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Posts posted by artvader

  1. Not so sleek when fingerprints are all over the phone, though. I'm very wary about devices that use touchscreen technology: they're so fragile. But for the price they're selling the iPhone for and for its lack of features, I think I'll pass...


    It seems Apple zombies say that they can do without a certain feature until Steve Jobs starts adding it in his devices. Then they go 'ooohh... ahhhh... me want one.'

  2. Spoken like someone who hasn't used a Mac lately. But that's okay. If you know how to work with iLife especially the new iLife 08 you will appreciate more how the iPhone integrates with your Mac functionality. As a standalone device even the Prada phone might have more cachè, but when used with iLife, dot mac, and a MacBook Pro the integration is truly synergistic.


    I'm not even contesting the integration of the Mac with the iPhone. Of course it will integrate itself seamlessly with each other - they're being made by the same company.


    Now, that sounds like a solid case for an antitrust lawsuit to me, though... What has really bugged me: why is Microsoft taking so much flak from people saying that it's monopolizing the PC market when Apple itself is guilty of the same thing and more, actually? Now it even wants to corner the phone market!

  3. The iPhone is more than just a phone. It is a device that helps tie your communications and multimedia needs together so that you can be more productive and at the same time get to have some fun too. Remember, this device was designed by Apple Computer and not by a phone manufacturer so it goes beyond the usual paradigms.


    People who do not own or who have not used an Apple Product like an iPod or Macintosh computer will have a hard time understanding what I am trying to say, those who have will naturally recognize the cues opf where these products will interact together and how to use them. So your comparisons of N95 vs iPhone is just not valid because the iPhone does things that the n95 cannot do and does all of the things that the N95 does.


    I think I disagree. The iPhone doesn't have a GPS receiver (yet). It's basically just a 3G phone with a fancy touchscreen interface. I've actually used a couple of Macs and an iPod for a couple of years before and found the iPod to be counter-intuitive and the Mac to be artificially hyped-up. The N95's form just plain sucks, but function-wise it's very good. But I doubt both the N95 and the iPhone can beat the E90 in terms of connectivity and functionality.


    A lot of phones already have a touchscreen interface, though I can safely say it's not as creative in using it as the iPhone. But then, that is where I say it's counter-intuitive. While other phones with touchscreen doesn't innovate much in terms of interface, it does make it easier for first time users to make it perform the phone's functions without having to learn some special gestures.

  4. You can visit the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall... which is just a few kilometers from Taipei 101. If you're going to CKS memorial hall, then it would also be a good idea to head to Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, though CKS's place is look more grand.


    Long Shan temple is a good place to visit, too. I've always been fascinated by this place.


    Nearby is Xi Men Ting, I think it's like an equivalent of Hong Kong's Park Lane Shopper's Blvd.


    Taipei 101 itself is ok, but a little bland for a mall... too quiet and too classy for my taste, however, there are also other malls around Taipei 101 that are more upbeat. The observation deck is ok, but then you just came from a plane and I'm sure you're already sick of seeing buildings from a top down view.


    There's also this unique place I've been to just across the Taipei Main Station, just below KMall. It's called "Taipei Story House" wherein they set up a pseudo museum of what Taipei looked like in the early 1950's. Very rustic and so surprising to see how much the landscape has changed since then.


    If you're the artsy type, you can go to the Taipei Fine Arts museum, but most of the displays there are contemporary works. It's nice, but it's also very westernized already.


    Another thing you can do while in Taiwan is to count how many 7-11s you can spot during your whole trip. I swear this place should earn a Guinness record for the most number of convenience stores in every block.


    If you take the MRT you should be able to visit all these places (except for the Fine Arts museum, which you'll have to go across a Park to get to).


    One thing I really love about the place is the food. If possible, try sampling the native dishes.

