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Posts posted by BettyConfidential

  1. I think it originates to the fact that shepherds count their sheep every night before going to bed to check if they are still complete. Just as with counting any other stuff (unless you're counting money), even if it is their job, its a boring one for shepherds and it puts them to sleep. As for other animals, if it were cows or carabaos, people would be like, "who came up with cows? why not sheeps??"


    ** sorry for the long answer :P



    have you taken an online course, if yes, what subject, otherwise, what topic would make you take them?

  2. chipmaker: I don't think the current level of corruption in the country can be fixed by one person at one time. You ask what can I do? Well, maybe don't die trying? Apart from refraining from giving those criminals the weapons to commit their crimes, educate the masses that elect those nitwit politicians, good compensation for all the workers, etc. etc.


    lemon: Didn't hear about that yet. Maybe I was in the cinema watching "Starting Over Again."


    What gourmet food do you find disgusting?

  3. lemon: Birds, bees, bugs. etc. Not when you dream of having a entomologist in the family.


    chipmaker: It will surely lessen the traffic, not so sure about eradicating it entirely.



    what are some of the things that the opposite sex does that anger, annoy or frustrate you?

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