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he dont have to gain 20-30 pounds, just 10-15 lbs.. he already walks @ 190, so if he add just 10 lbs, he will just need to cut 15 lbs to make it to 185.. why is it hard for him and not on BJ Penn and Anderson Silva..BJ walks @ 165, yet ballooned to 192, just to fight Lyoto. and Machida couldnt even finish a bloated LW.. besides,he keeps telling how big AS is, but he is also the one suggesting the fight to be @ 170 or catch weight (that means around 180)..that's ironic..he can't add 15 lbs, and yet he suggests his opponent whom he said walks @ 230 to cut to 170?


i hope AS will be crazy enough to drop down to 170 to frontkick GSPs ass..


1. I find it hilarious how you reference fights which are so outdated to try and prove a point. First off you try to prove GSP's submission defense (or lack thereof in your opinion) by referring to his very first fight with Matt Hughes in one of your previous posts. Now you refer to a BJ fight where he clearly was over his head (taking his alias 'the Prodigy' way too seriously) going all up to heavyweight to fight Lyoto Machida. Come on man these fights are so freakin 'ancient' you can't use them as a barometer for these guys anymore. These fighters are way way way better than what they were used to, GSP especially (and even BJ who has now finally learned the importance of a good strength and conditioning program).


2. Again styles make fights. How many times do we have to say this. People try to make it sound so simple as if Anderson was just gonna front kick everyone in the head and knock em out with ease. All we've been saying is judging by what happened in the Sonnen and the Travis Lutter fight GSP has the 'style', the 'game' to nullify and defeat the strengths of an Anderson Silva. He can beat Anderson, not that we're saying that the Spider can't beat him but GSP has the ability to beat him. Heck I even think a Jon Fitch can give Anderson Silva problems.


3. And about the 20-30 pound weight addition GSP has to make. I think this was something he said in one of his post fight interviews with Joe Rogan. We really can't say with certainty what he meant when he said that. GSP may have meant starting from his fighting weight of 170 or his walking weight of 190. But in any case GSP and his conditioning coaches are the ones who can say best what weight he should be at the off season if he is to make a run at 185. Different people shed weight at different rates. Different people have different ratios of lean muscle mass to body fat. Different people have different workouts and conditioning programs. Given all those differences I think GSP was just giving a 'rough' estimate of perhaps how much muscle he thought he had to put on at that time if ever the Anderson Silva fight was gonna happen. And yes the amount may be closer to around 10-15 pounds of muscle or just a little more than that. And he never said he couldn't add the pounds to go up a weight class. All he said was it was a decision that he had to be really sure of before ever trying it because once you do add those additional pounds he won't ever be able to come back and fight at welterweight.


Bottom line is both fighters have fights set. Anderson has Okami and GSP's got Shields in his sights next. Why don't we just see what happens after that. I'm sure if ever GSP defeats Shields (which I think he will do and quite handily I might add) he will strongly consider going up a weight class since there's no one left to challenge him at welterweight.

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1. I find it hilarious how you reference fights which are so outdated to try and prove a point. First off you try to prove GSP's submission defense (or lack thereof in your opinion) by referring to his very first fight with Matt Hughes in one of your previous posts. Now you refer to a BJ fight where he clearly was over his head (taking his alias 'the Prodigy' way too seriously) going all up to heavyweight to fight Lyoto Machida. Come on man these fights are so freakin 'ancient' you can't use them as a barometer for these guys anymore. These fighters are way way way better than what they were used to, GSP especially (and even BJ who has now finally learned the importance of a good strength and conditioning program).


2. Again styles make fights. How many times do we have to say this. People try to make it sound so simple as if Anderson was just gonna front kick everyone in the head and knock em out with ease. All we've been saying is judging by what happened in the Sonnen and the Travis Lutter fight GSP has the 'style', the 'game' to nullify and defeat the strengths of an Anderson Silva. He can beat Anderson, not that we're saying that the Spider can't beat him but GSP has the ability to beat him. Heck I even think a Jon Fitch can give Anderson Silva problems.


