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Edmund Dantes

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Status Replies posted by Edmund Dantes

  1. Perfect now my nose is bleeding! literally! f#&k this day!

  2. Perfect now my nose is bleeding! literally! f#&k this day!

  3. f#&k this day, cant do anything right with this migraine

  4. One Day More...

  5. Sometimes, you gotta be willing to lose many things if you are to start over again.

  6. Sometimes, you gotta be willing to lose many things if you are to start over again.

  7. Sometimes, you gotta be willing to lose many things if you are to start over again.

  8. Pardon the French but... Pucha, I just want this day to pass!

  9. Sometimes, you gotta be willing to lose many things if you are to start over again.

  10. Sometimes, you gotta be willing to lose many things if you are to start over again.

  11. "When you like someone, you start to notice every single detail about them, no matter how small they may be." (y) ;) <3

  12. at some point of ur life, u will become aware that some people can stay in ur heart but not in ur lyf...

  13. Too kawai to live, too sugoi to die.

  14. "If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right. If being right means living without you, I'd rather be wrong for the rest of my life.." #Hugot

  15. I will not say goodbye, but until we meet again.

  16. I will not say goodbye, but until we meet again.

  17. "If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right. If being right means living without you, I'd rather be wrong for the rest of my life.." #Hugot

  18. u have to die a few times before u can really live.

  19. The best way to move on is not just about forgetting the one you loved but it's about accepting the fact that you can never be together.

  20. Delete everything, reboot, restart, clean the slate and just start over

  21. how to murder someone.. : tell them u love them and never talk to them again... hahahaha... :D

  22. its not the load that breaks u down... its the way u carry it... :* keep smiling... :) enjoi ur day everyone...

  23. maybe we feel empty becoz we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love......

  24. maybe we feel empty becoz we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love......

  25. behind this beautiful smile... hides a series of pain... here nah sah shizuka.. :)

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