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Posts posted by orionpax

  1. hmmm its either you work for Mitsubishi Corp, Ayala Corp or Singtel :D


    i work for the company who has most shares of Globe (daw) or nabili na nga ata nila.

    yes iphone will be released under this company's umbrella of companies (parang mali ang sentence) in SEA.

    3rd-4th quarter of this year 2008...

    thats the most info i can give.

  2. Bro, i havent tried yet in transferring MP3's into my bro's iPhone which could result in the locking of his phone, unlike in my iPod Nano..i have no fears of device locks


    You may ask fry for his advice :)





    anyhow... this may sound stupid and all... but how do I transfer my MP3's into my IPhone?

    I am currently very wary of what I click with ITunes as I am afraid I may lock my phone

    I am currently using ITunes version 7.6 I think...

  3. That thing came into mind too....hehehe hmmm




    I don't know how true this is... as this is just rumors floating around PBA circles (which have no factual basis) but there's this possibility that BGK is intentionally dropping games so as to be able to acquire Norwood in the draft... once this happens MBM will then ship either Seigle or Tugade or even both to BGK maybe in exchange for Caguioa...


    because the thing is... Caguioa doesn't like playing for Coach Jong while Danny S. doesn't like playing for Coach Siot

  4. I guess so...but i expect Globe to bundle the 3G iPhone in high end plans (Platinum?) ....


    I think it's almost certain that the Philippines will have the 3G version. It's not Apple's tradition to keep on with the predecessor long after the succeeding version has already been released. In fact, Apple is no longer replenishing stocks of the current gen. iPhone - a very good indicator that the next generation iPhone is just around the corner.
  5. I hope not...if Globe does carry the 2nd Gen iPod...i guess there will be a drastic price cut in the 1st Gen iphone..much more than the cut Apple made in the US....


    Unless iPhone OS 2.0 is released to prevent such "depreciation"

    I hope we will not be the dumping ground for expensive obsolete 1st gen iphone.
  6. As of today, no word yet from Globe if they will offer the 3G version since that will also hinge on Singtel's move (Globe's shareholder)


    And of course...we are still waiting Apple's official statement on this :D


    IMO , if Apple releases the 3G iPhone before September 08, its safe to say Globe will offer it to subscribers



    Will globe give us the 3g version?
  7. hehe..thats why i advised you to wait..... my friends at Globe leaked to me that the iPhone will be offered to their subscribers under G-Plans :D


    waaah! just when I was able to buy one...

    I could've gotten them for free!

  8. Even with the "dribble happy" guys in tow...its the COACH that should maximize with whats on-hand and make do with the line up that he has at his disposal (make adjustments, strategies, etc) ... :D


    Parang ganito "Mark this is you, JJ this is you, Alex tirahin mo sa kamay ha..hampasin mo! :lol: "


  9. I suggest that you hold your purchase until the 3G version is launched in Asia officially :)



    guess it would be pretty advisable to buy an IPhone by then?

    I've been having to restrain myself from buying one now... as I am afraid that prices may drop by the time the new IPhone is launched

  10. Its confirmed, read it in one of the dailies...Rice would be replaced with an import which will "maximize" its local crew..


    Maybe James Yap and Kerby Raymundo are complaining of the "reduced touches" every game hehe


    confirmed na ba to? where'd you get the news?
  11. If "Sabas" got into the NBA in 1985 (damn em USSR & the NBA minimum age requirement back then which is 21 yrs old), he could have made Hakeem Olajuwon and Patrick Ewing pee in their pants with the arsenal of moves (offensive & defensive) he had in his prime, you got a great passer, a shooter, a rebounder, can run the floor, an effective post player, a fierce defender in a "mobile & agile" 7'3" frame....but several ankle & achilles tendon injuries robbed most of his abilities (plus the added weight)


    The "Sabas" most kids saw in the NBA is only about 20-30% of the "Sabas" in his prime, but still he was still an "effective" player in his Blazers stint


    Those who were following the Euro basketball scene from 1981-1995 would know what im saying

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