3. And about the 20-30 pound weight addition GSP has to make. I think this was something he said in one of his post fight interviews with Joe Rogan. We really can't say with certainty what he meant when he said that. GSP may have meant starting from his fighting weight of 170 or his walking weight of 190. But in any case GSP and his conditioning coaches are the ones who can say best what weight he should be at the off season if he is to make a run at 185. Different people shed weight at different rates. Different people have different ratios of lean muscle mass to body fat. Different people have different workouts and conditioning programs. Given all those differences I think GSP was just giving a 'rough' estimate of perhaps how much muscle he thought he had to put on at that time if ever the Anderson Silva fight was gonna happen. And yes the amount may be closer to around 10-15 pounds of muscle or just a little more than that. And he never said he couldn't add the pounds to go up a weight class. All he said was it was a decision that he had to be really sure of before ever trying it because once you do add those additional pounds he won't ever be able to come back and fight at welterweight.


Bottom line is both fighters have fights set. Anderson has Okami and GSP's got Shields in his sights next. Why don't we just see what happens after that. I'm sure if ever GSP defeats Shields (which I think he will do and quite handily I might add) he will strongly consider going up a weight class since there's no one left to challenge him at welterweight.



Nope.. Okami is the number 1 MW contender, but every1 knows he is NOT fighting AS yet. Uncle Dana said if AS beats Vitor, and GSP beats Shields, then both winners will face each other. 1 part of the equation is already done, so we just have to wait till next month to see the other 1..


and i dont understand why all the advantages have to go to GSP..its either will wait for him to "properly bulk up" or AS will drop weight to catchweight or WW.


Hughes-GSP fight is the only fight that we can base GSPs BJJ defense.cause we never seen other fighters try submit him.cause he never fought an elite BJJ guy before (except for BJ)..well at least i have a basis, and not only SPECULATING.. :P :P :P


besides, AS nver submitted guys with his BJJ, he hurts them first badly. Refer to Lutter, Hendo, Sonnen fights.. you can also add that to my ancient references... :blush: :blush: :blush:

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and i dont understand why all the advantages have to go to GSP..its either will wait for him to "properly bulk up" or AS will drop weight to catchweight or WW.


Hughes-GSP fight is the only fight that we can base GSPs BJJ defense.cause we never seen other fighters try submit him.cause he never fought an elite BJJ guy before (except for BJ)..well at least i have a basis, and not only SPECULATING.. :P :P :P


besides, AS nver submitted guys with his BJJ, he hurts them first badly. Refer to Lutter, Hendo, Sonnen fights.. you can also add that to my ancient references... :blush: :blush: :blush:


So what the heck do you suggest then? That they fight as they weigh naturally right now and meet at 185? Of course no fighter even one as talented as GSP would allow such an arrangement if he was in his right mind. You can't go in there all balls, gun blazing now a days and expect to win like they did during the 'ancient' days. Like how BJ did when he fought Machida. Right now everything (and that includes the fighting weight, training, strength and conditioning program, supplementation and all the little nuances that go into preparation for a fight) is approached with utmost detail and attention. It is only natural for a fighter to try to gain an advantage where he can especially since Anderson physically is really much larger than GSP.


The GSP before the loss to Serra is 'ancient'. The GSP who lost to Matt Hughes is even more 'ancient' People don't even remember that fighter anymore. What has happened to GSP in the last couple of years is similar to the transformation Josh Koscheck IMO has undergone. The Koscheck in the TUF house does not look anywhere near the Koscheck we have now grown accustomed to seeing in the UFC.


The Sonnen fight I don't know but that seems pretty recent to me... (that was only last year right?) In fact it was only Silva's previous fight before fighting Vitor. And we can see from the Lutter fight till that fight that not much has changed in the department of Anderson being taken down and nullified for a while and that being possibly 'the formula' to victory for anyone taking a shot at him.


He didn't have Sonnen hurt badly right before he submitted him. Sonnen became too 'overconfident' leaving his wrist controlled by Anderson as he rained blows down on him from up top for more than 4 rounds and was 'lured' in by the prospect of an impending win.


Again we are not saying he cannot beat GSP. Silva has proven time and again that he has the style and the talent to defeat anyone in the world. But GSP has the game and the talent to defeat him too. Again styles make fights and often the fighter who imposes his style, his game during the fight is the one declared the winner.

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Paul Daley tweeted that he is having second thought on fighting Nick Diaz now since Strikeforce has been bought by Zuffa, in his words he does not want to give Dana and UFC money by fighting..


Paul Daley again opened his mouth without thinking. If he decided to not fight for Strikeforce, where else would his dumbass fight? BAMMA? Fight a bunch of nobodies and get lesser money or just admit his mistake and apologize to the fans, to Zuffa, and to Koscheck. Japan is in ruins right now and probably would not promote for quite a while and Bellator has its WW tournament set.


