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Posts posted by artvader

  1. Orig games on PC:

    Rebel Assault 1&2, Dark Forces 1, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Knights of the Old Republic 1&2, Star Wars: Empire at War, Neverwinter Knights 1, Baldur's Gate 2, Warcraft 3.



    Asian Talkman, LOTR Tactics, Metal Gear AC!D 2, Monster Hunter Freedom



    NBA Live 2006


    I do try to buy original games whenever budget allows, but most of the time I just settle for pirated copies because original games have a ridiculously high cost and most games are crap (too short and no replayability value) anyways.

  2. I meant to say prototype for all other gundam models... as this one more closely resembles GMs than the souped-up Gundams that we know and love...

  3. Try nyo check yung MG Strike Freedom Gundam kakalabas lang dito sa Pinas actually ngayun lang ito lumabas dito... I think last year pa ito meron sa Japan gaya ng large scale lightning effects na 1/60 Strike Freedom Gundam... asteeg mga dude!!!


    Ito ang pinak malaking Large scale gundam na nagawa ng Bandai...

    Mangilan-ilan palang yung meron dito sa Pinas nung both master grade and Large scale nito.


    pero mas availale na yung nasa STARGAZER series...

    yun nga lang wala pa dito yung Stargazer Gundam so far sa nkikita ko... if somebody meron nang nakita pls tell me...


    Ang Stargazer series eh side story ng Seed Destiny while duriong ng pagbagsak ng Jinus 7.

    Dun nag start yung series na ito.


    Featuring Strike Noir at Stargazer Gundam plus other developed mobile suits....

    airing palang sa Japan maybe next year pa ito dito... so catch it up nalang sa Net yung mga episode. :cool: Keep it Cool!!!


    Are there going to be future episodes of Stargazer aside from the three fifteen minutes webisodes I saw? I'd love to see more of the Seed universe...


    I think the new Gundam series is Gundam Unicorn. Just dunno if it's just a novel or if they're gonna make an anime series, too. Although it's set in the UC period, it doesn't look like a typical gundam suit. Maybe that's because it's because it's a prototype and rumor has it that it is set a few moments before UC 01...

  4. I've been playing MSG: Portable Ops.


    Cool siya. Meron siya mode you can recruit new people in your army just by wardriving to different WiFi spots or using a GPS add-on. Para nga akong tanga palakad lakad all over town just to get a fresh wifi signal. Buti hindi pa naman ako nasasagasaan ng mga kotse...

  5. IMHO


    Ipod's get viruses bcuz they connect them to computers with viruses and download files with viruses.


    Batteries are on recall not only for Macs but for all other laptops that have the same battery manufacturers, Dell laptops have more of these batteries.


    MacBooks keep them updated, firmware, OS and all other updates. If you wanna buy one, get the 2nd Gens they now have better specs. Moreover, if you want less problems, keep the MacOS stay away form windows :)



    Dude, the Ipods they mentioned here had their virus infected straight from the manufacturer.




    Not to worry, though. Even Japan's McDonald's MP3 player happy meals had the same problem. Or maybe it's one of teir promo. Upsize your trojan virus to a spyware and get a free burger....

  6. Apple Computer seems to be suffering from a lot of problems with quality control lately: IPods are riddled with Windows viruses, laptop batteries are bursting into flames, and MacBooks are randomly shutting down.


    Every few days, there are fresh reports of battery recalls, mooing MacBooks or iPods that scratch too easily.


    But is Apple's reputation for quality really slipping?


    It's my impression that Apple's quality control is no better or worse than before -- we're just hearing about it more.


    Consider that Apple is growing like crazy. The company shipped 1.6 million Macs and 8.8 million iPods last quarter. That's more computers and iPods than in any three months in the company's history, representing a 30 percent to 35 percent annual growth rate.


    This past year, Apple sold more than 39 million iPods and 5.3 million Macs, all while switching to a brand new architecture based on Intel chips. If 99 percent of these Macs and iPods are in good working order, and 1 percent were defective, there would be 53,000 malfunctioning Macs out there and about 390,000 dodgy iPods.


    That's almost 450,000 upset Apple customers, all making a stink on forums and websites. I don't think there's anything like that number, or even half that, or half that.


    There obviously are some problems; that can't be denied. And certain machines seem more problematic than others. There are few complaints about the iMac, but lots of bitching about MacBook Pros.


    The problem is figuring out whether the problems are widespread, or restricted to a small -- but vocal -- minority. One of the joys of writing for the net is hearing from scores of copy Nazis and propellerheads if you make a mistake or express a controversial view. But if you write something people like, you hear nothing, not a peep.


