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Posts posted by camus

  1. When I was in grade school I had a deep crush on my math teacher Rachel. I still remember her face and name. She was so pretty, a tiny girl, but with big tits. And she was very nice to me, offered to give me free tutoring after class if I had any problems. Dami ko naubos sa jakol on her. I was too young and shy pa then to make a move.

  2. My JS prom was memorable. My date had really big tits. That was the reason I asked her to be my date. And just pure luck, she wore a bustier type top, no straps. Her top didn't fit very well, she kept on readjusting it all night. My date loved to dance and to my delight her top would slide down bit by bit. And the date ended very well. That night was the first time I did a motorboat.

  3. Don't take alcohol as a sleep aid. It's bad for you. Tulog ka nga, but the quality of your sleep is not good. 1 small drink is probably fine, but not lasing. Something to do with brain waves. Ask a sleep doctor if you don't believe me.

  4. Proper diet is not eating less, it's eating right. You don't need to starve yourself. If you're hungry then go ahead and eat. But instead of reaching for that donut or a piece of cake, go munch on carrot sticks. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are not good for you, it's even worse than fats. Bawasan mo carbs, lalo na sugars.

  5. Watch and diamond jewelry. A Patek entry level costs around 1m. A colorless and flawless 1 carat round diamond will set you back about the same. Just these 2 is equivalent to buying a studio type condo in makati.

    And if that's not enough for you, the sky is the limit. The most expensive diamond ever sold is worth $48m, most expensive Patek is $21m. Dollars yan, not pesos.

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