knight most people do not think about, but it will be the saving grace for most families.

    Maybe in my 70+ years I will form a lobby to group for the future of our nation.

    May our descendants be blessed.


    To be on topic... both or more wives should be accommodated.

  6. Just had a session with a Top Thera, and what I really liked was her sexual and sensual proclivity- totally game and DTF. The take away is that of you really like the zex, it can be hard to find regular partners from RL with that specific set of skills honed over many experiences. 10,000 hours ha ha ha


    Bro, unless fully live without condom and putok sa loob ang sex, hindi ko ma appreciate.

  7. I used to try to check all the boxes that made a GOOD BOY / Nice guy.


    Unfortunately that old blue pill paradigm does not work in REAL LIFE.


    Nice guys finish last is what I learned.


    Nice guys will be treated like DIRT.


    Unless you have a woman who was EDUCATED how to appreciate a nice guy.


    Instinctively for women, women respond better and treat guys better when they have OTHER WOMEN, or realize they have the potential to easily get other women.


    Thus my new paradigm is a combination of the Nice Guy (Beta Provider) and Bad Boy (Alpha Lover)


    Nice Guys MUST BE Polygamous... so you will be treated better, so that you will be appreciated.

    (Alpha Lover + Provider)

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  8. In the days before the internet...


    ... women who wanted to have career had to go outside the home to "work"

    ... women who wanted to have a college degree had to go outside the home to get "educated"


    In the time of fast internet and internet everywhere


    ... women can now choose to be educated at "home"

    ... women can have career, work or business at "home"


    Thus if a woman is intelligent and capable, she can now have the great option of


    ... getting married at the most desirable ages of "18-23"

    ... being able to finish college, financial education at home

    ... being able to work have a business at home


    Thus if she is 18-23, she can play the virginity card.

    Marry me before any sex.

    "Christian Grey" - the most desirable men providers will be presented the option of marrying a young traditional virgin wife.

    Surely there will be candidate men who will bite.


    This way the young women will be financially secure.

    Sexually pure.

    Pure mother.

    To be able to raise a fairly large amount of children with ease.


    This is my formula for CAREER and LOVE

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