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Macho Man

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Everything posted by Macho Man

  1. because there are some members with mental health issues who use MTC as therapy
  2. definitely acceptable. like what if the crazy bitch tries to stab you with a knife. of course you'll have to knock her the fuck out
  3. once a day. but only for a few minutes, unlike some losers who stay here the whole day
  4. because an ugly, socially awkward Loser like you can never get Laid for free !
  5. beware of handlenames with the numbers "777" or "888" . that old loser has over a hundred alternicks. he's been a member here since the early 2000s
  6. i bet there are simps here who give gifts to prostitutes
  7. most MTC members don't know how to flirt, that's why they always have to pay money for sex
  8. you're on MTC literally 24 hours a day . what a sad life you have
  9. it's not important to a desperate guy who falls in love with a prostitute
  10. i know who you're talking about. it's that old man who writes FRs as if it's a romance novel . annoying as hell
  11. someone who thinks that he's a ladies' man just because he fucks prostitutes . a ladies' man gets laid for free
  12. someone who uses MTC as therapy for his depressing life
  13. most of the FRs in the MP section
  14. i don't love you whore, you're out the door
  15. unfortunately, there are simps here who would kill themselves over theras
  16. why are you still single at such an old age ?
  17. this is what happens when nerds don't have money to go to prostitutes
  18. i'm sure it's okay with you guys. i mean, most of you fall in love with prostitutes, right ?
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