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Edmund Dantes

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Posts posted by Edmund Dantes




    go home and get your shine box boy


    Sus, internet gangsta nga.


    O ayan, nagconcede na ako, siguro naman masayang masaya ka na. Ngayon siguro pwede mo na sagutin tanong ko.


    In what fight or round did Mayweather throw 1 punch in 3 mins?





    ok let's see floyd throws more punches you say?



    Mayweather x Maidana 2




    and in case you can't comprehend, thrown is different from connected.


    here's a play by play of the last round from that fight.


    ROUND 12

    Though the fight is probably close, Maidana likely needs a knockout to win this one. Mayweather is backing away as Maidana stalks him. He is playing it too safe and the crowd reacts with a riotous chorus of boos. Floyd narrowly misses with a left hook. Floyd is bouncing all around, darting in and out, side to side. Maidana can’t figure it out and is following him, throwing nothing. Maidana is trying to pin him down but he can’t. Floyd is bouncing away and avoiding all contact. The arena is filled with boos. Maidana pins him in the corner with 25 seconds left but can’t keep him there. With ten seconds left, Maidana needs a miracle. He tries to pin him down again but can’t and the crowd hates it.


    and here's an article from Ring Magazine on that Maidana fight.




    "People started streaming for the exits early in the 12th round as Mayweather got on his bicycle and started to back pedal. It was not the scintillating conclusion that they had come to expect. It didn’t measure up to the first match against Maidana. According to CompuBox Punch statistics, Mayweather landed just one punch in the final round. There was no drama and nothing really to cheer about. It was a methodical, boring decision."


    Like I said, stop talking out of your ass.


    So..... asan yung sinasabi mong 1 punch in 3 minutes? I am the one who does not know anything about what I am talking about right? Now answer me, in what fight or round did he throw just one punch? Looks to me you are equally guilty of pulling s@%t out of your ass


    Nah you're trying to sound intelligent when you're actually not.




    Excuse me? First of all, I don't have the desperation to prove I am intelligent on the internet as much as you do. And we are not only talking about this thread. Ikaw kaya ang kung magaasta kahit saang thread alam na alam lahat, tapos pag napipikon, dinadaan na lang sa keyboard bullying at amboy angas. So don't worry, if I wanna prove I am intelligent at something I won't do it on MTC, because the only thing more pathetic than being called stupid online is trying to prove your smarter than everyone else duh!


    Second, I never claimed I am an expert in this sport. Check out my previous posts, I have admitted I am a casual fan.



    People leave Floyd's fights even before it's done. Enough said.




    Sure, but they come back again to watch him again in the next lol.



    backpedalling now I see.



    Backpedalling on what? I stand by what I said, ODH was not healthy when he jumped in that ring. But I do give full credit to Pac on his wins against Hatton and Cotto.



    LOL always citing the JMM fight. Is there anything else you can talk about? Marquez this, Marquez that. Son, I feel sorry for you. It doesn't matter, he won 2 out of 4 times, the only questionable fight was the third one, Pacquiao knocked him down 3 times in the first fight, how can you say that wasn't convincing?




    Wow! an amboy claiming to be such boxing expert this is the best you can throw? Any pactard who hasn't seen a boxing match will say the same thing. Oh but what do I know right? Uh..... lets see..... fights are scored per round? Those KDs happened in one round? And it didn't mean he won more rounds? Hows that to begin with? In the first place, if his wins were so convincing, then why would there be a pressure for the rematch to happen over and over, are we getting warm?


    And in case you haven't noticed we were talking about Pacquiaos fight with Hatton, Cotto, Mosley, Bradley and Algieri as well.


    lol you don't even know how to appreciate any style, at all. all you're saying is stuff you read about, or what other people say. You don't have the knowledge to form your own opinion about things. And now you backpedal and say that you like both fighters. Come on. Just stop.


    mmmmmhhhhhmmmm Tell that to the Pacquiaos fan boys who never watch boxing if Pac is not the one fighting. Which pretty much most people in this thread?


    and please tell me when I said hallelujah for pacquiao. please tell me.


    Come now, you have been praising Pacquiao way too much and defending him from any valid criticism. Fact is I have said over and over again that Pacquiao deserves his place among the greats. All I am saying is we should not dismiss Floyd as an elite just because he acts as te sports main villain. You do not like the way he fights, its boring for your taste... fiiiiiiiiine. But stop hating because its just pathetic.


    You know nothing about boxing, period, so please just stop. I don't think you even know how to wrap your hands. And get out of here with psych manipulation, if you've never been in a ring, you don't know jack sh1t about psych manipulation. You don't even have an honest to goodness opinion about fights, it's just the same hit and not get hit bullshit you say over and over. I don't think you even know what makes Floyd the best technical boxer of this generation, you're just repeating things you've read without even seeing him fight. You even posted a video and saying that Floyd handles volume punchers well when none of the fighters in the video (Guerrero, Canelo, etc) aren't volume punchers. Why don't you break down the Judah fight, how about Floyd vs. Chop Chop Corley, and let me know how Floyd handles fast lefties. Sh1t better yet, go to YouTube and find Spadafora vs. Mayweather and tell me what Floyd is doing wrong, and what Spadafora is doing right. Uhhhhh boxing is about hitting and not getting hit, uhhh floyd the best, he doesn't get hit, blah blah blah.



    I see, I am just repeating what I have read.... or what I have heard from commentators right right. So whats the point of giving me the home work? Because most likely, you will just say the same thing when I reply right? Truthfully though, I have not yet seen 2 of those fights, so I will need time to watch them..... and while I am at it, I will also watch some instructional videos on how to properly wrap my hands.....and lace the gloves.....and which is glove is supposed to go on the left....and which one is supposed to go on the right......because I am such an idiot. lol.


