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Posts posted by Mandrake

  1. Hey boss ku sa call center mas malala pa sa akin but he is one of the best in the country sa tech support. Di sa pag yayabang honestly I'm one of the top agents sa pinaka mahirap na account and tech support yan sa Libis. La sa galing sa pag english or grammar masusukat ang skill at san skul nanggaling bro


    At least, I give you credit for your honesty. But, for someone who takes a cheap shot at what you claim as "posers" in this thread, you're exposing yourself to more flaks to the true Ateneans and La Sallians of MTC.


    As arch rivals since the NCAA years, passions & emotions always get to fever pitch in every ADMU-DLSU encounter. We even curse each other in the hardcourt in the heat of every game, but when things cool off, we sure know how to handle victory and accept defeat at the end of the tussle. It's sad that we lost the trophy to a better team. But, it's even sadder if we're accused as sour losers.


    We are no better, but certainly no worse than the rest of the UAAP teams. The only fact is: Whether some like it or not, the La Salle-Ateneo rivalry is the best deal there is. Nothing comes even close to this intense rivalry. From the NC years, the rivalry will continue to run for generations in the UAAP, but the enmity will not die because at the end of every battle, the spirit of mutual respect for the victorious and the fallen prevails.



  2. Rock legend ERIC CLAPTON was guest on LARRY KING LIVE at CNN yesterday to promote his first ever Autobiography. The tv face-off was a very rare opportunity for Clapton fans to gain a deep insight on the life and times of music icon whose contribution to rock, jazz, r & b span 4 decades and still going strong to this day and age.


  3. Finally got the chance to watch THE KINGDOM last night starring Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper, Jennifer Garner, and Jason Bateman as members of an elite FBI team deployed un-officially in Riyadh, KSA for only 5 days to help investigate a terrorist bombing of a US compound. The team faces the daunting task amidst their compliance to the laws and customs of the host country, but eventually adapts to and gets the confidence of their Saudi counterparts in subduing the terror cell, and in the process, cracking the case. So it seems, because in the ending....the movie-goer becomes the judge.


    Great drama and action scenes by director Peter Berg.


    4 stars :thumbsupsmiley:


  4. In the latest edition of the Guinnes World Records, THE ROLLING STONES grabs the title with the world's most successful tour raking a whopping $437 million from their European gigs " A Bigger Bang Tour". These aging rockers just keep their pensions growing by the years. They just can't get...NO SATISFACTION! :thumbsupsmiley:


  5. I believe it was Glenn Ford and not John Ford who came out in the original movie.


    Yup...should read as Glen not John...thanks for the erratum!


    After much prodding from my girl, had the chance to view THE BRAVE ONE (Jodie Foster & Terrence Howard) last night. My first thought before watching it was this is going to be another boring vigilante film on revenge/vendetta just like the "Death Wish" flicks of C. Bronson. I was quite blown away by Jodie Foster's superb acting that carries this film till the end. My rating: 4 stars :thumbsupsmiley:

  6. excuse me, baka GUESS WHO...


    ganito ba yung intro - "Life is sweet, on a one way street" :)


    may pasakalyeng: "...bubay bubay bay be baybeh...I got the Magical Mystery Tour!"

    Great Canadian band :thumbsupsmiley:


    Just had a great time watching 225 mins of Woodstock (The Director's Cut released in 1994) on DVD.

    The film on the festival of fun and music that started sometime mid-Aug of 1969 and lasted for 3 days was actually shown in 1970. Watched it with my classmates in Quezon Theatre in Cubao, which was over-flowing with long-haired pi-hips. Favorite expressions then of head-bangers: "Wow, pare! Ang bigat!" :upside:


  7. i watched led zep's song remains the same @ rizal theatre.


    At Yahoo!News yesterday, LedZep will be doing a 1-day gig only in London on 11-28-07 after 19 yrs. of hiatus. Who will be doing the drums?---no less than the son of Jon Bonham. :thumbsupsmiley:

  8. Watched "3:10 to YUMA" last night. I'd say it was a better remake of the classic western that starred John Ford. Russel Crowe (Gladiator) and Christian Bale (The Dark Knight) were just tops in their roles. Great ending...I won't spoil it for you. Two Thumbs Up! :thumbsupsmiley:


  9. A night time photo of 60s/70s Rizal Avenue


    Ideal Theater was called EE-DEE-AL instead of its proper pronunciation by people in the area.


    The theater burned down in the 80s.


    That brought back great childhood stuff along memory lane that is Rizal Ave.

    It was in "Eeedeeyal" Theater where I first saw this stunning actress watch a Steve Mcqueen movie.


  10. I watched it at Quad together with my classmates. First few bars of the first song pa lang, kanya-kanya nang sindihan ng (alam nyo na!)....yosi! Hahaha :lol: :upside: :lol: What did you think??? Hehehe


    Those were the days you can light up your twisted smokes without fear of getting hustled by the pigoys. Same experience in the Rock Jam held at Delta Theatre in the late 70s. :upside:

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