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Status Replies posted by Climaco

  1. oh GAAD, i just figured out. No stalking. You can talk to me... if you want to hear a piece of s@%t.

  2. I've started playing Dungeons & Dragons today. So far so good! :)

  3. It is not about what you take, but what you give..

  4. "I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world. "-- Angelina Jolie

  5. Convinced that Illy coffee may be a weee bit better than sex. Really.

  6. i cant make peole love me forever...all i can do is show them who i am and what i feel...and its up to them to realise my worth!

  7. is _ _ _ _ _??? ;)

  8. Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right. *wink*

  9. It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover.

  10. A man who treats his woman like a princess is proof that he has been born and raised in the arms of a QUEEN.

  11. hindi ako chubby! at lalong hindi ako, mukhang hindi magaling! :P

  12. hindi ako chubby! at lalong hindi ako, mukhang hindi magaling! :P

  13. Hello Everyone, I just opened my own room today. Hope you get to visit it. Drop a note if you can. Thanks.

  14. I wanna meet a guy who has plans and ambition rather than an immature boy on a "pussy-hit" mission.

  15. When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.

  16. Girls, there's a fine line between wearing make-up or just looking like you got gang banged by Crayola.

  17. There's a very thin line between hopeful and desperate.

  18. : A horny husband helps her wife set a password on the PC. she typed, MYPENIS. her wife rolled on the floor laughing when it said "sorry not long enough"

  19. Sex has no calories.

  20. bored out of my mind

  21. 'm n0t cUte..'m n0t pReTTy.. IM SEDUCTIVE!! ;P (ang umangal,insecure..)


  23. I loooove when somebody's laugh is funnier than the actual joke. :D

  24. naughty but nice...

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