    O sya sya pre, ikaw na mas may alam sa boxing, ganyan ka naman lagi magaasta kung san mang thread ka naroon. Sige na, ako na supalpal panalo ka na. Ganito na lang, pag nanalo Pacquiao, eh di congratulations sa inyo. Pero pag natalo si Pacquiao, no excuses at huwag mo dadaanin sa amboy angas who knows it all ang pangbabara mo dito. Deal?

  3. Eto na lang kasi pagusapan natin.


    Punchstats sa Mayweather Maidana 1




    O sige na supalpal na ako, dun sa puntong mas maraming suntok si PBF. Maidana was busier, sige ako na mali. Pero yung percentage connects mas lamang na di hamak naman si mayweather. Sa actual count pareho lang.


    Tignan naman natin Mayweather Maidana 2.




    Ayan mas marami ulit si Maidana tinapon na suntok. Mali nanaman ako, but in almost every round he was being outlanded by PBF. Sabi din dyan may warning si Maidana kay Kenny Bayless "To keep it clean"


    Ang tanong, di ko pala alam sinasabi ko because I am a sofa-fan, asan yung sinasabing 1 punch in 3 mins? 1 for the entire round? Baka naman hindi sa laban na ito nangyari. Anong laban ba yun? Dali ako yung walang alam sa sinasabi di ba?


    lol @ calling me a pactard. You've been scrambling for excuses for Floyd in this entire thread, you've got your head so far up his ass you can see PBFs tonsils. But it's amazing for a PBF fan like you to get so many things wrong about your fighter, you're a band-wagoner, the worst fan there is, just taking a ride on the hype train, you don't even know how your fighter fights. I don't even think you've seen PBF x Maidana 2.


    "Floyd throws more punches" - man you don't even know what you're talking about.



    Ok If I do not know what I am talking about then show me the fight where you claimed he only threw one punch in 3 minutes (practically the entire round). Come on we are all waiting. Lets see the punch stats then of whatever fight you wanna discuss. Lets see who has outlanded more and if the judges were really wrong for awarding Floyd the decision. Im waiting on you. Thats more like it than us acting like keyboard toughguys.


    I hate him because he's not the legend that he makes himself out to be. I hate him because he beats women. He probably is the best technical boxer of this generation, but no he hasn't made the sport relevant at all. A boxer who gets booed when the last round comes around isn't doing anything for the sport. A fighter who cherry picks his opponents, who waits until they're over the hill isn't doing anything for the sport. Get off your high horse, and get Floyd's nuts out of your mouth. You might choke on it. Arguably Pacman has done more for the sport than Floyd. Pacquiao fights whoever is put in front of him, big, small, legend, tomato can, anybody you put in front of him he'll fight. Win or lose Manny comes to fight, and all his fights are exciting, even the fights where he lost. Pacman has turned a lot of people on to boxing. PBF has turned people off of boxing.



    Spoken like a real Pactard. First of all, its you who has been riding Pacquiaos dick too much. Oh I like Pacquiao as a fighter, I respect what he has done for the sport. But I do not dismiss what Floyd has contributed too. If Pacquiao gave the sport a hero to root for, Floyd gave it a villain to hate on. Ali, Foreman, Duran, and Liston, they were all villains who made the sport interesting. Ali got booed a lot when he entered the ring, but people recognize him today for what he did for the sport. If Floyd has turned so many people off boxing, then why does his fights make a lot of money? Why do people pay to see him fight? See, how many people watched Pacquiao beat an inexperienced Algieri? Nobody. But people will always be interested in seeing Floyd to either win or lose. Unfortunately for haters like you, he always make you eat his words.


    LOL look who's making excuses for ODLH now? Floyd fought an over the hill ODLH too, he couldn't put him away though. Floyd fought Cotto, couldn't put him away too. Floyd fought Maidana twice, couldn't put him away either, and was content to score points. Manny destroyed each and every opponent he's faced, even when he lost.


    I am making excuses for Dela Hoya? Fine if thats how you wanna see it. I don't mean to take anything away from Pacquiao, but fact of the matter is, not only was he over the hill, he was not even healthy to begin with. Any opponent who jumped in that ring with Oscar that night would have kicked his ass. It is what it is. Am I saying Pacquiao is nothing? Of course not. He would go on to demolish Hatton and batter Cotto and that was impressive.

    So because Floyd can't put Oscar and Cotto away Manny is the better fighter? Wait but but but..... He could not put Margarito away either the way Mosley did. So is Mosley now better than Manny? Oh and and and... Marquez couldn't even touch Floyd, and Manny could not secure one convincing win of the 4 times he has fought him lol.

    Manny is an exciting fighter sure. But exciting does not always equate better. This is boxing, not Rocky IV. See, I appreciate both fighters. Pacquiao for being the best offensive fighter, and Floyd for his defensive wizardry. Both men deserve their place in the hall of fame. Both of them are legends in their own unique ways. But IMO Floyd really is the better fighter/boxer.


    I'm convinced. You don't know a thing about boxing. You don't watch boxing, you don't train boxing, the extent of your boxing knowledge is "it's hit and not get hit" LOL spoken like a true sofa fan. Boxing is so much more than that, if you actually know anything about boxing you'll know it's tons more than that. you've never been in a fight except for internet debates. It's pretty clear, and its nothing to be ashamed of, just don't go mouthing off to me and call me a pactard when it's obvious that you don't have a clue about what you're talking about.



    Yes more ad homimem now. Alam mo, huwag mo daanin sa pa Amboy angas ito pre. Kung bibilangin kung ilang beses ka nakikipagaway sa MTC kesa sakin, milya milya lamang mo. And I did call you a pactard, kasi sobra naman pag Hallelujah mo na kay Pacquiao. See, I don't hate Pacquiao. I quite like him. But like in a movie, you appreciate the villain as much as you do the villain. I could not care less if Floyd is a douche in real life. Sakin nga, OA na nga minsan yung pagiinarte nyang kontrabida. But who cares, more people will watch him and bring the attention to the sport. Moreover, I am just a guy who appreciates both styles. Thats all.


