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Posts posted by camus

  1. Mj one of the best, no doubt. Can't say if he is best. I think swerte swerte, depends on competition. If mahina kalaban, a team or player can dominate. I've heard some people argue that's what happened in 91-98 bulls era.


    For example Tom hanks and spencer Tracy are only actors who won academy awards best actor twice in a row. Can you say they are the best actors of all time?

  2. Any wide leather wallet. I don't care about brand, as long as leather is genuine and its wide enough to fit foreign currency. Paper money in some countries are wider and will stick out in the usual narrow wallet.

  3. My first thought is a Ferrari. But it's not practical in pinas. We have bad roads, speed bumps, frequent flooding, etc. Kawawa Ferrari mo if you dare to drive it out. And if you don't, sayang naman.

    So my answer is Lexus LX suv. Preferably a hybrid.

    I changed my mind. It's possible to have both. I forgot about the sports car/suv crossovers. Like the Porsche Cayenne or the bmw x6.

  4. I do believe in marriage. But i also understand its not for everyone. So choose your partner carefully before taking the plunge. If you still want to fool around then you aren't ready. I think marriage is more for your future kids than it is for the couple. It's better for children to grow up with both parents.

  5. Girls! Yun lang. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or gamble. Gambling is the worst, I think. It's a bottomless pit. You can lose millions in a second. At least with the others, it takes time to consume.

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