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Posts posted by BettyConfidential

  1. I saw your real facebook account (Ahh, that one you chose to hide before?, yes, that's it). So, that's the real you huh. Took you that long to come out (not the homo way)? I knew even before but I was hoping I was wrong. As always, my guts are always right. Anyways, its water under the bridge now. I'm pretty sure you feel at peace knowing you don't have to hide anything from someone. I just wonder why hide it in the first place and with me? I don't want to know the answers now, it wouldn't matter anyway. Doesn't hurt anymore because the expiration date is always hanging by my head, like an ax. No regrets, the choices I made are done with clear heart and conscience. Would you say the same thing about yours? Just think about that and hopefully you can carry it over the next significant person in your life.

  2. my neurotic insomnia,


    After two years, you think we'd grow tired of each other. No. Never.

    Thank you for the cute note. It was indeed one of the best.

    10/10 will do it again.

    Anything for my Norse god.


    ILY, too.



    your equally neurotic paranoia (see that, we were meant to be lol)

  3. If you've been married for so long, one problem that might crop up is that the wife would often feel like she has to do all the boring chores and the husband just get to go out and have fun with the boys. The truth is that chores are lame and there is rarely anything fun about them. Help your special lady out by making her daily housework into a fun challenge. Dress up as a ninja and make her battle you to get her work done. Hide in the closet and ambush her violently when she goes to get the vacuum. Does she need to fold laundry? Not before deflecting a crane kick to the face.


    source: hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com

  4. I stay away from people like that. I think they're their own best friends and doesn't need another one around.

    Usually someone like that is just trying to convince everyone and themselves how great they are. They're probably actually pretty insecure.






    If a woman/man is 30 or 40 pounds overweight, pretty/goodlooking, and a good person, would you still ask her out/go out with him?

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