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Posts posted by Ephemeral

  1. Handsome or at least very presentable men can and do end up with - pardon the term - ugly women. Or to be more politically correct, aesthetically challenged females. As Private Ryan said, fallen from the top of the ugly tree.


    Prime example: Manny Villar and Cynthia "Battleaxe" Aguilar - Villar.


    What are the possible reasons?


    Money? Tremendous sexual prowess on the part of the female? Gayuma?


    Please to share your thoughts. TIA.


    This thread is quite sexist. Please. What one lacks in physical attributes can be filled in by other characteristics. Bright mind? Kind hearts? Don't get too hung up on your looks. People are complex, and their preference may vary.

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  2. Y'know it sucks to see some (or most..but not necessarily all) guyz makin a fool of your fellow female specie... minsan kasi yung mga babae masyado ng bulag sa pagmamahal (so to speak) they dont even recognize the blinking encrypted codes behind guyz' lame excuses to worm their way out of a relationship... so guyz, would you rather go around in circles or tell a girl straight..ITS FINALLY OVER?...or you cant do that kasi youre playing it safe..in case hindi ka satisfied sa outcome ng decision mo to break up?


    If I'm the girl, I prefer that the guy break it up like a real man, cut the bullshit and get to the point. If the reasons are not clear and understood by both parties, grudges and guilt will destroy good memories. The bad breakup could end up as baggage affecting future relationships of both parties.

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