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Posts posted by gwapogi

  1. ahahaha... of course... during the keeper's league draft, i'd willingly impart my "recommendations" to you... let's build a rock-hard team...



    ...though, im still unsuccessful in 2 years of MTC dynasty league...


    - year 1 landed me a durant on year 2 (get it?)

    - year 2, though i miss the playoffs, was much better (both yao and bynum are out and barely missed the sixth spot)...



    blah... non of that matters now... all my teams baseball-wide are stuck in mt. olympus-like s@%t... help, anyone?

  2. BULLS aint gonna pick rose... hinrich's locked up long term, gordon too, then there's deng... they're locked up in the backcourt... they need interior scoring and a big man who can make opposing teams play honest defense (not sagging off the j-less bigs)...

  3. just to overstate it, your team does have a lot of speed so no need to make adjustment/s there. Gordon, Martin and Kotchman should be holding the fort down till A-Rod comes back. a small problem though is that they haven't shown enough yet to really blow the competition away. Rios, with all his power potential, hasn't asserted himself yet in the Blue Jays order especially now with Wells out. Guillén, even with a respectable .284 BA, hasn't shown yet the big numbers some/most were expecting coming from a revamped Tigers lineup. I've never been a fan of Byrnes and Peralta but they are both solid position players that when they start hitting, your faith in them would not be wasted. until then, you have to endure their .217 and .225 BA's respectively. that being all said, your batting order is also only enduring a rough start especially with the injury to A-Rod but I see no need to start pushing the panic button on them just yet.


    can I take a raincheck on your staff?




    seriously, Halladay, Shields and now Sonnanstine highlight your rotation. Owings is making a big case being your third guy but with the suprising TB leading the AL East, I've got to give more props to Andy. I am biased though, hehe. Bonser and Arroyo are good starters though obviously consistency is an issue for these two. Miller still has to make good with all the potential he has but since he is a prospect, he still has a lot of chances to show his true value and keep a roster spot. Baker and Rodriguez are injured but once they are back, they are great sources of K's. your bullpen of Capps, Gagne and Qualls is shaky at best now especially with Capps being a closer for the lowly Pirates and Gagne not really being as dominant as before. no diss to Pirate fans but how many wins do they really can get to have save opportunities for Capps? to summarize, you're staff will live and die with your rotation IMHO.



    thanks for the analysis...



    but bro, seriously, what's a "raincheck"... :unsure:


    got no idea...

  4. yeah... the famous michael bourn war cry - "you can't steal 1st base"... RAWR!


    well, i've looked at the FA pool, and, well, the only candidate for the chopping board is milledge, and still, the dude's got potential that i can't resist...


    ...wandy's been a personal favorite for years... he's a part of my "fireball" crew (kuo, shields, "death wish", halladay) which exactly aint firing or balling by any means...



    ... the infamous "SB" experiment failed miserably on month 2... and well, i'm just banking that these meatballs wake up for some second half explosion or something...



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