    The same is true for quality control. You'll never hear from the silent majority of happy campers out there.


    Definitive numbers are hard to come by. Apple didn't respond to calls and e-mail asking for data or comment. A recent survey by PC World rated Apple and Lenovo laptops as the most reliable.


    The internet is a famous echo chamber. Post some pictures of a flaming power adapter on Flickr, and soon every blog in the universe has a report.


    I think Apple's problems are the corollary of falling crime statistics in the 1990s, which had mostly to do with demographics. In Apple's case, it's effectively doubled its market share for portables, and all of a sudden there are double the number of customers complaining about problems.


    Welcome to the mass market, Apple.


    By Leander Kahney

    WIRED Magazine

  7. Ok na din ang flyboys just for the fact that it's one of the rare WW1 dogfight movies out there. It basically follows the typical formula for this genre: a rebellious but talented protagonist, a cute chick for the hero, the token black guy, a 'loser' who turns out to be the savior at the end, and an ace enemy pilot that the hero dispatches in a non-traditional way.


    It's worth viewing at least once...

  8. The Departed is a good translation of the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs. The only bit I disliked about the American version is the ending. Unlike the original, the western version opted to just tie up all loose ends in this one movie, which is not bad per se, but it seemed kinda rushed the way they ended this movie.


    The HK version spawned both prequel and a sequel, which gave the audience another chance to get inside the head of the characters. Although Jack Nicholson's portrayal in the US version is good, it lacks the depth of the original character in the HK version.


    Overall I think it's still a great film.

  9. Yeah, dapat talaga piliin nyang mabuti ang magiging Director at Producer nito. Para di matulad sa House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark and other video games that were translated into a movie.


    Actually all those you mentioned were directed by the infamous Uwe Boll. So, to make a successful or moderately good video game to movie translation. Just hire anyone except that crappy excuse for a director.


    Sana they translate this movie as well as they did Silent Hill.

  10. Well consoles can play DVDs din naman eh... even those kind of quality films.


    Ang advantage lang ng PC sa gaming console is the control system for FPS games. No way can you beat the precision of a PC mouse and the WASD keys. In all other respect (when it comes to gaming), console boxes win.

  11. l think what will ultimately happen in the marvel universe is that vigilante heroes will head out of the US, possibly heading to Canada.


    There are rumors floating around that there will be a new Alpha Flight series and former US vigilante heroes might be the new members.


    One thing I hate about DC's reboot is that it makes for a very confusing timeline. All those history you knew about Superman's origin from 10 years ago is pretty much useless now...

  12. Uncle Ben ? Why don't you include Gwen Stacy. Supporting characters die especially if they are important elements of what makes the character become a hero just like Superman's parents dying in the explosion of Krypton and Batman's parents being killed by a mugger.

    Marvel's Captain Marvel is a relatively minor superhero so he remains dead. About Marvel making up a story that the character really didn't die, i don't see that difference between that and the way that Green Arrow and Jason Todd were resurrected from the dead. Both of those approaches are lame.


    Lame, maybe... but apparently effective, as what DC's done with GL's 'resurrection' and Superman's return from the land of the dead. Captain Marvel wasn't a minor character during those times, mind you. He was up there with Capt. A, Spidey and other Silver Age heroes during his time. That's why Alex Ross made him the central character in his bleak future of the Marvel Universe. His decendants... now they're the ones who are minor. Regarding Green Arrow , though: I still say that's the lamest resurrection story ever. Especially since he's also just a minor hero.


    'In the story, the soul of Oliver Queen had been contacted by Parallax, who wanted to bring Ollie back to life because he regretted not being there to save him. Queen refused, preferring the peace of Heaven, but allowed Parallax to resurrect his body.'


    -taken from his entry in Wikipedia.


    Ok, I'll admit Elektra's resurrection is similar to this one. So they both suck. But double penalty goes to DC for copying something that was gad-awful in the first place.


    Let's face it: one can't really say one is credible over the other by the number of character they've revived. Character ressurection storyline are sucky any way you look at it. And that goes for both comicbook universes.


    What I can say is this, though: Compared to DC's Infinite Crisis, Marvel's Civil War is starting to be a much better-written epic with longer lasting and significant consequences. After going through all the parts in Infinite Crisis (including all tie-ins and Preludes and Countdowns), I was severely disappointed with the ending in the last chapter of the series. It's as though nothing really significant happened. And as predicted, since it's another universe reboot, they set off to revive some characters. Again.

