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Lord, you are the only one who knows what i need now..what i yearn now.

You have always made me feel so loved. so understood. so cared for.

thank you for that.

I need you again now more thatn ever.

I need you to touch me once again and show me the way to happiness.

I know I am not worthy of your love but You have always been good to me and have always shown me how precious I am in your eyes.


Now, I again feel down and out. It is only through You that I can find strength and wisdom to do the right things.

Please Lord. Give me enlightenment. Give me more strength to do what I have to do. To take what i have to take. To love like I've never loved before.


Heal me and touch me.


Thank you.

Edited by wyette
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Thank you for calling me back to your fold ... yet again.


You're always there, despite the times I always push you away and forget that you are my source/strength.


May I be the daughter I need to be to you and my parents.


Give us all the strength to handle the coming days, weeks and months.


Only you know when.

Edited by barenaked
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Dear God,


please, allow me to take some of the load that andrew carries on his shoulders. i may be always complaining about how little time he has been spending with me, but it is only to let him know how deeply i feel for him.


and that his pain is also mine, his worries also keep me awake at night.


oh! God, if i truly love this man, help me make it the very reason i keep myself from erring again.


please, let him feel what i can't. let him know what i can't tell him. or better yet, please, give me the courage to do what i am supposed to do.

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When I needed that extra encouragement, You whispered how much strong you've made me...


when I was on the verge of giving up... YOu said "Surrender yourself to me... and 'll take care of the rest..."


When I was in the brink of losing to depression... You said to lose myself in Your love....


And when I almost went astray... You called me... and showed me the way back home.


Thank you. And I love you, my dear Lord.

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