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Status Replies posted by Climaco

  1. i need 1 girl for my hubby or married couple...

  2. i need 1 girl for my hubby or married couple...

  3. party anyone?

  4. party anyone?

  5. ♥♥♥ Single and ready to mingle ♥♥♥

  6. I can not access my attached files, why do need to have thousands of posts to be a super poster to see my own files ive attached. Please help making them viewable.

  7. I can not access my attached files, why do need to have thousands of posts to be a super poster to see my own files ive attached. Please help making them viewable.

  8. thanks for all the add everyone

  9. no uglies, stupids, stalkers and pervs pls. =)

    1. Climaco


      I enjoy her posts guys. hope you wont get tired posting rockchic =)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  10. no uglies, stupids, stalkers and pervs pls. =)

    1. Climaco


      I enjoy her posts guys. hope you wont get tired posting rockchic =)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  11. is making her future BIGGER than her past...

  12. is making her future BIGGER than her past...

  13. Someone sent me a pm saying "hope you enjoy and learn from MTC"...then I realized, yes I indeed learned something...to TRUST. ;)

  14. i am not a psp and you cannot afford me, so stop sending me messages asking for rates

  15. I wish I'm numb.

  16. can't sleep with all the noises the cats are makin makin out outside my bedroom window

  17. can't sleep with all the noises the cats are makin makin out outside my bedroom window

  18. Good Morning Everyone!

  19. SIX SENSES OF KISSING: 1.sense of smack 2.sense of torrid 3.sense of gigil 4.sense of touch 5.sense of lust 6.ABSCENCE! wla ng clothes.....

  20. I've never been this tired since going to Eastwood from Alabang and then from Eastwood back to Alabang. The horror! :|

  21. slamat s mga ng VOTE ng pictures q s enduranz,thank u so much guyz i w0n!ü

  22. Where to find isaw at 2 in the morning?

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