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Posts posted by X3ME15

  1. I see them often and i have an ache in my tummy. I knew she's enjoying his moves in bed and all. I knew she'll be receiving flowers every monthsary.


    The point is you'll always wonder if he thinks of you when he makes out with his current flame. I wonder if she wears underwear because i don't


    well said except the last sentence.. lol :upside: i just can't help but relate


    although the scenario is opposite.. *sigh*

  2. hahahah ganun bleh :*


    ofcourse! reinforce your weakness and strengthen your aces


    keeping on topic:


    its the skill you need to learn before you can shorten the generation gap, being flexible on the attitude and demand of the person older/younger than you


    i know alot of men in their 40's and 50's and still getting hook'd up w/ younger girls (ofcourse, not DOMs).. it's the way they converse w/ them..


    time to learn from the elders.. ;)

  3. to still hold dear to your past feelings, keeping it alive wishing you can do everything to avoid the inevitable

    but i can't, i've already done everything that i could and probably even if i can turn back time, the inevitable will still happen

    its bec. of you, the girl that i loved, that can't loved me bec. of her selfishness to look at the big picture

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