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Posts posted by gwapogi

  1. I do not think Jeff Hardy will ever become one of the big boys... He doesn't have the "IT" factor that Cena, Batista, HHH, HBK, The Rock, Syone-Cold, The Undertaker, etc. had, i dunno what it is its just that I dont think he deserves to be champ....


    again... i beg to disagree...


    been to any live wwe event? you should see how electrified the crowd goes when jeff hardy comes... its unreal...


    ...see hbk pre wwe attitude era? that's where jeff hardy is (or near) right now...


    IMO, he's one classic ironman / hell in a cell / special singles match away from "THAT"...


    given, his style is the "high-spot" type, contrary to the usual mat technician / psychological style of the legends (hhh, UT, hbk, etc...) but as he ages, as he becomes more human, he'd be forced to adjust to that... he'll learn... he's a pro, BTW...

  2. imho, i dont think jeff hardy is ready for IT.

    he should shape his mic skills up a bit and improve fan base.


    mike skills, yes, a bit more...


    but fan base, well, i beg to disagree... he's got arguably more marks cheering for him than anyone else in the wwe not named steve austin...

  3. Gwaps,


    Your team is overpowering mine right now. Lakas ng rebs mo. And I expected four games from Corey this week, which should have been enough to help me win the FTM category but those 4 games are now gone. Lamang ka na sa FTM at match-up, 6-5



    but remember, you have more game tomorrow and the next, i have actually no players for sunday...

  4. ^yeah, I got that. I actually said more of the same in the Lakers thread.

    it's not that bad for a cash-strapped club like the Grizz if we're thinking long-term---provided of course that they get to make all the right moves in between.

    it just tends to eat at me thinking whether there was a better deal out there for them.


    anyway, moving on...


    Lakers-Celtics finals?!?!?!


    pwedeng pwede!



    exactly why it has david stern written all over it...

  5. I dont know what I was smoking thinking I could win blocks and rebs. I forgot you had Josh Smith and Okafor. PLus Brad was huge for you today. I picked up Turiaf and Darko thinking the rebs category would be close. Boy oh boy, was I mistaken. Outside of Camby, wala na akong stud sa rebs and blcoks. Sa averages, ftm, points and steals ang pag-asa ko sa match-up natin. I would have had a more comfortable lead in FTM and points if Corey hadnt missed two games. Nakatulong din sana sya sa ft%. Sayang talaga.



    well, call it a lock with your FG%, FTM, FT%, 3's, STL


    mine probably with REBS, AST, A/T, BLK


    it'd be a toss between the PTS & TO's...

  6. though portland needs an upgrade from the jack / blake PG combo, i agree that staying put would be better for them... losing the "now" rising travis outlaw and perennial "tease" channing frye would hurt them more than they would expect...

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