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Posts posted by X3ME15

  1. wahehehe bkt?malay mo diba di nman kami pare pareho heheheh



    well, i'm just pessimistic in this topic.. i've been thru the whole mpa/psp/gro scene and the one lesson that i've learned the most is not to fall.. 9/10 tries end up up only with problems


    i'm not saying that you're the same as everyone, but experience is still telling me otherwise

  2. if men physically abuse women, women mentally and emotionally abuse men


    haay.. in the case my last awful break-up, i really wanna vent out my anger physically. i don't wanna hit anyone bec. i don't wanna stoop on that level so i punched the wall several times..


    atleast the pain of love subsided, the pain on my knuckles just remained longer than expected.. hahaha!

  3. i've been cheated on. iniisip ko pa kung kaya ko pa.... or might cheat as well



    my advice is, don't stoop so low that you'll want to hurt other people just to heal your ego..


    i've been cheated countless times, hell i've accepted it that s@%t happens in this world and still hold on to my beliefs.


    if you're gonna change yourself, do it for the better, not for the worse. there's alot of a-holes already in this world and we don't need them

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