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simon b

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Posts posted by simon b

  1. i don't know where I am now, if I'm still at that halfway point I'm not sure.


    I saw her last night (mistake? I know) and I tried to play it cool being my usual calm and collected self.


    and then she comes in all girlfriendly and stuff, even brought me candies and s@%t


    and even before that, apparently she's been speaking of me to the other girls. As soon as I tell the cashier who I want and pay the toll, the door to the attendant's room opens and three girls none of which I know (save for one who I got when I got a "twin" with her and THE girl, an experience that should have sent ABANDON SHIP signals, but that's another story) all peek outside, and start whispering "sya yun" plus some other incoherent words. Cashier looks at me, smiles and then shakes her head, a big red "AWKWARD" sign appears over me.


    anyway so we go over the motions, and we're just laying there, she keeps staring into my face which made me feel really awkward. And then she blurts out, "we should have met 5 years ago, but I'm glad I met you anyway", kisses me full on the lips (the kiss wasn't sexual in any way) and buries her head in my chest. The gf and I are celebrating our 4th year in 2 months. It didn't stop there.


    So I try to lighten the mood, ask her about her kid, how she is at home, everyday type stuff, and then she gets back to staring. I immediately try to make things unawkward for me, but it comes out wrong and I say "Stop it with the staring, you might fall in love, BAWAL mainlove." she says "too late"


    but wait, there's more.


    so I leave and get home, and all the while we're exchanging texts, just random stuff. As I was ready to finally get to bed, she comes up with the mindf*ck of a lifetime. She sends me a text which basically read "if you didn't have a girlfriend now, I'd leave this job for you", now to put things into perspective, this job is the only thing that's keeping her afloat financially, she has a kid, a sick mom, plus all the other expenses that come with it. Now it could have just been an in-the-moment thing or it could have been genuine, but the fact that she even considered it means that she's upped the ante. That and all the rest of the things that were said has turned my brain into mush.


    I know what I must do, and it sucks because I know that I will destroy this girl, and I right now I don't think I can handle that kind of thing hanging over me.


    go ahead laugh, I deserve it for being a schmuck.



    now this is worth seriously contemplating about before it gets fatal. for the girl, you and the significant one.

    if i were you id ask myself - am i in love with her? she with a kid, sick mom, other guests and all?

    or are you just being softened with the special attention she is giving?

    come on we like it, enjoy it when a woman falls for us, regardless if we like her the way she likes us.


    i think its better to break her heart now by staying away , than doing it later.


    unless, as i said earlier, you're ready for substitution.


    and im not laughing, larry. not when a woman's heart is at stake. ..

    make that two for the unaware significant one.

    and three, yours, who will have the burden of all the consequences whatever you decide.






  2. it does get messy when she wants to hear 'i love you' and all you can muster to say, but avoid saying, is 'i like you, specially when im bored and horny'.


    and so you hug her, not wanting to hurt her feelings being a likable guy , compensate by giving her more bfe and a bigger tip...and it gets messier






    of course larry knows the answer and what to do in this messy situation. im assuming he wants to hear what the ladies have to say about it.

  3. in a man's life there will be a significant one but there will always be the other woman. yours is an mpa, some their sister in law, some their friends, and some their mother in law biggrin.gif

    its a shame and women find it disgusting but we are made that way. just like werewolves when full moon comes,

    we itch and crave to go out and hunt, devour, ok, f*ck someone other than the one in our bed.

    then we go home and take care of our beloved. til the next full moon.


    the difference is how we handle the itch. some go all the way. some take it like meryenda. some take it home and ruin their lives.

    best to take it like an afternoon delight. unless you're ready for substitution - the other for the significant one...that is until the next full moon...

    and it starts again...


    yes, we never learn.

  4. dont look for romance... it will find you

    there is no ideal man, so throw out the checklist

    and go on dates...you'll know who to avoid after


    and in case you meet someone who sweeps you off your feet...

    look beyond the sweet smell, smart get up, nice car, steady job, 5 star dinners

    and funny jokes

    knowing a facade is easy if you use the brain instead of the heart


    and lastly, married men can bring excitement but its best to avoid them

  5. again...my thought are drifting

    towards you...again

    the pull and the longing

    for you..but then


    there's an ocean of complications between us

    and the waves are battering me and...thus


    i go back to the lonely hill

    and dream and wait until


    you call

    and most of all



    in love

    with me


    though i know

    it will never be

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