    Oh so you are the boxing expert now? Sige, ilang championship belts na ba napanalunan mo then? Or how many fighters have you trained? You know what? You are right, I do not train boxing as much as hardcore enthusiasts do. I do not spar that often I admit that. But I do know that boxing is not like that bullsh!t in Rocky IV. That you can appreciate aggressiveness and offense, but its also a game of tactical finesse and psych manipulation.


    Ok if I do not know nga what I am talking about, tigil mo na lang ang pagpapa amboy amboy mo dito, at post mo na lang yung sinasabi mong 1 punch in 3 mins, yan na lang pagusapan natin.


    oh but wait, Floyd doesn't fight dirty at all at least according to Edmund.


    I didn't say he does not fight dirty. Can you please read again what I said. I said he does not fight dirty as long as he is not fouled. Most of what you are complaining about can even be considered semi-legal lol. You are really starting to sound like a pactard.


    Hate on Floyd all you want. Hate him because he does not fight the way you do. Hate him because he talks a lot of trash in 24/7 and all access. Hate him because he acts like a ghetto thug all the time. But its just stup!d to dismiss this guys talent and contribution to the sport. You said it yourself, after this fight, there isn't any other fighter out there who will appeal to both hardcore and casual fight fans. Love him or hate him, his personally as well as his skills make the sport relevant.


    I just hope when he does beat pacquiao, I wont be hearing from you like excuses like. "He just got caught and it happens in boxing", "The judges are corrupt", "Floyd took the fight when Pacquiao was no longer in his prime".... Give me a break, Pacquiao's win over Dela Hoya is his most overrated. Not only was Dela Hoya past his prime, he was unhealthy going into that fight to begin with.

  6. Why gutomize yourself to be thin when you can be gorgeously thin in 1001 ways


    Also imagine all the benefits of being one



    Tama! Isa pa, maraming benefits ang healthy lifestyle at exercise


    1. Mas madidisiplina mo sarili mo

    2. Exercise actually improves your mental focus

  7. I don't think love works that way. Love won't be there anytime you want it to be. Most calls it FAITH or DESTINY.


    This is a romanticized view of love. Masarap pakinggan sa mga aga muhlach movie. Iba na ang pananaw ko. Dala na din siguro ng tanda at mga cycles ng falling and hurting. No I am not being a pessimist. Siguro these days, mas sinasamahan ko na ng utak at di puros "kilig" lang.


    Eto kasi yan. Lahat naman ng taong dumadating sa buhay natin ay special in a way no other is. Kaya nga, lahat naman ng naging ex natin, at the time na inlove tayo, inisip natin at one point na "baka ito na", baka sya na. But then, you get past honeymoon stage, bigla lalabas masamang ugali, then the relationship fails. My point here is sa kahit kaninong tao pwede mo sabihin na "Sa kanya ko lang ito naexperience", "ito na yung Fate or destiny ko" etc. Kasi nga each person that comes in your life can offer you an experience like that. Plus each person is unique in a way others are not.


    Do I believe that there is no such thing as fate or destiny? Of course not. Ang sakin, hindi yan parang kagaya sa mga fairytales na tadhana lahat gagawa for it to fall in its perfect place. You have to work to establish a healthy romantic relationship. You need to use your intelligence at hindi yung "understand from the heart" na kalokohan na yan. Because a healhy kind of romantic relationship is the one where you have no reason to be insecure and you do not make compromises unfair to yourself.


    Eto analogy dyan. Think of the person as a pebble. Now every pebble looks the same. But at the same time, no two pebbles are exactly the same. What makes you choose one that is special is your own subconscious criteria and your interaction with it. If you apply the same criteria to any pebble in the sand and interact with it the same way, its gonna be special also. Ganun din sa tao.

  8. The key naman is, do not try too hard. Try to make it as natural as possible. If you try too hard kasi, everything will just feel forced and you wont really establish a good connection or impression.


    There are many self-help tips naman na nagkalat sa internet at kung ano anong media and some of them are useful. But do not so much adhere to them like its an experimental plan to the point na hindi ka na nagpapakatotoo sa sarili mo. At the end of the day, you want her to accept you for who you are and not what you are trying to be.


    Para sakin, I had my hits and miss. Yung miss, talagang crash and burn. Pero ganun talaga eh, meron talagang mga potential partners na talagang hindi kayo mag-kli-click. Na kahit ano gawin mo wala talaga kayong chemistry. Ok lang yan, huwag mo panghinayangan its an indication na talagang hindi kayo meant para sa isat isa


    Sabi nga ni Idol Sylvester Stallone, if you need to walk on egg shells, then probably you are not just meant for each other. Kasi meron naman dyan na di mo na kelangan ng A-game para magclick kayo

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. I guess I'm experiencing it now and hoping that he is really willing to accept me and willing to forget my past... True love is like a virus when it hits you, your starting to get sick.


    Kung past na. As in tapos ka na sa ganyang hanapbuhay at dumaan ka na sa proseso ng catharsis, eh di sige lang magumpisa ka na ng bagong buhay.


    Pero for those who are still in the trade, this is a no no. Ang pagibig naman at relasyon andyan lang at pwede magantay.



    When you fall in love with an MPA, it is true love.. True love knows no boundaries, accepts no limitations.. Period.


    Well maganda pakinggan yan sa isang pelikula ni Piolo Pascual o Aga Muhlach. Kaso nasa realidad tayo. Kahit siguro ang pinakatangengot na nilalang sa mundo pwede mainlove. But it takes intelligence to make a healthy relationship work. Hindi lang yan puro kilig at lib0g. In fact di komo nga in love ka eh dapat makipagrelasyon ka na. Teenager lang ang me ganyang pagiisip. Kaya tuloy maraming HS na nabubuntis eh.

