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I've had interviews last week ... I hope something comes out of them. May I be called for the next level of interviews.


Give me the strength to forget about CPO. My life again revolved around a man. May I ease him out of my life, thoughts.


Protect my loved ones wherever they are ... esp. when they are on the road.


May we see Your hand in all that happens to us. Should we lose our way ... guide us back to the right path, Your path.


I ask for your loving embrace esp. for those who are in physical pain, emotional trauma and gripping circumstances.


May you use us as your intruments to show that you exist.


At Your service,



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Dear Father,


May You be with me during my 2nd interview later at ADB. May I be able to answer their questions directly and calmly. May You ease the nerves and possible intimidation I may have in front of the members of the interview panel.


May You heal the hurts and pains of our fellow MTC member, Nightshift. May he be able to recover soon so he may try to live normally again.


May You bring my Dad home safe from the province.


May You keep me busy from thinking of CPO.


May You blanket Your blessings, healing and protection over Your people who need You ... spiritually, physically and emotionally.


In Your Name,



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i thank you for the blessings i continue to receive,

i pray for forgiveness to those i might have offended,

i ask that you bless my loved ones(my dad, my sisters and their loved ones, my daughter and her loved ones, j***** and her siblings). may you continue to shower them with your blessings and your love, keep them out of harms way, enjoy good health and heal them whenever they are ill.


i pray for our dearly departeds, that wherever they are, they find peace that they never had while with us.


i pray that work overseas come my way again, and let the product of this toil lead us to a better life.


thank you!

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You have been so kind and giving to me... specially with my requests for developments in my career path.. all of my experiences, I owe them to You... I asked for them... and You gave them to me...


The latest you've given me is something I am truly thankful for... I couldn't ask for more...


But this time, I will ask... not for myself...but for miss barenaked...that she may find the perfect job for her...suited for her interests and capabilities...that she may be confident enough to present herself well...and eventualy get the job she badly needed...


Lord, you have been so kind to me... please be as kind to this young lady..as you are to me...



Amen. :hypocritesmiley:

Edited by TheGeneral
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thanks for everything i've received thus far. and for always listening to me and re-affirming my faith.


all i ask for today is renewed health for my mom...


more career opportunities for my sister...


safety for my brothers...


and for my dad to have something to do--he's been so bored lately.


please also always watch over those i love--my friends, my colleagues and everyone else i interact with day to day.


i also pray for b and his family. may you bring them more happiness and blessings.


i also pray for m and her daughter. i pray that you continue providing for them and keeping them safe.


and as for me, you know what's in my heart. i know that there's a reason why this "dilemma" is dragging on this long. and i know that nothing i go through will harm me in the end. i just pray that you continue to strengthen me, to have patience with me and to make me more open to hearing you.


also help me in my new "endeavor". may this one have lasting results.





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Heavenly Father,



i pray unto You to ask for forgiveness of my shortcomings...


may You guide me in finding a way on how to augment my income...


may You guide my kind-hearted brothers and sisters so they can help me out in my endeavor of

finding a permanent job....


may You grant me strength and courage in my endeavors that i am doing right now...


i thank Thee for the blessings You have given me...


i thank Thee for the love of those who are close to my heart...


i thank Thee also for this trial that is going through my life right now....


this i pray in Jesus' name,



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thank you for this wonderful day... thank you for letting me meet my sister whom i haven't seen for quite a while 'coz we're all living separate lives now... help my younger brother, give him strength and courage and wisdom that he may find a job now... a good one at that...


bless us always and protect my family from harm.


amen. :hypocritesmiley:

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You have been so kind and giving to me... specially with my requests for developments in my career path.. all of my experiences, I owe them to You... I asked for them... and You gave them to me...


The latest you've given me is something I am truly thankful for... I couldn't ask for more...


But this time, I will ask... not for myself...but for miss barenaked...that she may find the perfect job for her...suited for her interests and capabilities...that she may be confident enough to present herself well...and eventualy get the job she badly needed...


Lord, you have been so kind to me... please be as kind to this young lady..as you are to me...






Thank you for kind souls here on MTC ... praying for me. ;-)


Yes ... I'm extremely anxious for a job now.


Please bless me ... so I may be busy again. My mind needs to work ... it's getting rusty. I need to forget about CPO too.


I pray that I'm well enough for a possible interview this Thu.


I know you have kept me here ... alive ... still for Your purpose. I still dont know the reasons ... please make them known to me.



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Please help me get over this bothering flu i have now... i cough so often and i have a hard time breathing... please make me well...


Once again, I pray for you to give miss barenaked the chance to prove herself... even though I don't know her personally, I do believe in her... and that she's in need...


Please help her...


Amen. :hypocritesmiley:

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Please help me get over this bothering flu i have now... i cough so often and i have a hard time breathing... please make me well...


Once again, I pray for you to give miss barenaked the chance to prove herself... even though I don't know her personally, I do believe in her... and that she's in need...


Please help her...


Amen.  :hypocritesmiley:





Again ... thank you for prayers from kind strangers but friends here on MTC. ;-)


The cries, pleas and prayers have been answered ... the LONG wait is over. Thank you for allowing me to be myself and enabling me to impress those people who interviewed me at ADB.


What I ask now is for the patience to learn, adjust and be able to cope with responsibilities required for the job.


Thank you for your guidance and protective hand as I went out into Manila yesterday to take care of my pre-employment requirements. That I was able to accomplish all I set out to do for that afternoon. ;-)


Use me as Your instrument.



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Thank you Lord for all the blessings and guidance you gave me and my family...

Forgive me oh lord for all my sins...

Forgive me for being so harsh to some of my friends today...

Forgive me i wasn't able to go to church today...


Bless those who are in doubt...

Bless those who travels, guide them and bring them home safe..

Bless those who are sick and in need of your forgiveness...

Bless those who prayed for me, my loved ones, and my family....


Thank you for this wonderful day..

Thank you lord for everything that happened today...

Thank you lord for everything that will happen tomorrow...

Thank you lord for all the blessings...


God Bless all the people of MTC... admins, mods, the readers of this thread and the poeple

who patronizes MTC.


Let there be PEACE in this community.

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