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Posts posted by Iceman7

  1. hmmmm i agree with you on the formation of a bond. i lost count on the number of times i got my thera friend. both of us are really comfortable with each other now. i know her likes/dislikes and how to turn her on at bed. at first i thought this will lead to a romantic relationship but im glad that it didnt. pros of having a thera friend as opposed to thera loves include no emotions involved, no attachment, i can get other theras, i even twinned her with her friend at mp work from time to time. cons? hmmmm i cant think of any as of this moment

    It’s looks like you have the ideal GM Thera relationship, I am glad for you

  2. sad but true hahaha



    So true but I think I have a better understanding of why,


    Like for instance in my everyday life just from going to get my coffee for the day I get attention from the cute baristas and the daily regulars that are there enjoying their break. There is this one barista who is really cute and when I walk thru the door she has the biggest smile on her face and that smile sets the tone for me the rest of the day. What a good way to start the day. It seems to me that she wants me to ask her out she asked me before if I am married.


    Times like this I wonder why don't I just pursue her a regular woman with the possibly of having less headaches to deal with? I do hate myself sometimes because I tend to gravitate to the wrong ones the broken ones. A Gm has called me out here in the past on one of my post saying I am just looking for excitement wanting to have my blood curl. Now that I think about it he is probably right.


    So when I read stuff here about theras giving their money to lousy guys and chasing married guys in the hope that he will leave his wife for her use to baffle me. But I now look at my own actions and I can somewhat understand what they might be feeling.


    For some reason the wrong justs feel right.



    Reading most of the previous stories seem to lead to this premise that we've been talking about this single Thera that I've met almost a year ago. Its kinda sad to read how their stories end after falling for her charms. Some have mourned, others may have already moved on.



    How does it feel like falling in love for a Top Thera knowing you'll have a lot of competition to win her attention and winning is close to impossible? It may even end up with NO Victor at all


    "You'll never know until you try!"


    Will you even bother trying it?


    To Be Continued...

    Yes please continue, just from what you said above we can pretty much guess who you are talking about hehe. But you said the key words you will never know until you try.


    Might as well share your story it’s good to just let it out sometimes and don’t feel bad. Like you said there where and still are many GMs competing for the heart of this special Thera and from what I read some are really quality guys.


    But you never know till you try, because you might regret not trying at all

  4. i think some of the gms get battle hardened as well. i myself got fooled once and out of this experience i gained the ability to discern whether niloloko ako or not. i still see nothing wrong if ever a gm will have a relationship with a thera.


    in my current case with ms top thera. kulang nalang is umakyat na ng ligaw and my expression of love. i really like her as a person and she does not need my money being one of the top theras in her work. but i chose not to pursue because of the truckload of $&_+ going on with her family. i dont want to deal with it, so even with a heavy heart i chose to lie to her na bff lang tingin ko sa kanya. i can tell she became sad though she tried her best to contain herself. but we still see each other as friends and avail her services from time to time. now my feelings towards her has faded and friend nalang talaga tingin ko sa kanya.


    kaya the gm in an earlier post was correct, its about what you are willing to give and willing to receive.

    Nice post! Smart move, I think friends lang is the way to go less headache and no need to get involved with their personal life.


    I myself would be ok being the vacation BF to the super top Thera haha 😆 (there is this theory that top Theras have multiple BF just in case you didnt know)


    But all jokes aside since we now have a sense of awareness of the boytoy and the lies we shall no longer play the part of the victim in the vicious cycle


    The Jews have a saying NEVER AGAIN

  5. i know quite a few number of theras who have had relationships inside or outside work. the funny thing is while they are battle hardened maidens who are very used to intimacy or perhaps manipulate feelings of gm. they have a chink on their armor. pag sila na in love sablay rin sila on the choices of guys theyre involved with. i mean like really shitty guys.


    kaya wala talagang matalino pag tumibok ang puso 😂

    Its all good, this was my first battle scar 😂 Of course initially ang sakiit but we just have to realize that they are doing so to improve their livelihood.


    We know this is just a game and when single GMs like myself want to play the role of the white knight from what I have read so far is that he is gonna lose even though his intentions are good.