  10. Have you guys read about some news that Freddie daw said that Manny wants to be President of the Philippines?


    Ano yun, pag nanalo siya, boboto natin siya?

    Pag natalo siya, boboton natin siya (sympathy vote)?

    Loko talaga, they should just concentrate on the fight. Unless this is their way of psyching out Floyd?



    On the other hand, I was doing some reading and found that although I respect Floyd for his fighting skills. He does have his dirty side, not just talk.


    1. Gatti fight, he dropped Gatti's head and when Gatti turned to Referee to complain, Floyd kept hitting him till he was Knocked down.


    2. Ortiz Fight, almost similar, they clinched, then when Ortiz was going to unclinch, Floyd hit him, when Ortiz turned to complain to the ref, he got hit by Floyd again, Knock Out.


    Sure the first rule of Boxing is "protect yourself at all times", pero naman, Traidor naman yan.


    Gatti and Ortiz are known dirty fighters. In the Ortiz fight Floyd was being fouled a lot. He was headbutting him, and throwing illegal punches (punch to the back of the head can put you in a comma). He was fighting so dirty the ref had to deduct a point in favor of Floyd. Sure I agree that Floyd should have won that fight like a champion. But lets remember that he was not the one who started fouling in that fight. I guess magnified yung hatred sa kanya kasi nga sya lagi yung kontrabida.


    Kung dirty figthing lang paguusapan, wala ng tatalo pa kay Hopkins. Matanda na kasi palibhasa. Talagang magaling gumulang yung g@go. Low blow on an angle na di masisilip ng ref, at sama pa dyan napakagaling umarte sa ref kahit di naman ganun kasakit yung foul.

  11. if you are expecting guys here to suddenly look for an Anne Curtis para bumilib ka, you will be disappointed. Nobody here is posting to impress you. Or me. Or most other people. Nobody here needs our approval.


    Most will agree that the sex industry is the worst place to go and deliberately look for love. for both girl and boy. But love finds you whether you seek it or not. So what do you do if you're in such a messy situation? You can get drunk of course. Instead you can seek advice in a forum like this. And once they share their experience, what do we do? We can mock them or laugh at them. Or instead we can also help and guide them. We can pound the pulpit of moral indignation. Or instead we can offer empathy and hope.


    I look at this thread as an informal support structure for those who found love in the spas or MPs or KTVs or with PSPs. There is no room for people who demand to be impressed.


    My point is, ang dami sa mga threads na sumusubra ang yabang. Akala mo kung sinong alpha na napakatinik sa chicks. Pinagmamalaki pa na nabigyan sila ng discount, o sinerbisyohan sila ng higit pa sa napagkasunduan. Laging pinangmamalaki na matagal na daw sila naglalalagi sa KTV/MP/SPA at kung saan saan pa, as if dapat nga yang kaingitan. When in fact, that is an indication na dun na lang umiikot buong social life nila, at hindi naman sila makalapit sa normal na babae. Nakakainis pa, akala mo kung sinong superman ng mga MP at thera, pero kung ikwento naman maduduming detalye ng serbisyo na binibigay ng mga babaeng ito, para lang silang binebenta na kapirason karne. This is one hypocrisy that disgusts me. Kaya nga, kung gusto magyabang na maagaling kumarinyo ng babae at perfect genlteman kaya madali mahiwalay yung babae sa panty nya.... gawin yan sa mga tulad ni Anne Curtis O Bea Alonzo siguro.


    As for finding love. I believe it takes a mature and rational person to understand what love is, how to handle it, and most of all what it takes to start a healthy relationship. In fact, anybody who has been matured by the cycles of falling and hurting should understand that being in love is not enough reason to pursue a relationship. Only juveniles think so. Yeah siguradong maraming nasasaktan at natatamaan sa sinasabi ko pero minsan, kelangan uminom ng mapait na gamot para gumaling. Mainfatuate lang ng konti akala love na.


    And Ill repeat, I am not here to pursue any crusade. I am not trying to save anyone who thinks he does not need saving anyway. Its not my responsibility, its not my problem. I am here to merely discuss the issue. Some people find my thoughts helpful, and may iba na natatamaan na nagagalit. Bahala na sila how they take it



    lol are you seriously trying to compare boxing injuries with tennis elbow? Injured boxers are never the same, Floyd Patterson, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Willie Pep all had dementia pugilistica. Meldrick Taylor can't be coherent to save his life. You're seriously saying that the injuries from non-contact sports like tennis and golf can compare to the severity of boxing injuries?



    I am saying, any athlete who says he wants to get hurt is an idiot. The more dangerous the sport is, the more you have to learn to protect yourself. A lot of fighters had their lives and talents wasted because they didn't protect themselves. The name of the game is hit-and-dont-get-hit. No fighter wants to be seriously injured anymore than a soldier in the battlefield wants to be shot. Is that the same as being a coward?


    Manny ealier in his career said he wants to retire at the age of 28 because he does not wanna suffer neurological damages. So I guess he was scared now?



    where did i say that? It's a fighting fact, everybody gets caught. It's common knowledge for every one that participates in a combat sport, everybody gets caught, no one is invincible. I don't even know how you got the feeling that I said that Marquez didn't deserve full credit. You're reading too much into what I say




    To me it sounded that it was more of Manny getting caught and not because a better fighter turned his lights out. But you cleared this one up. so having said that Marquez was the better fighter then right? And there isn't just one excuse you can make for Pacquiao losing that fight. Hence counterpunchers have always been his kryptonite. 4 fights and he could never solve the game of Marquez. In fact he got worse and worse with each outing IMO.




    That's neither here nor there. It doesn't matter if the other guy does it to you too, if you retaliate then you're dirty as well. You can't rationalize it by saying "but he did it first" it's black and white, it's either you do it or you don't. That's such a childish argument.


