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Posts posted by p-colossus

  1. I am a believer of this. When I follow my heart, I become truly, genuinely happy. Though there are some things that I keep in mind before pursuing what it is that my heart wants.


    Years ago, I made the mistake of following my heart at the expense of hurting other people. And to this day, it still gives me some guilt. I chose to be selfish instead of thinking of those who loved and cared for me. Those are moments I can never get back.


    I did learn though. I learned to follow my heart, but I make sure there are no casualties. I make sure that I fight for what I want and for what I believe is right, but at the same time I learned to not inflict wounds that are unwarranted. So far it has worked well for me and for those around me.

  2. For the past months I've been using the money clip my girlfriend gave me. Boy did it make my life easier. No more bulky wallets and money and cards are easy to access. I love it.

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