    Makes me wonder if GMs get battle harden as well or just end up like Lesluther and decide they no longer want to play anymore

  6. Money, is always the name of the game for these Thera's. Either they are milking a GM or having a paid BoyToy. This is the reason why they are in this type of work, they have insatiable need of money.

    Yes, i have seen their BF or live in partner, beat them up to pulp, and these Thera's will not leave them. And the following are their reasons, as i interviewed through out the years of dealing with them:

    1) BF is taking care of her child, even its not the Boytoy own child. Thera's is having the Boytoy as the Yaya while she is at work, and she can have more sex once she comes home.

    2) BF knows her all intimate secret and knows her sexual preference on bed which she sometimes cannot find from regular clients.

    3) Thera's has a warm body to cuddle when she comes home and sleep.

    4) Thera's is all aware the sinful and lustful life she is earning her money, and deep in their conscience, they deserve to be physically hurt. And they are used to get hurt either physically or emotionally, and they have reach a point of not feeling anything at all.

    5) BF shares his vices, alcohol, smoke, drugs, in which the Thera's get hook with, and she thinks its a sharing of somethings intimate.

    Its so sad to hear these actual stories from Thera's, for all of them end up either alcoholic, drug addict or in short wasted. And as they grow old in the industry, they just passed away in the background without noticing their existence in the first place. And at the later time they end up older than their age and go back to their provinces and regretfully looking back during the time that they should have love a person that really offering to love them but they just abused the person goodness and made them milking cow while having a useless and abusive Boytoy.

    It doesnt matter how much you give true love to these Thera's, they will always find ways to break a good relationship, and wants to be free again. And this very bad behaviour and attitude will and have always brought them nothing but more misery in life. Anyway regrets always happen at the end once everything is said and done.

    Only one Thera, from Barcelona in Manila, i know that hit a jackpot and married a Dubai royal blood. I still have contact with this person until now. But this is only one from many i met in my lifetime that made it thru life. The only difference of this person, she is 100% true to herself and never fooled any GMs. And the good karma smiled at her and did hit the jackpot.

    After reading this it makes me wonder


    When the boytoy leaves her for another woman and she is now a single mom, will she look back and remember the GM who was nothing but kind to her and could have gave her more then all her boytoys combined. Will she regret lying and trying to deceive him and have regret?


    Probably not, but one must live and learn


    Oh well on to the next one

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  7. Usually, the boy toy does not know where or what the theras job is.

    I remember this one time I went to Bellagio Spa a Thera came in with her BF(boytoy) and child. The milf Theras would always bring their kids to work and that place was like a nursery sometimes haha. Anyways the boytoy was holding their child and when he saw me he was like Hi Sir and started making motions towards her GF Thera for me to try her out. I was thinking to myself is this guy her pimp or her boyfriend 😂 I didnt available even though she was quite attractive. But I thought that was interesting

  8. There are never any set ironclad rules for a thera -GM relationship but to address your question this is my personal POV:

    You were right about the money. Most theras are in it for the money. Why the boy toy? Reality. Theras know most gms are married and are not exactly forever after material. The married gm is just a the best solution in a bad situation. He is a source of money in exchange for some semblance of intimacy.

    The boy toy is usually someone almost identical to the thera in social standing. He could be a neighbor, kababata or tropa thus they have a closer bond or some kind of kindred spirit. You are also right about theras liking the feeling of being loved. That is where my POV of reality comes in. The boy toy usually has no money so the thera stupidly works herself to death milking the married gm then gives the cash to her boy toy who then squanders it on liquor, drugs, other women. Hehehe you know the stories.


    My question would be: What for? What would one hope to gain by making a thera fall in love with him? Usually he can't keep her forever.

    Billy H u are a genius!


    This is the best explanation I have heard about the vicious cycle that exists between the Thera and GM relationship.


    The fact that I have been nothing but nice and kind to Ms. K and she attempted to take advantage of me so her boytoy and her can live better or eat better was really hurtful


    I never known what it felt like to be a fool. Now I do ☹️


    But from what you said it all makes more sense and I will use this knowledge in the future if I ever decide to play with fire 😂


    Hopefully less chance of getting burned

  9. Mostly its all about how much you can give

    Pera pera lang talaga

    If that where true, then why are the Theras chasing the guys with no money and even giving those guys financial assistance.


    I use to think it was all about the money, but now I dont know what to think.