  13. Although DC has brought back certain characters which have died like Hal Jordan/Parallax, Jason Todd/Hush, etc., the fact that Barry Allen/Flash is still dead does make DC more credible than Marvel. Along with the original Supergirl's death, these events help retain the emotional impact of the Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries. When Marvel brought back Jean Grey after the Phoenix Saga, it did diminish the relevance of that major storyline as it renders it's climax mute and academic.


    To be honest, I didn't even realize that Thor died. Anyway, i think nobody believes that Thor will be dead anyway for long.


    I don't know about that... Green Arrow's resurrection was the lamest one I've read so far. And to think that he was a decomposing corpse already. As for Barry Allen: I don't think he 'died' in the traditional sense. He still pops up every so often. At least Uncle Ben is still dead and so is Captain Marvel. At least in the Marvel universe they make up a story that the character really didn't die. At least that's the trend these days...


    I think DC's got it easy when it comes to reviving their 'dead' characters. They just do another 'Crisis' storyline to shake up the timestream/reality and make the dead character alive again in the rebooted universe.


    I think they were really thinking of reviving Jean Grey from the very beginning (or at least from the time she first 'died'), that's why they adopted the code name Phoenix for her. What's a Phoenix if it doesn't rise up every now and then anyways?

  14. parang this civil war storyline parang di original....parang recycled na yung plot di ko lang ma pinpoint kung saan... :rolleyes:


    If you're thinking about the Mutant Registration act (circa 90's), then you're only half right. Pero doon hindi nila natuloy yun registration act and it affected only the mutant communities. Right now with civil war all Marvel heroes are either on one side of the conflict or the other... or migrated to Canada.


    Have anyone read the Black Panther wedding issue? Where did Prof. X come from? Kala ko he was missing since House of M? And how come he can walk again?

  15. sorry but chlamydia and gonorrhea are caused by bacteria.

    Anti virals will only work on viruses like HIV and Herpes, however, if it really works, then it should be a well publicized drug - imagine a cure for HIV.


    It's not only antiviral, but antibacterial. The substance is said to attack the lipid coating of these germs, weakening them. It works against multiple strains of these germs too.


    Its been publicized, but was not been given much media attention. I think Dr. Dayrit made a study about it... pero against HIV lang. But there are reports it works equally well with Herpes...

  16. I've been researching on the 'net and I came upon this substance called monolaurin. It seems to be an effective anti-viral supplement against some of the common STDs like HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes...


    Is it available here? It's actually a coconut derivative, but they say monolaurin is more effective than VCO in treating these viruses. The brand name for it is Lauricidin...

  17. Hindi ba na-realize ni Peter that he screwed himself up?


    I bet may gagawin yung boss niya (Jonah Jameson) about this...  Galit siya kay Spiderman eh..


    Para ganitong comic cover na to..


    Ang nakakatawa dito yung kakampi ng aso nagbato ng granada sa kalaban na aatakehin din ng aso... "Nice one soldier!"



    Actuallt after coming back to New York from Washington, a lawyer from the Daily Bugle approached Peter and was suing him for 'misrepresenting' the paper. JJJ felt he was betrayed by the 'one-person-he-trusted'. Spidey naman, sorta warned Tony that if something ever happens to him, Tony must take care of Aunt May and Mary Jane and to make sure that the opposite never happens (with Spidey surviving and MJ or Aunt May being killed).


    I think Tony should have his butt kicked by Cap. He's turning into a manipulative SOB...

  18. it tears down if not used properly. always make sure to "pinch" the tip when rolling down the condom para walang air -- this usually is the cause of breakage. i've used condoms all the time and it never broke. i got paranoid lang just due to the fact that i had sex w/ a g4h. now that im negative, i promised myself to never again do it w/ a g4h. and as always, always use condoms.


    i have a very strong feeling that you're negative. you were protected until the condom broke.


    and safer kind of sex is not abstinence but sex w/ a partner of known status = and with a condom. :) or masturbation, if you like.




    hang on pre. kaya yan :)



    Thanks. Hope you're right.


    It's partly the girl's fault din why the condom broke, eh... she used a vaginal suppository (which I'm assuming is petroleum-based) to tighten her opening. So na weaken yun condom.


    Although protected most of the time nga, it would only take that one unfortunate series of mishaps for the HIV to have gotten in. But they say naman it would have to take a lot of the virus to be able to infect someone... hopefully it rings true for me...

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