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Status Replies posted by Climaco

  1. Whiskey... love it

  2. Does technology get in the way of romance?

  3. I must be on my way

  4. need to go home soon... miss my babe

  5. Ignore the people who's always talking behind your back. That's where they belong , just behind you.

  6. Mindoro Sling. :) Hello Puerto!

  7. It's Thirstday

  8. hi there people how are yoU?

  9. Cougar na ba ako? Why do I seem to attract younger guys.

  10. Cougar na ba ako? Why do I seem to attract younger guys.

  11. lost 29lbs by just dieting and exercise... is it okay to take diet supplement capsules now?

  12. From 70 kilos now down to 62 kilos

  13. it is fun to meet ladies. sexier than reading their posts online.

  14. Streeessss! I wanna go up to Ilocos with my back pack, head to the beach, then down to Baguio for some ukay-ukay (which I haven't tried in my whole life), then back to Manila, fly to Davao- to Pearl Farm, eat kinilaw and bring loads of Pomelo. heeew.

  15. Streeessss! I wanna go up to Ilocos with my back pack, head to the beach, then down to Baguio for some ukay-ukay (which I haven't tried in my whole life), then back to Manila, fly to Davao- to Pearl Farm, eat kinilaw and bring loads of Pomelo. heeew.

  16. Tuesday off. Staying at home whole day.

  17. Tuesday off. Staying at home whole day.

  18. Excited ako dito sa MTC... Di nga ako makatulog hehehe, first time?

  19. Bored again. :/

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