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thank you Lord...


..for my fiancè who loves for what I am...


..for my family who still supports me..


..for my friends who are there when i need their help..


..for my bosses who trust me and confide in me..


..for the blessings, be it small or big..


..thank you for the trials, for these has made me strong and resilient..


..thank you for making me humble, for it is in humility that i am blessed..

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thank you for each morning that i wake up.

i dont know where i get all the energy and

the right frame of mindset to go on when

all hell is breaking loose.


thank you for my wonderful team.

they are unbeatable in my book!

the workaholic genes rubbed on to them

already! its goo to be working with people

who has the same passion as one has.


thank you for people from my work industry

who has become my friends. people who

knows that pressure and tension is all part

of work and that real friendship shouldnt

be put on the line.


thank you for my every supportive clients.

they inspire me to give more than what is expected.

their trust gives me the boost to excel even more.


thank you for my family. times like this,

they just try to understand and make me feel

that they are the wind beneath my wings.


thank you for my suppliers. they too are so supportive.

they are all a blessing!


thank you for YOU.

you inspire me.

you remind me that all this is part of learning.

your reminder from time to time tells me to

keep my feet on the ground.

thank you po.

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thank you for organization.

when things are in order

is it easier to plan out all details.


thank you for the angels around me.

the closest people to my heart

who never cease to bring joy in my life.


thank you for the chance to work with

the best people in the industry.

their drive to give the best is addictive.


thank you for the extra hours you gave me

was able to sleep more than 3 hours thus weekend.

it has become a luxury at this point.


thank you for that someone

who can make me smile

it means alot.

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thank you Heavenly Father,


...for the weekend, which I devoted for rest...


...for my fiancè who loves and trusts me so dearly...


...for my mother who loves me even though we argue a lot...


...for my uncle who has committed his entire life for me...


...for the little blessings that come my way...


...for the trials you have given throughout this life of mine...

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thank you for the first kick-off.

it may not be the way i hoped it will be

but we learned alot from it.

we found out our strengths and our weaknesses.


thank you for the three more opportunities

to make things better and greater than last year.


thank you for the people who has been helping

me put things together. they are the backbone

of my projects.


thank you for sustained energy.

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thank you for leg 1 and leg 2.

there's are two more legs to go

and make things even better.


thanks for clients who trust us totally.


thanks for people who always extend the hand to help.


thanks for good food and good accomodations.

little things that can actually make us happy

during these stressful times.


thanks for bringing us home safe.

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thank you for a quiet day.


thank you for the time to think.

made things a bit complicated

but i know at one point things will be better.


thank you for endless opportunities.

i still wonder how and why.


thank you for friends.

they just love me through thick and thin.

friendship that last a lifetime!

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i thank you for the safe and productive week that was! tonight and tomorrow will be a long day(night)for me, i thank you for fueling my passion for work and things im involved with.


i thank you for keeping my loved ones(my pa, sisters & family, donna & family, she and her siblings) safe and healthy. nothing make me happier than seeing these people going on with their lives.


i thank you for the perserverance and patience you've been teaching me, all these with your grace.

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