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thanks for the safe trip again.


thanks for the time to take things slowly.


thank you to my AP.

couldnt leave without.


thank you for a wonderful dinner last nite.

though i was so exhausted,

being with the people close to my heart

still ranks first!


thank you for my new toy!

m excited about it again.


thanks for MY SUNSHINE.

cant pay for a smiling heart!

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Thank you that JDGH is adjusting well with her new school and classmates in Australia.


Thank you for the chance to volunteer ... may I finally commit to do what I can despite not having the finances.


Thank you for good and new friends. ;-)


Thank you for the blessings ... food, strength, energy, shelter and love.


Thank you for realizations, learnings and foresight.


Thank you for the simple things ... catching a bus when I need to go to work/get home, etc.

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thank you for my friends - both real and virtual.


thank you for the appetite to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


thank you for the ability to sleep for at least 6 hours again.


thank you for the will to quit smoking, and the little pleasure of not having to smoke while having decaf.


thank you for the beautiful sister that i have.


thank you for those who love me whom i am not aware of.


thank you for those who love me.

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thank you for the approval of my material.


thank you for the new blessings coming up.


thank you for the time i got to speak with my bestfriend.


thank you for the breakfast sked with someone close to my heart.


thank you for an early finish today.


thank you providing more than just for my needs.


thank you for my soul sis!


thanks for steve too!

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Thank you for allowing me to make the situation light ... as opposed to making it stiff ... with my ka-EB last night. ;-) We enjoyed a WHOLESOME EB. He texted that it was his 1st. ;-P


Thank you that I continue to use Mind Mapping to keep me in check with my To Dos ... shopping list ... To Budget/Pay Bills ... appointments/dates/EBs. ;-)


Thank you for the good time I have with friends over coffee ... or catching up over the phone.


Thank you for blessing JAL with someone who loves her as she loves him.


Thank you for giving me strength to continue what I'm doing despite how I REALLY feel.


Thank you for my sense of commitment ....


Thank you for the blessings ...

Edited by barenaked
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thank you for a wonderful dinner with the family.


thanks for blessing me with a 'magaling' dentist.

helps alot na walang ouch!


thanks for waking me up on time.


thanks for the time to rest in between meetings.

cat naps are actually power naps.


thanks for proving to me once again

that its possible to have something going

even if u're geographically disconnected.


thanks for the special people around me.

... providing me inspiration and reasons to smile.

Edited by in_style
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..thank you for a safe trip to manila last weekend...


..thank you for making me spend time with my bestfriend...


...thank you for a safe stay in manila, too...


...thank you for giving me quality time to spend with my nephews and nieces...


...thank you for giving us Mother's day celebration, it made me miss my mom more but still, made me feel she's in a wonderful place with you now...


...thank you for a safe trip back home...


...thank you for carl, who gives meaning to my smiles lately... :)

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thank you for the gift of curiosity. it has made me think and think again.


thank you for the gift of counsel, it has allowed me to reconsider the choices i seem to have made.


thank you for my confusion, i believe it will allow me to see the light.

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thank you for a good lunch with my associates.

its the only way we can manage to catch up.


thank you for the ride tonite.

it was also good there wasnt a traffic.


thanks for a good episode of oprah!

thanks too that desperate housewives will be shown here soon!


thanks for my closest chums.

they're my honest to goodness backbone.


thanks for a good meeting with clients this afternoon.

the client is so nice and easy to deal with.


thanks for the time with steve.

that was the pleasant surprise for today!

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thanks for a good meeting with my new clients.


thanks for the patience that u bless me with.

dealing with different people can be so stressful.


thanks for a hearty lunch.

light and healthy!


thanks for helping me see things differently.

geographical difference is indeed hard.


thanks for him.

... and to him!

its a nice feeling to wake up with a smile on your face!

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thank you for yesterday.

had a wonderful time.

twas good to be carefree.

laughed till we all dropped.


thank you for the internet.

can communicate with the people dear to me.

(... that includes my soul sis and st....!)


thanks for my manong driver.

i can trust him with my life.


thanks for the good servers from the resort.

they made us so welcome.

Edited by in_style
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