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Gwen Morales

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Posts posted by Gwen Morales

  1. But, I'm sure the time when you didn't indulge in sex, you did not go without masturbation.

    Ako po ba?


    Matino ako nuong time na yun eh. Hahaha.

    So, no. Wala rin pong playtime. I guess sa babae kaya. Hindi katulad ng sa lalake... me 2 bags na napupuno. Hehe.

  2. I am a sapiosexual --- I dont really care about the looks, what is important he is intelligent (nerdy, geeky --- ang kyot nila)... I want someone na parang walking encyclopedia. Kahet ngetpa pa yan! My former fiance was my mentor at work. I able to work my way to the top because of him.


    I am on the chubby side (though losing some weight now) and payatot or guys with may abs doesnt appeal to me. Mas gusto ko yung me konting beer belly.




    Sense of humor.I am kid at heart. I always find something funny in things and in life. Mababaw and can easily buy jokes kahet korni.


    Lalake sana. Yung hindi lalake rin ang hanap. Hehe.

  3. Oh. 1 month lang yan!


    If you're busy you wont even think about it.


    Pero pag hindi, all you think about is sex.


    Kaya if kelangan mong mag celebate... try to busy yourself.


    My longest na walang sex was 2 years. And during that time, it is not that bad. Kaya naman if busy ka talaga.

  4. Made me sad?


    When you trying to stop feelings na you know it will go nowhere. Na hindi mo maturuan ang sarili mo na hindi kiligin kasi first and foremost, yung katulad mo hindi naman kinikilig. Pangalawa, he will never see me differently... ill be always somebody in the trade... and parang aso na nakakaamoy ng buto kaso nakatali ka.



    Sad no?


    I used to be smart, and outsmart my own feelings, but now... kung kelan tumanda and had more experience in life, nag fi feeling teenager.



  5. I agree with others.


    In this line of work --- I only have sex. Very physical thing.


    But when you are in love --- you make love, that includes mind,body and soul.


    Malayong malayo yun. Magkaibang magkaiba.




    But some girls would use sex as hook line and sinker to hook up boys. Akala nila,porket sinex mo na sila, love mo na sila. Puhlease boys, have mercy and be clean with your intention.


    Kung sex sex lang, eh di sex sex lang. Wala ng love love. Kung ayaw pumayag --- eh di wag. Ipon ka na lang. Hire ka na lang, wala pang drama diba?

  6. Metformin.




    If you have a Diabetes, you need the pill.


    I still dont have diabetes, but I take Metformin.


    I dont think anything else would regulate BS. If you eat, insulin spikes. Eh di ka naman pwede hindi kumain.


    Generally, metformin is safe.

  7. Work out.




    Excercise releases endorphins , the happy hormone so whenever you sweat, it gives you a different high.


    If depression is so much, that you feel, you lose it and wanna die, call on emergency and get a medical help.


    But after treatment and medication, your doctor will still ask you to run! (If you are able)

  8. Yes, it can help to reduce fine lines - this is fat soluble and produce a natural moisture of your skib and can help if you have dry skin - which is prone to wrinkles.


    Its also anti oxidant. It fights free radicals.

    Yes, it can help to reduce fine lines - this is fat soluble and produce a natural moisture of your skib and can help if you have dry skin - which is prone to wrinkles.


    Its also anti oxidant. It fights free radicals.

  9. Vitamin E can cause you break out if you have an oily skin.


    Vitamin E shouldnt be taken more than a month since it is fat soluble. Restore taking vitamin E at least a week of rest.


    Vitamin E is for aging skin. If you see fine lines, its time to take this vitamin. But if you still got supple, young skin, no need for this one.

  10. Dear Leni,


    I just dont understand why us, simple employee in a private sector will have our leaves cancelled once our company sees our presence is important.


    While you, the 2nd highest officer in the land, and the first Bicolana to achieve the highest post wouldnt give a second thought to cancel your vacation instead be where your kababayan need your presence on this time of trial. Why VP Leni?

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. if you share bathroom and chances, someone might use your soap, it can be contaminated with skin conditions like warts, an an or galis --- and can be spread to your skin.


    Bodywash on the other hand, if tightly closed will ensure not only clean but free from usage of other people in the house :)


    I use body wash without any loofah. just spreading into my skin.


    Loofah, or towelette is not good to use daily.

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