  5. I really don't know what sort of appeal the iPhone has. It's not that spectacular, function-wise. Yet... people buy it even though the cellular network it supports has limited coverage (in the US at least). Weird. Maybe Steve Jobs has some kind of subliminal messages hidden in his ads or something that 'forces' people to buy his products.

  6. Comic book enthusiasts know that the Mighty Thor is back.. Actually, he has his own monthly title.. And in issue #3, Thor is going to battle Iron Man.. Apparently, Thor is pissed at Iron Man for cloning him (that led to the death of Goliath - Civil War).. and he will battle the tin man.. Hope Thor guts Iron Man alive.. mwehehehe!!!! :thumbsupsmiley: Can't wait to read the whole story on this one.. :P


    OH YEAH! YEE-HAH! I'ts a bit confusing, though that Don Blake is back. That has got to be one of the most weirdest alter ego I know.

  7. Yeah, but the poster actually wants to know why he's still on the black list even though he had already been given a clearance certificate.


    But regarding the root of the problem (not paying the 60K despite the interest), it really was the credit holder's responsibility to pay for the amount due even though no bank statement was given.

  8. While Whilce is a well-known penciller, I really think his time has come and gone. The relaunched Wetworks wasn't well received, and he's been taken off pencilling duties for the series he helped create and relaunch. Personally, I think he really needs to evolve his style. While his work is detailed, his shading is a bit too dirty...and his characters all feel too stiff. Here's hoping he can change his style so that it doesn't stay in the 90's.


    I agree. I've never really liked Whilce's pencils so much. He's a good artist, but I find his style too repetitive. He can't convey human facial expressions through his drawing as effective as other artists. I also notice that Whilce has problems drawing the hands. He'd always draw them out of proportion in relation to the body or that they're in a very generic pose (either the index finger or baby finger are extended or both).

  9. curious ako sa marvel universe..


    between the contemporary marvel characters versus their ULTIMATE counterpart, sino mananalo?


    start it off with iron man versus ultimate iron man


    I think mananalo si iron man kaysa kay ultimate iron man.


    masmaraming features ang armor nya as compared to UIM



    I agree. Nano tech na yun armor ni Tony sa Earth 616, eh... sa ultimate it's still a plain armor.


    Pero Ultimate Cap vs. Earth-616 cap... I'd go for the badass Ultimate Cap. heh heh... He can hold his own against Giant man and win.

  10. Yan ang hindi ko naisip!

    Well, I guess that's what I get for panicking. :)


    liquidtension: yeah, it's actually a good OS. It's not as "plug-and-play" as Windows is, at least not if you use your PC aside from the regular office work. Media is really difficult to configure at first. But when you get all your stuff together, it really does wonders.



    It's got a better 'plug and play' than Windows... When installing windows, I always have to have the drivers for my video card, sound card and LAN ready along with the Windows XP installer. With Ubuntu, I just pop in the disc and tell it to install... and it also install while I'm surfing the web pa. The only problem I have with it is that most of the softwares that I need to install are in the internet pa.

  11. Recently found out how to restore the GUI when the video driver configuration of ubuntu's messed up.


    Enter the following command in the terminal/linux prompt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg


    Hope somebody finds this useful.

  12. You can enable multiverse and other repositories from Synaptic to get more applications.

    Then there's also Medibuntu, where you can get some non-free stuff like codecs and Skype (if you need it)-- I don't remember the address exactly but you can Google for "Medibuntu".


    The problem with Ubuntu's native repository is that it isn't complete. The first thing I do after intalling Ubuntu is to turn on support for my NTFS drives by installing the "NTFS Config" tool. Everybody on the forum says its on the universe repository of Ubuntu, but Synaptic doesn't see it, nor does the Add/Remove Program module.


    I haven't experienced that "things turning green" problem though.


    It's the way the videos are handled, I think. It's actually an overlay on "top" or "bottom" of the desktop. So if I turn on Beryl and desktop effects, the video gets covered up with a mono colored block. But, when you pause the video or move the movie player, a "screenshot" of the currently playing video appears, until you un-pause it, that is.

