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Posts posted by X3ME15

  1. damn! i feel you guys.. girls nowadays don't have even some respect left for their boyfriends.. a little LQ and they go off running to the other guy.. sheesh!

    same story with my ex-gf, she got bored (and yet it was only me making all the effort to spice-up the relationship) and went to another guy to have fun.. wtf is that!?


    alot of girls are becoming prettier but their attitudes are becoming worse.. what's happening to the world! :thumbsdownsmiley:

  2. I'm in this kind of situation now.. I'm about 9weeks pregnant, I did it with another guy and I have a bf. You may call me slut but that's the least of my worries. My bf is excited cause we've been trying to get pregnant, this was really unexpected. I tried to calculate when I conceived and to my surprise it pointed out to the other guy ( based on the date ), I'm really frustrated. I tried avoiding my bf pero he's getting frustrated with me. I did some things to terminate the pregnancy pero naagapan ako. It's hard kase I'm so confused, a lot of guys will think that I got what I deserve. I don't want my bf to take care of me, sobrang guilty ko. I wanted to tell my bf para iwan na lang niya ko kaso it's really hard. His family is expecting our baby and for us to get married. Minsan I talk to my baby and I ask her to let go na lang. It's not my babys fault and I might be wrong and this might be my bfs baby. Ayoko magstay sa house ng bf ko na andun family niya cause the guilt is killing me. I shouldn't have done that stupid mistake.


    sorry if what i'll gotta say is harsh, frank and to the point but pretty much you've screwed everything good in your life by sleeping with another man bec. of what? he's better in bed, has a bigger d*ck? god, did you ever thought about the consequences that might happen? in life, there are choices and it's no excuse to not think about it 1st before diving.. yes, you said it, you're a slut and you pretty much worry about it bec. what other people say reflects on the actions you show them and the attitude you portray. you don't care about what others say? then you've got issues, probably the same reason why you're in this sh*thole.


    if you thought that letting go of the baby will make your conscience go away, think again.. it will be far worse than you would imagine in the future.


    be a woman and tell your BF the truth. and if ever he leaves you, then you'll know the answer to your dilemma. if not then thank him ten fold bec. he's willing to accept what happened to you and the responsibilities that needs to be faced regardless but damn make sure you'll change your ways already and reflect what happened.


    God has a funny way of reminding us the harsh reality of life and its the truth.

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