    So now we should have double standards then? If Floyd does a semi-legal move we should all throw rotten tomatoes at him because he is the douchebag anyway? I didn't hear anybody booing Ortiz when he was fouling Mayweather against the ropes. Besides, you said it yourself, its a fight business. Its not pretty. You sometimes need to defend yourself against dirty fighters. Those GIFs you show is hardly as damaging as a headbutt, a punch to the back of the head, and even a knee to the thigh which Maidana does sometimes.


    I don't know which fights you're watching but if you're in a fight and you only throw one punch in 3 minutes, then you're not fighting.


    Lol. Now in what fight and in what round did Floyd throw one punch in 3 minutes. Please name that fight? Because as far as punch stats are concerned he has consistently outlanded his opponents. lol. This is a similar argument in Loenard Vs Hagler. Leonard wasn't fighting Hagler. But in fact the punch stats showed that he was outboxing Hagler. Sure I thought Hagler deserved the decision based on aggression, but ringmanship belonged to leonard.



    ah yes because the boxing judging system is so incorruptible that they make correct decisions all the time.


    So are you insinuating that the judges were either stupid or the decisions were rigged? I do not understand why you dont give the man the benefit of the doubt he deserves. Love him or hate him, he has outclassed most of his opponents. The most controversial fight he had was against Jose Luis Castillo, whom he gave a rematch to. Other than that, most of his wins were convincing enough not just to the judges but to the other ring observers. Like I said, even the fight stats show that he is winning.


    The new floyd would disagree with you. The old floyd was a very technical fighter, who beat you with technique. This new floyd is just a runner and a parody of his old self. He couldn't even put Maidana away. A Maidana who got hurt very badly by a plodding Broner. A Maidana who has been in absolute wars within 10 months, and has been hurt very badly by other fighters. He couldn't put him away. The last knockout he had was a very severely underweight and overmatched JMM, who struggled to make weight.



    A runner? That is an unfair criticism when in fact, he has consistently fought champions both young and old. The punch statistics consistently shows that he has thrown and landed more. IMO over the last 2 years Floyd chose better opposition than Manny. Brandon RIos? Chris Algieri come on.


    So he has slowed down a bit and showed signs of wear and tear. But thats normal for a boxer that ages. despite that he is still considered as the best fighter in the world right now. I guess all Im trying to say is, lets not discredit him too much just because he is not Rocky Balboa and does not mind being the villain in this sport.

  13. I don't think any GM will go to spa/MP looking for love. They just go there for relaxation and some release. And men don't fall in love to any girl because they had great sex. They fall in love because they had a connection between them just like any other girl. Most GMs that way even contended of just having chitchat with them. Being with her is already a satisfaction. Getting to another level like dating outside will be the next step. Of coarse there are men that are more gullible than others but you will never know when the love bug bites.

    Importantly when you do fall in love, analyze carefully if the girl is also in love with you or just a cash cow/ATM. And if you really don't want to fall in love with them but can't avoid going to these place, DON'T TAKE THE SAME GIRL MORE THAN ONCE.


    Its not really about the girl just being after the wallet. Its the setup itself. Kaya mo ba sikmurain ang isang romantic relationship sa isang babae na nahahawakan ng ibang lalake gabi gabi? As I said before, love also means not having to be unfair with yourself.


    very well said.. this really hit me.. oh well..


    Well eto na lang siguro masasabi kong conclusion. Its a 2-way street. Ang risk dito hindi lang sa lalake. In fact mas malaki yung risk sa babae mismo. Lets face it, if things don't work out, the guy will be broken hearted but in time he will move on easily. Yung babae on the otherhand, basagan na nga puso, pwede pang masira yung buhay. Kasi nga, pano kung loko pala yung lalake? Isa pa, kung talagang hindi magpla-plano, hindi sisikapin makadevelop ng ibang skillset, wala iba mababalikan kundi trabaho na ito.


    Sabi ko nga, may ibang napapasok dito dahil nung time na desperate na, hindi nakakuha ng tamang advice. Pero ano pa magagawa, andyan na. Labasan na lang ng maayos itong gusot na ito. PLanuhin mabuti ang exit plan. Siguraduhin na clean getaway talaga. Yung tipong wlaa kang pinagkakautangan ng loob at pera, walang maghahabol sayo, at higit sa lahat makakapagumpisa ka completely on your own terms

  14. Ma'm you are most welcome. We are all bystanders here. Everyone who has an opinion about the topic is free to join in and share their 2 cents worth. Some individuals, including myself, in our spare time can ask questions or produce info that will somehow start a debate which I do find constructive because we all have different experiences or unique thoughts which can put things in a different light or perspective.

    As for men going to these places looking for love as you've mentioned, yes, there may be a handful of desperate lads who have this in mind but I can assure you, most men are in it for the sex and that's it. The thing is at some point, like I've said, they lose their grip on reality for different reasons but the most obvious is the misconstrued notion that the girl/worker is in love with them or is in need of rescuing.


    Kaya nga di ba, nakakairita talaga yung mga akala mo kung sinong white knight na magaasta. Actually we have nothing against women in this industry. We don't even blame them kung gumagamit sila ng pambobola at sinasamantala nila emotional weakness ng mga GM dyan. Its all part of the business. Papano sila mabubuhay kung wala silang guest. Pero itong mga white knights na ito, puros naman andun sa kabilang thread kinukwento maruruming detalye ng mga serbisyo nila. And they have the audacity to come here demanding respect for these women?


    Isa pang nakakainis, yung mga GM na akala mo kung sinong napakagaling sa chicks kung magyabang na natipuhan daw kuno ng therapist o ng attendant. Magbibigay pa ng kung ano anong tips or tricks para makadiscount at makalibre. Sabi ko nga, magawa nya yan sa mga KC Concepcion, Anne Curtis, at Bea Alonzo, bibilib ako.




    One problem is that even if a GM knows and is intelligent enough to see through the thera,

    the big question still sticks to the subconscious:




    The GM then thinks: there is not many people in my life who are like this to me.

