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Posts posted by X3ME15

  1. E-10 is a no go for the majority on my standpoint regardless its included in the clean air act.. too many complications on the regulation and the opinion of the masses do count considering they're the one that gonna use it.. regardless of sales, it can't be a base point of how it works in your engine anyway so it's no bearing for the performance of the product whatsoever


    just my 2 cents on the matter

  2. i'll take your word for it considering you're already representing one of the big 3 companies by assuring us that E-10 is "safe" to use


    for being a technical supervisor in one of the known car shops here in manila that do custom engine and suspension works, i can't help but to be skeptical considering we're dealing with engine models that's somewhat not meant for gasoline mixtures rated on higher compression ratios (even the metal fatigue and tolerance must be considered) , plus EFI and also carburetor type engines needs to be re-calibrated to accommodate proper combustion bec. of the change (or mixtures) in the fuel (especially the E-10 and up mixtures) based on what i've learned.. there are lots of processes that still needs to be done for it to be compatible with the old-but-proven pertrol engines in which the majority of the car owner has in the philippines.


    i'm just voicing out my concerns as part of the motoring public and also being a part of the automotive industry, it's just right to contest and scrutinize any new product that are used with our investments (our automobiles). so if my posts somewhat offended you, don't be. i'm just stressing the facts that i know from knowledge and experience in this business.


    it's healthy to have a friendly argument once in a while ^_^

  3. E-10 (10% ethanol) will not destroy,damage any parts of your cars, motorcycles. It was carefully studied before it was implemented. As per latest analysis data, 65% gasoline feed cars in metro are now using E-10and it's market share is getting bigger every day, if E-10 will cost trouble, eh di dapat kalahati nang koste sa metro sira na and Look further, most of our neighboring countries are already using 20% ethanol blend and yet some part of Europe are using 35% to 50%.


    It's our contribution to fight global warming.


    are you sure you know what you're talking about?


    those figures is still not enough to convince everyone to use ethanol as far as i'm concerned, and still there is no proof that it won't damage or even wreck your engine (like i said, the older engine models 2000 and below) when used in prolonged periods..


    the study you're referring, how long they did test the engine using an ethanol mix? 2 months? 6months? 1yr? the span of the test is still not enough


    and if you gonna check the net, there are alot of reports on problems using E-10 like this in wikipedia under fuel system problems:




    Several of the outstanding ethanol fuel issues are linked specifically to fuel systems. Fuels with more than 10% ethanol are not compatible with non E85-ready fuel system components and may cause corrosion of iron components.[189][190] Ethanol fuel can negatively affect electric fuel pumps by increasing internal wear,[190] cause undesirable spark generation,[191] and is not compatible with capacitance fuel level gauging indicators and may cause erroneous fuel quantity indications in vehicles that employ that system.[192] It is also not always compatible with marine craft, especially those that use fiberglass fuel tanks.[193][194] Ethanol is also not used in aircraft for these same reasons.


    Using 100% ethanol fuel decreases fuel-economy by 15-30% over using 100% gasoline; this can be avoided using certain modifications that would, however, render the engine inoperable on regular petrol without the addition of an adjustable ECU.[195] Tough materials are needed to accommodate a higher compression ratio to make an ethanol engine as efficient as it would be on petrol; these would be similar to those used in diesel engines which typically run at a CR of 20:1,[196] vs. about 8-12:1 for petrol engines.[197]


    In April 2008 the German environmental minister cancelled a proposed 10% ethanol fuel scheme citing technical problems: too many older cars in Germany are unequipped to handle this fuel. Ethanol levels in fuel will remain at 5%.[198]


    so i think it just proves that its idealistic and also good for the environment but not practical in reality.. and to people that's saying that E-10 is good then by all means use them, but ofcourse the facts are there in your face that still pose some concerns for the motoring public.


    i'm not gonna gamble my investments just to save a measly amount of money.. just my view on this matter



    more issues on using E-10:





  4. ...eh where will you get non ethanol base gasoline product when this will be will be phase out next year?


    can you show me a mandate of phasing out of non-ethanol based gasoline next year?


    as you can see, there are still lots of gasoline stations w/o the E-10 mix.. even if its imposed, there still will be gas stations w/ non-ethanol based so i'm not all over ga-ga over that..


    i'm more concerned on my engine bec. some engines are not meant to be used w/ ethanol mixtures and i'll not force myself to convert to ethanol unless the manufacturers says the engine (especially he pre-2000 models) is compliant w/ ethanol mix gasolines

  5. being alone sucks.

    missing you sucks.

    having drunk friends sucks.

    most of the time... life is good.

    but right now... it sucks.

    i miss you.

    i love you.

    i need to see you.

    do you ever feel like you just have to see me?

    because i feel like that sometimes.

    i feel like that right now.

    do you know what i mean?

    everything hurts. but there is nothing wrong.


    i just hurt because i miss you.

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