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    Doing good things.

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  1. Looking for VOIP Supplier (Voice over IP) Need numbers for Tokyo Japan. Message me please.
  2. If Muslims have their own laws https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1977/02/04/presidential-decree-no-1083-s-1977-2/ Then Christians should have their own laws. (let them stay monogamous) Because there is a precedent. Then for the rest of the populace, we can open marriage laws to POLYGAMY for non Christians and non Muslims. If you are interested to know why POLYGAMY is important in PLENTY of ways... ask away.
  3. If you are MALE: "No money, no honey!" If you are FEMALE: "Get your man who is ready NOW who will love you, who has enough money to afford to house you, feed you, raise all the babies that will come out of you as he will desire to have as much non-contraceptive sex with you for all your short sexy years. And you can only get such a man to marry you while you are at your hottest times... 16-24." Time pressure is on women. Mabilis tumanda. Money pressure on men.
  4. Beautiful sexy submissive swallows on demand bears lots of kids.
  5. Lets discuss the POSITIVE angles of why sex work, sex industry, sex workers are integral to society. I will begin this thread with this video. Just maximize the volume on your player. Listen... matters of the heart... this is on topic. Feel free to submit your hypothesis and positive experiences.
  6. Where do you find the BEST MEN? You know, those Christian Grey types? Handsome, Providers, READY to get married and have children. I have daughters who are coming of age... and of course I want them to find / marry the BEST MEN. Ideas and experiences please.
  7. Gather collective tips from both our gracious ladies and gentlemen on tips for... How to Keep Your Man Faithful, Loyal to Only You ------ For the WHINERS who think this thread needs to be balanced by ANOTHER thread on how to keep WOMEN faithful to a man... go to THIS THREAD: How To Keep Your Woman Faithful, Loyal To Only You
  8. Eczema Cured by addressing Toxemia -------------- A 36 year old man was healed of his eczema on his face, ears, arms and his ravaged lower right leg. His healing began when a doctor correctly diagnosed his condition as Toxemia or Blood poisoning. Kidney cleansing brought rapid relief and monthly gallbladder-liver flushes removed more than 200 green stones which impaired his liver's blood cleansing function. His ordeal is documented and photographed at www.eczemacure.info http://www.eczemacure.info/images/fullsized/eczema_before_after.jpg www.eczemacure.info Dedicated to all eczema sufferers.
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