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thank you for the good and the bad parts

that happens in my life. of course, i wish

it can be perfect or close to prefect but i also

know the challenges makes my life worth



thank you for the time i spent with my family.

i know they appreciate seeing me more often.


thanks for a good dinner!

truly enjoyed the sumptuous feast!


thank you... for just being there

and for forever hearing me out.



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Thank you...


...for the cup noodles I'm taking now...without this, i'd die starving tonight :)

...for the fact that even if i dont feel physically well, at least i have the strength to talk and listen to my staff's suggestion for the business...

...for making me feel wonderful today despite every pain i'm feeling

...for making my posting at MTC tonight lighter than usual. :)

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thank you Lord for all the blessings you gave me, my family, friends and

specially the people who received your graces in times of their needs...


thank you for my recent promotion...


thank you for the trials i went thru that made me stronger...


thank you for giving me a son whom i love though at times who's kinda naughty but makes me proud of his achievements...


thank you for giving me a very supportive father and sisters...

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thanks for that all so important message this morning.

it made a big difference.


thanks for putting me back on track.

it's the best place i can be.


thanks for the free halohalo from my very efficient assistant!


thanks for new friends and for long lost friends

who's back in my life. such a blessing!

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Guest kikay168

i thank the Lord for giving me trials. Its His way of teaching and preparing me for bigger responsibilities.


Im in a difficult situation now, i thank Him coz he gives me strength and guides me all throughout. and the fact that im still alive.


New day means new hope, new beginning. God bless y'all..

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thanks to that nice cab driver

who didnt gave us a hard time

when we were so rushing last sat.


thanks for a good time with my family

this weekend.


thanks to my travel agent.

the ever so dependable and efficient agent!!!


thanks for patience.

i would rather keep the thoughts to myself

than hurt someone's feelings.

(but got to admit it aint easy keeping quiet!)


thanks to my dentist.

she's the only one i trust when it comes

to my dental concerns and that of my family.


thanks for the time i had this weekend.

m actually enjoying it.


thanks also for teaching me that i cant have

everything i want. not the way i planned it.

helps me keep my feet on the ground.

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