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Posts posted by BettyConfidential

  1. Ginger Bread Man,


    You make me want to write bad poetry but I don't do that (not anymore).


    But please, do let me know if you're still into dating a terrible cook who overcompensates in other things otherwise let's just drag ourselves out from this excruciating dance of life.


    I can love you until I forget who you are.



  2. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3318/3560012269_1890eb2daa.jpg


    You, who are reading this, you are amazing just the way you are.


    Hope you feel awesome and amazing right now since it's your birthday (atleast GM+8:00 time) :)


    I love you! *kisses*


    I hope you like your chocolate cake with choco filling, one slice is enough :P

  3. “Before you speak, listen.

    Before you write, think.

    Before you spend, earn.

    Before you invest, investigate.

    Before you criticize, wait.

    Before you pray, forgive.

    Before you quit, try.

    Before you retire, save.

    Before you die, give.”


    - William A. Ward

  4. the extreme feminist - a woman who believes that all evils in society were caused by men and the only way they could atone for it is by cutting off their balls and growing a pair of ovaries.


    the princess - not the lady diana type but that who lives in a fantasy world and have absolutely no idea that real life consists of paying bills, cooking and cleaning toilets.


    lil miss insecure - the one that needs constant reassurance, clingy and needy and incessantly worries that you'll replace her with someone better at any moment.


    Some women share a tiny portion of each of these but if the positive qualities make up for it, then go for it.

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