    But I know one thing Theras like feeling loved just like any other woman out there


    Ganun naman talaga if sa Veteran Thera ka pa nahulog. At least she's out of your system already.

    Yeah Bro, if I didnt catch her it could have gotten really ugly. Her being the good actress that she is if we went on vacation together I could have easily fallen for her and I would have ended up giving her a lot and she would just turn around and give it to her true love


    Its funny how life works sometimes

  11. The Thera who tried to scam me


    I felt like I should write this considering the content that has been posted lately. This happened awhile back I just really try not post negative stuff and this is something I would like to forget as well. But after reading the stuff here it brought me back to this incident.


    I am not going to go into detail on how I met her since she is still active in the industry but lets call her Ms. K


    I been planning on seeing her for a while but been putting it off since I am lazy and just rather visit the spas close to me. But one morning I had problems sleeping and was bored and I saw that she was on duty.


    Since there was hardly any traffic at the time I decided to take the plunge and go pay her a visit.


    Of course she looked better in the pictures then in person but her personality reminded me of Ms.P. Except on our first encounter she was I can say not very nice to me. But I didnt care I just wanted to see what she was about. For some reason I was pretty forward with her maybe because she was a former top Thera and is well known in the MTC. She actually seemed weary of me. I could tell from her body language that she was not interested at me at all. Keeping her distance when she sat by me. But she was interesting to talk to she seemed to have her future figured out and I like hearing stuff like that and some times I would like to lend support if I can because I like seeing peoples dreams come true.


    I went against what I normally do which is get to know the Thera first then asked her out. But with her I just asked out she denied me and told me that they are not allowed to go out with the customers which I know is not true cause I taken out Theras to dinner many of times. I was like ok no problem but I was able to get her personnel number. At least she was kind enough to wait with me at the lounge area while I was waiting for my grab ride. She was getting ready to leave as well and when she was waiting with me I noticed she had an engagement ring. (Red flag right there) I asked her if she was engaged or married she said nope its just for style. I thought that was weird but I didnt think much of it at the time.


    Since I liked her personality I decided to see her again. The second time around was a complete 360 she was glad to see me and was really playful. On my first encounter she told me how she did not kiss clients and now she is looking for one and instead of being distance she was really close.


    I am a romantic by nature and she was in love with the thought of being loved that seem most important to her. Now she was the one making the moves.She wanted to see me outside the spa but I had things to do and she wanted to swap personal information. Since I am full of myself I just figured that she realized that I am a good catch and this is more of the treatment I am used to. I been trying to catch her off guard on our encounters to see if she had a BF or not. So I just asked her if she has a guy in her life. She told me no she is too busy with school and work to be in a relationship. Oh course me being naive I was like ok that makes sense.


    She could have been an actress. The way she was with me I actually believed she had feelings for me and I am no amateur I can tell if the woman is being sincere or not but she got me to believe she had some feelings. Her being a romantic as well I would get texts that say haysss sobra namamiss kita. Lovey dovey stuff like that.


    The weekend before I was at Batangas and I met a starlet at a KTV who I was really into. She was everything that I look for physically in a woman tall big natural boobs fair white skin with a feisty attitude. She made all the moves even snuck out of the place she was starting at just to see me. The only problem with her was she was way to forward already planning our future together wanting to have many babies with me so that kind of put me off. But at least I knew her feeling for me where true.


    I was planning on taking a weekend trip to one of the different islands and was considering inviting the starlet. But for some reason Ms.K came across my mind. She told me how rough she had it in life (but in reality she was loaded) and I thought it would be nice to take her instead since she might appreciate it more then the starlet since the starlet was loaded with cash and can do whatever she wants


    I sent a text to Ms. K that I wanted to invite her with me on a weekend vacation. She seemed trilled on the text and was thanking me and sending me more lovey dovey texts I was like great.


    I have this problem where I dont think before I act so I started question myself if this is a good idea or not. But its all good even though the trip was gonna cost me a fortune I was looking forward to it and I was looking forward to spoiling Ms.K (I have this thing for spoiling women)


    Fast forward family matters came up and in the back of my mind I was hoping that Ms. K would do something stupid like ask me for money so I can call off the trip that I planned and of course one day I sent a text to say hi and how she was doing and I got a reply that her Lola fell off a chair and hit her head and she needed financial assistance. I told her to let me know what needed to be done and how much it is going to cost. Since my cousin was a doctor a Makati Med I forwarded the info she gave me to my cousin. Of course she lied then I decided to investigate her and would you know it she has a bf she has been seeing for a year.


