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Mango Man

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Posts posted by Mango Man

  1. Hi reignman,


    your posts are kind of confusing: you're taking cordymax, tegreen, lifepak, etc., pero you agree with jack 100% that there is little if no benefit from supplements.


    So why do you take them pa?


    To my knowledge, the only supplement with proven scientific evidence of any benefit is the Omega 3 fish oil supplements (NOT flaxseed oil).

  2. this is a VERY VERY VERY interesting topic!!

    1. The "Proud to be Pinoy!" crap these days - every-time we see a Filipino's success internationally almost 80% of the population say "I am so proud to be a Filipino!" the thing is, he/she did it not because he's/she's Filipino, he did it because he wanted to - that is his/her pasion, and most specially he did it not because he wanted to raise the Philippine flag and make you (yes you and that NEVER ever include me) proud of him/her.

    Have you ever seen a Canadian saying "Oh My God! Justin Bieber is Canadian!! I am so proud to be a Canadian! " - though i understand that no-one is proud of him aside from his family



    Korekt ka dyan!! :D

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