    Even if he has a full grasp of reality, he can't avoid the thought.


    It goes to show that the GM is naive and emotionally vulnerable. Because its part of the trade that the thera/attendant/PSP make the man feel "special". Again I wont blame the thera at all in this situation, Ill blame more the GM for not playing his cards wisely. Papano sila kikita sa trabahong ito kundi sila babalikan, so on their end its fair game lang at responsibility na ng GM na hawakan emosyon nya.



    Men go to these places for a variety of reasons, but love is rarely among them.


    Some men go to a spa or MP to fulfil a fetish or experience a sexual act that their regular partner cannot or will not provide. Let's say his partner thinks oral sex is dirty, immoral even. He'll go to a place where he can get a blowjob. Or take the case of a prominent media person. He loves "handjobs" that don't involve hands. I don't think his wife or his GFs can even contemplate such an act.


    These guys are neither desperate nor a bunch of losers. A friend doesn't mind paying 5 digits for a hook up, when given his good looks and confidence, he can easily pick up a girl from a bar. It's the quest to get something different. He maintains that sex with a real pro is still different, and not a level his innocent wife can reach. And I think there are still many spa-goers who have enough mojo and confidence to ask regular girls out. Successfully.


    The real danger is when a man with zero romantic history starts to frequent these places. And the only way he can see and touch a naked woman's body is by paying. It is easy to confuse a woman's touch with love. Paid or free. After all, the dick, not the stomach is still the surest way to a man's heart.


    Yes we know. Sabi nga, you dont pay a prostitute to stay and be emotionally attached. You pay them to make sure they wont be.


    Sakin nakakairita kasi yung mga akala mo kung sino magyabang pag akala nila natitipuhan sila ng PSP or attendant nila. Na tipong nabibigyan ng discount o kaya nakkakuha ng serbisyo na sobra sa pinagusapan, feeling nila sila na pinakamagaling na gentleman sa buong mundo. Gimme a break please.


    If you wanna prove you are the ideal gentleman any woman would want, then get someone like.... Anne Curtis Halimbawa to introduce you to her family on a sunday barbecue. Yun bibilib pa ako

  15. Totoo yan, kaso sa kultura nating mga Pinoy at Asians in general, nagiging obligasyon pa ng mga anak na suportahan ang household, as if binigyan tayo ng magulang natin ng buhay para tayo bubuhay sa kanila in return.


    Sakin wala naman problema na tumulong ang anak sa mga magulang or mas nakakabatang kapatid lalo na kung mahirap sila at sya lang ang may kakayanan na gumastos. Pero wag naman sana i-force, encourage or even suggest ng magulang na pumasok sa sex industry ung bata para lang makatawid sila sa gutom. In any case, I don't think mawawala ang ganyang way of thinking anytime soon, lol.


    Ang ibang kaso naman, madaming recruiters jan na tinatarget talaga ung mga pamilya at batang nasa ganyang sitwasyon, sometimes kinikidnap pa and pinipilit pumasok sa ganyang trade para pambayad utang (bond labor) hanggang sa masanay nalang at mag adapt. These are just a few examples of the millions of women who are forced into this kind of "work" by syndicates and human traffickers. I'm not sure kung may mga ganitong kwento na nangyayare sa mga spas or clubs natin sa Manila, but I do know it's happening around the world.


    Yeah in terms of family values, mas gusto ko yung western approach talaga. Na practice independence. Kung magulang ka, buhayin mo anak mo until makatungtung ng legal age, then turuan mo na buhayin ang sarili nya para di maging palaasa at tama yung maturity. At the same time, paghandaan mo yung pagtanda mo. Maging independent ka. Hindi yung lahat iaasa mo sa anak mo na may sarili ding buhay na dapat asikasuhin.


    Sana nga may makabasa nitong sinasabi natin. Yung iba kasi na pumapasok dito para suportahan kapatid at magulang ay tingin ko talagang misguided. Unang una, hindi naman sya ang may obligasyon sa kanya. Kung tutuusin nga, mas obligasyon nya na siguraduhing hindi mapapariwara sariling buhay. Minsan kelangan mo din maging selfish din naman. Its all about self-love really. Tsaka hindi fair trade yung ipapariwara mo katawan at buhay mo para mapagtapos lang mga kapatid mo at sustentuhan magulang mo. Tumulong? OO tumulong. Tumulong sa abot ng makakaya sa hanganan na hindi mo ipapahamak ng sobra sarili mo. Kung malakas pa magulang mo eh di dumiskarte din naman sila. At yung mga kapatid mo kung legal age naman sila, bat di sila maghanap part-time na trabaho?

  16. Nothing beats good old fashioned note-taking. Always have a notebook with you for all your important daily activities, work, groceries and even at workout. The lobe of the brain responsible for cognitive functions, memory, and voluntary action ay magkakaklapit lang. Kaya nga pag may sinusulat tayo mas may nagreregister sa pagiisip natin.


    More than books, I have an entire library of notebooks mula ng college pa ako. Note-taking is an important skill in my job, and my notebooks contain the history of all my learnings and skill set I have acquired over the years. A notebook serves as the external memory drive for your brain. Its even better than a USB or any gadgetry. It can never be corrupted by a virus. It will not easily break as the tablet pc. It never goes out of style. And not too many people steal notebooks since its not really that valuable unless the contents are of some interest.

  17. Siguro kung naghahanap din ung babae ng mamahalin sa labas ng trabaho nya, masmaganda na siguro kung gagawa sya ng paraan para makaalis muna sa trabaho nya sa sarili nyang kakayahan at hindi aasa sa lalaking magliligtas sa kanya. And dami na kasing kaso na nabasa ko dito na kahit gumawa na ng paraan ung lalake na bigyan sya ng bagong kabuhayan or chance para magbagong buhay, sinasayang lang nung babae at in the end balik din sya sa dating gawi. Ibig sabihin lang nun, di rin sya handa emotionally or mentally para magbagong buhay. So sa tingin ko dapat sya mismo gumawa ng paraan para makatawid sa ibang hanap buhay proving na talagang choice nya un, then dun na sya mag entertain ng normal relationship or mapapangasawa.