    I didnt know what to think this is the first time this happened to me (unless all the others I have went out with could have had BF I just didnt know about it) but I admit I was hurt. I was looking up information for the trip I was planning on taking her too and I was regretting not inviting the starlet first when she was the one who truly liked me.


    I didnt even confront her about her BF I just basically called her a liar and told her that I am not stupid and I wont fall for this. She got mad and told me she wasnt lying and I didnt even reply I just dropped everything just like that.



    I guess she never learned about the goose that laid the golden egg at school growing up she just went straight for it and was trying to get the money all at once.


    Here is the thing guys I know she truly loved her BF they where even planning on getting married. (I am guessing due to the engagement ring) But when the opportunity came her way she jumped on it. So hopefully the guys here that have a Thera GF wont do the same. Because talk is cheap and action speak louder than words.


    So even if your Thera love tells you how much she loves you if she is in a situation where she might run into a bigger better deal and the temptation is just too hard to pass. Like if a Thera where to meet a Pilot who was infatuated with her and is willing to give her 100k a month to get out of the industry haha


    After that incident I act differently at the spas. I no longer bring food or snacks when I visit or give extra cash for tip because now I assume that all Theras have some guy that they are taking care off and feel like I am just helping out the boytoy by being generous. Which makes sense because I have seen this in Japan where the Female Hostess would go spend their money on the Male Hostess clubs after the get out of work. I guess the vicious cycle exist everywhere haha.So I just go to spa as a business transaction just in and out.


    I am guessing the reason I was successful with Ms. P was because she was a newbie in the industry and she was not on the defense all the time. Ms. K on the other hand is a former top Thera been the the industry for many years and is battle hardened knows about self preservation and she was able to read me like a book. I guess that comes with dealing with many customers over the years


    Please dont ask me who she is. I am most likely her only victim since I was pursuing her and she did deny my at first.


    Regardless I know there are Theras out there with kind hearts its just the bad ones we like to talk about.

    • Like (+1) 4
  12. You will never know if she has a boytoy on the side. She will never tell you, especially if you're her cash cow. She would want the best of both worlds: a gullible, love-sick guest who is her personal atm and a boytoy whom she screws around with and gives money to. Money which gets from her love-sick guest.


    Lucky for me I was able to find out about the boytoy and was able to walk away before things go out of hand

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  13. Going 2 months in a complicated relationship with a former thera. I should say former cause its been a month since she stop. She told me she dont want to hurt me that's why she stop. Now my problem is I know she needs financial support but she decline my offer even told her that I want her to continue studies. She choose to find decent job. We still frequently see other if time permits its hard to have LDR. I hope one day everything will workout for us.

    As long as she does not go out and meet her regulars at the motel or The B hotel for extra cash you should be ok👍🏼

  14. haha marami ang against sa client-thera relationship ah. parang you and me against the world

    Unless you like being a part of a vicious cycle or the gamitan game as stated in the why do women fall for ugly men thread, I suggest you stay away from having a relationship with a Thera.


    But of course for us hopeless romantics, we might run into that rare gem of a Thera who is just worth fighting for 😍

  15. These relationships only last until their dreams become bigger than your wallet, lol! If youre having girl problems I feel bad for you son! I got 99 problems but a b$tch aint one.

    What guys here dont understand is while we are pursuing a Thera some Theras are pursuing guys as well, and the difference is those guys dont spend money on them and in some cases even receive money from the Thera.


    Even though I am a decent guy and think highly of my self I would not pursue a Thera that I am fond of if she has a bad boy/chick boy in her life. Even though I can be a good provider for her in her heart I will lose. So I dare not compete against that guy. I will just end up looking the fool with less money in my bank account.


