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Posts posted by gwapogi

  1. I expect Paul to sit out a/some game/s but I'm not sure it would matter as they'd probably the final one or two games of the season for the Hornets...


    actually, that is one of my fears...


    ...however, with the uber tight western conference playoff race, i doubt even if cp3 will rest... heck, if sactown turns it on, even brad may be in for the race...



    however, as far as the paul thing is concerned... well... there's a reason why i have 2 other pg's in my team (nelson, carter), 2 demi pg's (jj and possibly hedo) and a good passing big (brad)... :hypocritesmiley:





    though, if there's one thing i might regret, well, it is drafting aldridge... i hate that guy... wussy...

  2. regarding the trade, maybe we can call it as the deadline rush... :D


    but seriously, I desperately need a PG and I almost accepted the Arenas offer by Cal! last week for Hedo... I need the Asst, FT% and A/T boost that Calderon can give my team and I honestly feel that the FTM, Rebs and Pts that I will lose with the departure of Hedo can be taken care of by my mainmen LBJ and Superman.....


    at wag kayo mawalan ng pag-asa mga bro, remember 2 seasons ago, i also had a star studded team that dominated the league for the entire elimination period pero after the 1st round bye, olats na sa 2nd round.... hindi natin alam kung ano mangyayari sa playoffs, baka biglang may magpahinga sa team ni gwaps for the "real" nba playoffs, hehehe!



    yeah boy... actually, from the onset, my strategy is to draft players that will be playing for the longhaul... i mean, being victimized by the "annual kevin garnett pre-playoffs hiatus" left me with so many things to ponder...


    looking at my boys, i dont see anyone sitting it out besides brad miller... most of them are young & hungry (paul, j-smoove, j-boone, granger, etc.), playing for contracts (carter, okafor) and proven ironmen (jj - except last season, parker)...



    well, if all things go as planned, well... :rolleyes:

  3. As of this writing, you are number 1 in total rebs, number 1 in total blocks. You got a 12-6 record in the rebound category and a league-best 14-3 record in blocks.


    No matter how you cut it, the stats bear me out. Your team has a lot of muscle, he he:-)

    really? in rebounds?


    man... honestly, i didn't know that...


    the blocks, well, i have a slight idea i guess...

  4. thanks for the jermaine tip, ajb... will hold to him for the meanwhile...


    and btw, u've mentioned some pages back - my team's got muscle - well, i'd beg to disagree... my supposedly best big man, aldridge, i becoming eddy curry 08, oak's in a board / time share with nazr right now, j-smoove and j-boone's too freakin' erratic... most reliable big on my team is brad miller, and he aint anywhere near the likes of camby / kaman / chandler / dwight howard...

  5. ^^^ oh my...


    ...i hope all those "hype" will be met well... i mean, man, i've never been in a situation where im pegged to be the MDT (most dominant team)...


    ...honestly, i like playing the underdog role... i dunno... i've paid my dues (being 2nd twice) - i hope this time, it'd be mine...





    BTW, ajb... my season, as i would describe it, is a hit or miss... i've been quite successful at some (as of today, 1st in FPJ, MTC Premiere, 3rd in Champions League) and miserable at some (14th in Solar, 14th in the Roto League [my personal favorite, all andre named crew, weeeee] 10th in the Superleague, and i dont know how low in my neglected UFC league team)


    ...sa salitang tagalog, ala- tsamba lang ako... im not good...



    (and the miserable dynasty league campaign doesn't count - i'm tanking for rose or bayless, weee)

  6. guys... need ur inputs...


    i still have jermaine in2 of my "critical" leagues - the FPJ and the Champions league... as surprising as it seems, i am 1st in the former and 3rd in the latter (sans JO for about a month or more)...


    the question is: do i drop him?

  7. countered you bro....


    hedo - calderon, one-on-one?





    though i'd lose big time in the assists department, i'd be better all around...


    oh anthony carter, be a good boy and continue dishing dimes...


    same goes to you mr. nelson, it's never too late to turn things around since ur homeboy hedo's coming aboard...

  8. I have the most TOs in the league (TO totals) and second to worst TO record. And Im currently tied with three others for the worst A/T record in the league, nyahaha.



    well... you can't win em all cats...



    it goes to show that one may not win all cats, but still can dominate and be one of the league leaders...

  9. Arenas has been dropped. Somebody (a team with more or less a sure shot at the playoffs and can manage a couple of weeks with an injured player) might want to pick him up as he has been cleared to practice, although there has been no timetable yet for his return. Methinks he could be playing in a couple of weeks or even less. I have no chance of getting him since im way down low in waiver priority. Roughnecks has no. 2 priority and if he gets Arenas and the latter comes out smoking in two weeks, watch out... my fave team (Roughnecks) just might make it all the way.



    Edit: Roughnecks and Rip have the best TO and A/T records in the league.




    and i have one of the worst TO outputs in the league... :thumbsdownsmiley: <_<

  10. ganito pala si eugene pag seryoso. :D





    actually, matagal na sa indy circuit si nick dinsmore... mejo nabarubal ang gamit sa kanya with the eugene thing...



    but dude's one legit wrestler, ala dean malenko - technique wise, that is...

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