    In the first place, kung gusto talaga mabuhay ng parehas, marami dyang paraan. Ito tingin ko, problema sa mga babaeng pumapasok sa ganito, kung minsan bukod sa masyadong inosente at wala ganung diskarte, hindi pa nagagabayan ng tama. Dahil syempre desperada na sa pera, imbes turuan ng mas magandang diskarte, madali pa nabubuyo na pumasok sa ganitong hanapbuhay.


    Tapos nagumpisa na kumita ng pera. Unti unti masasanay na lang sikmurain yung trabaho. Tutal lakasan lang naman ito ng loob, at nabibili na mga luho. Pero unti unti naman din lalong mapapariwara. Merong magkakasakit na lang, meron malululong sa masamang bisyo, merong magiging battered mistress, at meron na talagang hindi na nade-develop skillset nila para makahanap ng ibang linya. Hangang dito na tatanda at malalaos na lang. Madaling sabi, nasisira lang talaga buhay.


    Tingin ko kasi, yung mga babae na pumapasok dito kasi binubuhay nila pamilya nila ay dapat maintindihan na hindi naman nila dapat obligasyon ang magulang at kapatid nila. Its the other way around, yung magulang ang may obligasyon sa anak nila na pagaralin sila ng tama. Higit sa lahat, may obligasyon din ang isang babae na mahalin ang sarili nya. Ewan marami siguro kokontra sa sinabi kong ito. SIguro iba kasi orientation samin eh hehehehe.





    It's boxing, if you don't want to get hurt go play tennis.



    Come on! there are injuries in tennis also, even in golf. You can get hurt playing any sport. Thats why you equally train to not hurt yourself. Yes its boxing. Its supposed to be a hit-and-do-not-get-hit-game. Its not supposed to be that bullsh!t in the Rocky series. Boxing is also a game of tactical finesse.



    i didn't say it was a lucky punch. I said he got caught. big difference.


    But the way you said it, its as if Marquez does not deserve full credit as the better fighter because he just "caught" Pacquiao and it "happens" in boxing. I give full credit to Marquez and IMO, Marquez is the better fighter. He should have been awarded the decision in the second and third fight. He saw it as an injustice, so he trained nearly for 6 months, he developed his power and physique and delivered what he promised. Pacquiao? I am not even sure if he took the fight as seriously as he was supposed to. He trained in GenSan in order to support his brothers campaign. Sure his conditioning may have been spot on, but from the onset he should have taken Marquez's determination to KOTFO seriously.

    Anyway, like I said, victories like that are good for the sport. It may have been a sad day for Filipinos, but definitely what happened there was good for boxing


    Those gifs I posted are from the second Maidana fight. And explain the Mosley crossface then...

    And yes I will hate on Floyd for clinching and not fighting. The old Floyd used the clinch to avoid the counter after throwing a punch. That Floyd I posted clutched on Maidana the entire fight. It's boxing not wrestling. Clinching is an art form in boxing, but if you just clinch to stay "safe" then you're just cheating your way to a win. The fight was so bad, that people were leaving even before it was over. It was so bad, that Floyd only threw one punch in the final round.

    Yeah he's great technically, he has excellent technique, etc. etc. One thing he's not is a fighter. He's a great boxer, but he's not a fighter, because fighters fight, and don't run.




    Come on, those are semi-legal moves actually. Its sometimes needed to protect your head from a headbutt. Its a fighting game it gets ugly. Maidana is a known dirty fighter himself. He was also fouling floyd in the second fight. Floyd complained to the ref that he was biting his fingers. Thing is, nobody hates on Hatton, Ortiz, or Zab for fouling Floyd, but when Floyd retaliates with a semi-legal move everyone hates on him.


    You do not like his non-aggressive style. Thats understandable. Many of us from this generation became interested in boxing because of the rocky series. I admit that some of his fights are sometimes not as exciting as Pacquiao. But that does not mean he deserves all this hate for fighting the way he does. Its also unfair to say that he "runs" and does not fight".


    Look at it this way, Floyd only lost to the scorecards one time! If there is one thing that boxing judges don't like its those fighters who "run" and not fight. He will not reach 47-0 losing only one time to the scorecards and drawing twice, if the judges think he is not fighting. Aggression, ringmanship, and control of the fight is taken into consideration in the 10-point scoring system.


    Floyd does not fight toe to toe, sure. But that is not the same as running. He is like a matador who likes to take his time, tire out the bull, frustrate it, then pick them apart later on using finesse instead of brute force. He likes to calculate, adjust and rally in the later rounds.

  19. una sa lahat,anu ba ang rason mo sa pagrerelasyon sa isang mpa? makalibre o love? napaka idealistic mo naman na tao kung love..sa dami ng lugar na pwedeng paghanapan ng pagmamahal eh sa massage parlor ka napadpad..at kung kayo na,seryoso ba to o laro lang? sana laro lang..kasi kung seryoso eh seryoso nga...seryosong may mali sayo.paano mo sya ipakikilala sa pamilya at mga friends mo. gf ko top 1 yan sa massage parlor,nakaka sampung lalake yan kada araw.hindi ko nilalahat baka merun namang true love na nabubuo dito kahit papano. pero magiging succesful lang yun kung titigil si babae sa pagiging mpa. kung hindi,lokohan lang to.


    Tama ka dyan sa mga sinabi mo. Syempre, kawawa rin dito yung babae. Baka lalo pa syang madepress kapag naramdaman nya na di sya 100% accepted dahil sa trabaho nya. Papasakayin lang ng mga bola tapos di naman pala kaya panindigan.