    In most cases it is actually less expensive just to visit the Thera of your liking at the spa frequently then try and have a relationship with her outside the spa. Less headache as well


    Just be careful bros, you dont want to end up with a broken heart 💔 and a empty wallet

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  16. It is starting to look like a Victim of the Therapist Thread here again

    I am not an advocate for GM Thera relationship but I believe the reason we don’t see a lot of positive feedback on successful GM Thera relationship because I think most guys keep it to themselves when things are going good but when things become sour they come here to vent.

    I myself have found this thread only after a Thera tried to scam me and my first post here was negative as well. If I knew about this thread before I would not got into that situation and it would have never happened.

    But what I have learned is one should not let his infatuation with the Thera get the best of him(easier said than done) Just walk away if something does not seem right and you just have to remember that there are plenty other women out there who will appreciate a guy who is nice to them. If you where to become a victim of love remember this. If you don’t remember this you will just end up a victim

    What it really come down to is the individual person. We can’t judge people just because they belong in a certain group. Yes it’s a known fact that Theras are in an interesting situation and money is the driving factor behind it. If they where to have their own thread where they can complain about the GMs it would be insane and the innocent guys might get labeled wrong just because another GM did wrong di ba?

    I have met Theras that never asked me for money outside the spa and I even met a GRO who offered to take care of the finances because she didn’t like the fact I was working to much(Not sure if she would have actually done it but I wouldn’t have took the offeranyway) So everyone is just different regardless of what group you are a labeled in.

    Here is a story from the falling for a client thread which is warm to my heart, maybe someday I myself can make a difference in someone’s life

    Jhothi7, on 20 Sept 2015 - 03:47 AM, said:

    Just sharing..

    I, myself, have been a Thera before in a MP, 6 years ago.. I've been through this kind of relationship wherein one of my guests got me out of this industry and supported me financially.. His name was RM, he was my regular for about 3 months and he used to visit me in my workplace around 3-4 times a week (with ES) and he picks me up from work almost every night.. We are not in a "commitment" as what he always say.. He insists that he's a businessman and he doesn't have time and chance to engage in a romantic relationship.. He said he just wanted to help me, that's all.. I was then a nursing student who stopped for two years due to financial incapacity. An amount of 30k is hitting my account every 8th of the month, nothing compared to how much I am earning but a great start for people like me who wanted to quit the job and focus on my studies. Just so you know, this started as a deal between us. The only thing he's asking in return is for me to quit and forget the industry I have been for more than a year. He asked me to change my number and not communicate with anybody from the said business - friends, guests, co-theras, everybody.. He wanted me to meet new friends, new environment.. I did so not until his mom found out about a "ghost employee" in their company's payroll.. Yes, he is a bachelor, a businessman, an expat and a mama's boy..

    It was so sudden when I stopped receiving my monthly 'support', and haven't heard from him for a month, wherein he used to call and chat with me every night before he goes to sleep.. Just heard about his "mom" thing from a former colleague.. Yes, he still visits the MP.. The awkward thing is, from the day we had the deal, he stopped "doing" it with me..

    He said he wanted me to feel like a normal person and get the respect that he wants me to receive.. I loved him, yes... I loved him that much that I feel jealous whenever I hear about the different therapists he is getting everytime he visits my former workplace.. But of course, I can't complain.. One of the rules is for me to not get in touch again with anybody from the 'business'.. Afraid that he will question me back.. I have broken only this rule.. But I NEVER EVER did it with ANYBODY again.. I don't have a boyfriend that time and it's him that I consider as my boyfriend though he doesn't see it that way..

    To cut the story short, I went back to college to pursue my studies with the help of his money.. I was in my 3rd year then.. Though it lasted for only 6 months, I kept the promise to myself that I won't go back since I already got out.. I managed to be a scholar in a university.. fees weren't that high, my dad was self employed, my mom got a job from a security agency as a lady guard.. In short, I made it.. I graduated last 2010, passed the board exam in my first take.. I am working as a staff nurse here in Abu Dhabi for 2 years now.. Still single, 28, yet love life is in the least of my priority..

    Haven't heard of him until now.. He changed his number 6 years ago..

    If we will be given the chance to bump with each other again, I would really want to give him a big hug and express my gratitude and big big thanks for helping me "get-out".. Wondering if it weren't for him, I may not be where I am now.. He's got a special place in my heart and he will never be forgotten..

    Sorry, I'm not that good in composing a blog like this but I hope it's still understable..

    Just sharing..

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