  13. Hummm... what language did you choose when you installed it?



    US English. But it's ok now. All I needed to do was reboot and for some reason everything got back to normal. I hope it doesn't happen again, though.


    Can someone post the ideal Feisty Fawn repository listing here - including the non-free ones?


    Damn. I hope they make it even more user-friendly next release and won't have to rely on terminal commands anymore.


    I also ran into trouble recently with my display setting. I messed up the configuration in /etc/x11/xorg.conf as I was trying to follow the instructions on http://news.softpedia.com/news/Install-Nvi...dgy-44388.shtml . Then when I rebooted, the GUI wouldn't load and kept saying that the system display was misconfigured and ejected me to the unix prompt - which I have no idea whatsoever how to run commands in. If this were to happen again, what commands should I type to 1) go to the etc/x11 directory and 2) copy the backup of the old config file and replace the messed up config file with the old one?


    What I was intending to do was disable the video overlay because whenever I switch on the Desktop Effects, any videos that I play show up as a green colored screen.

  14. No, I don't think those were the National Bookstore reprints (though it does show your age if you remember seeing one...heh heh). I think those were the ones licensed by one of the local publishers here (Atlas publishing or one of those).


    But yeah, I also remember those National Bookstore reprints with the white back cover and a list of other children's book titles that National Bookstore were reprinting arranged in 2 column formats... sigh. Those were the days when superheroes were the embodiment of good and villains are evil through and through.

  15. who the hell is superboy prime? sorry di ko updated eh tnx! :D


    He's the Superboy of Earth Prime (pre-Crisis) from the Silver Age (1970's-1980's). This Superboy has the power to flick planets (yes, planets!) around like marbles! Compare that to the post crisis Superman who can't even go to outer space without a breathing apparatus. And this boy is insane. He can k*ll all the post crisis superheores single-handedly and he's not even affected by Kryptonite, unless if the Krytonite in question came from Earth Prime, which unfortunately doesn't exist right now.

  16. You might want to check out Planet X Comics's opening this weekend.




    Comic Odyssey invites you to the *GRAND OPENING* of our newest branch on SATURDAY JULY 7, 2007


    Level II, M2 S-2140e, EDSA Corner North Ave., Quezon City


    I don't even know what M2 S-2149e is. EDSA cor. North Ave, isn't that either Trinoma or SM City?

  17. if you mean Bart I'm not really sure because he's dead. Unless they still plan on bringing him back as Impulse.


    if you mean Wally, Wally is already officially a member of the latest Justice League of America roster. (read: Lightning Saga)

    I think Cyborg and Raven are in the current lineup of the Titans. They even brought Jericho back. Nightwing is too old to be a Titan.


    What the frug?!? Jericho? Of all the heroes to resurrect, they chose Jericho?!

  18. About Dark Horse, Stan Lee and the possibilty that Marvel has a relation with Dark Horse.


    Feedback is a fictional superhero created and originally portrayed by actor Matthew Atherton on the reality television series Who Wants to Be a Superhero?. As a result of winning the show, his character will be the subject of a Dark Horse Comics comic book to be written by Stan Lee and will be the featured character in an original Sci Fi Channel Thursday Night Movie. He also has his own audio series written by and starring him, done in collaboration with amateur audio groups Darker Projects and BrokenSea Productions.


    This is a partial article from the link I posted above.


    Can anyone confirm about the Dark Horse and MArvel??




    As far as I know Stan Lee is an independent creator now (i.e. he can work for any comic book publisher). His link to Marvel as of the present is purely honorific.

  19. I have both PLDT and Globe dsl, I can say that the GLobe dsl is way faster than the PLDT dsl using equivalent plans. Globe is also much more friendly towards those who have small businesses as they have a plan 998 for a business line with dsl, while PLDT charges 4,800 for it...

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