    Isa pa, marami ditong kwento ng mga MPA na inilabas ng GM, pero it turned out na loko pala yung GM. Tapos di makalasan kasi nga ang laki ng utang na loob. Kung mahiwalayan man, balik nanaman sa dating trabaho. O kaya naman nagiging kabit, binabahay, tapos e-eskandaluhin ng pamilya. Yun ngang isang nangyari dito kung kelan matagal ng nakaalis sa ganitong hanapbuhay at kinalasan lalake, saka pa ginugulo nung asawa. Multo ng nakaraan bumabalik pa.


    Kaya mas maganda sa babae to keep everything professional na lang. No strings attached, para pag time na nakaalis na sa trabaho, pwede sya magumpisa ulit on her own terms. Sya may dikta kung san nya dadalhin buhay nya at hindi sa isang lalake na una white night, pagkatapos ito pa magbibigay sa kanya ng bagong kadena nya.


    Ang relasyon at pagibig naman andyan lang sa tabi tabi, pwede pulutin pag handa na. Simple lang naman yan eh, if you are in the trade, then you have to sacrifice things like this. That, or maghanap ka ibang hanapbuhay.

    • Like (+1) 2

    Maybe PBF doesn't have a reason to be scared of Manny, but he is scared, he admitted it himself and to paraphrase him "I don't want to get hurt, I have my family to think about" - is that not scared?



    First of all, thats just rubbish. I don't want to get hurt = I don't wanna fight Pacquaio because I am scared he will hurt me. Seriously? Miguel Cotto said something similar in front of Max Kellerman and Antonio Margarito himself. So does that mean he was scared of Margarito? Give me a break, every opponent you face will always try to hurt you. But the name of the game is hit-but-don't-get-hit. Its not that Rocky Balboa bullsh!t. No soldier wants to be shot or lose a limb, but that is not te same as saying they will not jump into the battlefield.






    what!? Bradley is a counterpuncher, his game is almost identical to Floyd's.



    Huh? Bradley's style is very very far from Mayweathers. Watch the Provodnikov fight. Actually had he decided not to slug it out with manny and stick to precision boxing, he would have had the better of Pacquiao.



    Manny did make adjustments, in fact he was winning the majority of the rounds before the KO. But it's boxing, you get caught.



    Oh here we go, the "lucky punch" argument again. Thats it, Marquez just got lucky. Sure, he was so lucky he dropped Pacquiao twice in that fight. The second time turning his lights off. Pacquaio was merely ahead in the scorecards by a few rounds. It does not mean he was dominating the fight. In fact, it was Pacquaio who was always lucky to escape decision wins he does not deserve. IMO, he only won the first fight. Fight number 2 and 3 should have been awarded to Marquez. Why can't you people give Marquez full credit for that win. Like I said what he did was good for the sport. He settled and injustice to his own career by being the best he could be. He trained for almost 6 months. I hardly saw Manny's determination to prepare for this fight.


    Floyd fighting clean is the funniest thing you've said in the entire post.




    I specifically said, he tries to fight clean as long as he is not fouled. Hatton, Ortiz, and Maidana all kept fouling him. Come on, Maidana was headbutting Floyd a lot. And why hate on Floyd for Clinch fighting Maidana a lot? He had to win the fight the way he knows how to right?



    Love him or hate him, boxing makes a lot of Money because of Floyd. Who wanted to see Pacquiao pummel Chris Algieri? Nobody! But more people follow the bad guy because you either pay to see him win or pay to see him lose.

  21. Marami pa rin talaga na iinlove kasi sa mga thera/mpa. Minsan talaga kailangan mo masubsob bago mo maintindihan ang lahat. I'm sure Sir Edmund will not post that way kung hindi rin siya na broken heart (even not a thera/mpa/psps) and bumangon to stand on his own again.


    Isang criticism sakin dito ay, ano daw ba ang alam ko? Di ko pa naman daw naexperience makipagrelasyon sa mga babaeng ganito. So dapat pala ang pwede lang magcriticize sa presidente ay yung ex-president din? lol.


    My most recent heart-break thought me one thing. That is... to be fair with yourself pag nagmamahal ka. Na walang masama kung minsan uunahin mo sarili mo. And its ok to not make stupid compromises. Bakit ka makikipagrelasyon sa babae kung di nya maiwan yang trabaho nya na yan?



    minsan kasi akala mo connect na kayo eh. tapos nde pala. all along you thought you were a good judge of character to assess na mukha namang genuine yung attraction sa yo.


    biglang nde ma contact, nde nagrereply sa sms, nde lumalabas sa lineup ( so ibig sabihin nde pumasok, san nagpunta?)


    people have different modes of coping up. the very least kahit papaano nakaka bother din nga yung mga ganung pangyayari kahit you set it aside.


    Sakin, I dont think its wise to go to places like this when you wanna cope up with a heartbreak. Vulnerable ka dyan eh. Its not just about the risk of being hustled and be taken advantage of. Its more of setting unreasobale expectations then later on get disappointed.

  22. For the past 4 years I have been into the "Fasting Diet". I fast for roughly 16-20 hours each day; meaning, I don't normally take breakfasts and at times, lunch as well.


    This has worked beautifully for me.


    Ito ba yung intermittent fasting? Disiplina ito..... lol

  23. been lurking here for a while and what strikes me the most is Edmund has made it his crusade to help others understand about relationship between GMs and hospitality girls. i have been in his situation but got to realize that theres no future well before it can really hurt me. it takes a certain discipline to fast track a relationship and ACT on it to save yourself from misery. this discipline is far few in between. even if the person realises that its stupid to do it, he just follows his emotions and the bahala na thinking takes over.

    glad your here Edmund and hope you can knock some sense to our fellow GMs.


    Lol, ok ok, I am not in any crusade. Its a discussion thread, people offer themselves and their stories to the table, I give my thoughts about them. Yun lang yun. Some people find what I say helpful and some will see me as a pompous heartless jerk. Its all good.

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