Wow I think the hardest part about the apology (which IMO will never happen) will be the Koscheck part, would you apologize to a douche like Koscheck? :lol:

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besides, AS nver submitted guys with his BJJ, he hurts them first badly. Refer to Lutter, Hendo, Sonnen fights.. you can also add that to my ancient references...


None of them were badly hurt. All of them got careless and Silva made them pay by submitting them.


Dude I mean no offense here but IMHO, gfreak has more credibility in terms of analyzing the fights since he has competed in professional mma and is also a bjj blue belt..


Once you've actually stepped inside the ring, you tend to se a lot of things spectators do not see

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Nah. Im not here to argue as to who has the most credible opnion.i know ur professionals and im just a CASUAL FAN.. but this is a MMA Forum, so every1 has the right to speak their mind. If we all just agree to the premise of 1 keyboard warrior, then this healthy debate will be BORING. It will be just like watching a GSP fight, you just know whats gonna happen..

I watched the Silva-Sonnen fight a gazillion times. Its like watching “One More Chance”, its still amazes me everytym..when Sonnen was in AS guard, Andeson threw a big right hand that rocked Chael.then seconds after AS threw that Hail Mary triangle armbar.

In the Hendo fight, I don’t remember the exact details, but I believe Hendo ate a big right hand also before they hit the ground..then, when Lutter was caught in a triangle, AS threw consecutive 12 to 6 horizontal elbows, b4 Travis tapped.

U can all defend ur Georgy Boy, but IMO he is a pussy. Everytym he is interviewd about fighting AS, he stutter and always hesitant to answer..but, I cant blame him, after seeing Vitor got KO.btw, Vitor has never been KO b4, he was only TKOd by Randy through cuts.

I hope after GSP wins, AS will be invited to the Octagon and will say “I am not Impressd by ur per4mance, I will let you redeem yourself by fighting me”.. I wonder how GSP will react to that, knowing that he is in front of his 42K+ countrymen.

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Nah. Im not here to argue as to who has the most credible opnion.i know ur professionals and im just a CASUAL FAN.. but this is a MMA Forum, so every1 has the right to speak their mind. If we all just agree to the premise of 1 keyboard warrior, then this healthy debate will be BORING. It will be just like watching a GSP fight, you just know whats gonna happen..


I watched the Silva-Sonnen fight a gazillion times. Its like watching “One More Chance”, its still amazes me everytym..when Sonnen was in AS guard, Andeson threw a big right hand that rocked Chael.then seconds after AS threw that Hail Mary triangle armbar.




In the Hendo fight, I don’t remember the exact details, but I believe Hendo ate a big right hand also before they hit the ground..then, when Lutter was caught in a triangle, AS threw consecutive 12 to 6 horizontal elbows, b4 Travis tapped.

U can all defend ur Georgy Boy, but IMO he is a pussy. Everytym he is interviewd about fighting AS, he stutter and always hesitant to answer..but, I cant blame him, after seeing Vitor got KO.btw, Vitor has never been KO b4, he was only TKOd by Randy through cuts.


I hope after GSP wins, AS will be invited to the Octagon and will say “I am not Impressd by ur per4mance, I will let you redeem yourself by fighting me”.. I wonder how GSP will react to that, knowing that he is in front of his 42K+ countrymen.

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Nah. Im not here to argue as to who has the most credible opnion.i know ur professionals and im just a CASUAL FAN.. but this is a MMA Forum, so every1 has the right to speak their mind. If we all just agree to the premise of 1 keyboard warrior, then this healthy debate will be BORING. It will be just like watching a GSP fight, you just know whats gonna happen..

I watched the Silva-Sonnen fight a gazillion times. Its like watching “One More Chance”, its still amazes me everytym..when Sonnen was in AS guard, Andeson threw a big right hand that rocked Chael.then seconds after AS threw that Hail Mary triangle armbar.

In the Hendo fight, I don’t remember the exact details, but I believe Hendo ate a big right hand also before they hit the ground..then, when Lutter was caught in a triangle, AS threw consecutive 12 to 6 horizontal elbows, b4 Travis tapped.

U can all defend ur Georgy Boy, but IMO he is a pussy. Everytym he is interviewd about fighting AS, he stutter and always hesitant to answer..but, I cant blame him, after seeing Vitor got KO.btw, Vitor has never been KO b4, he was only TKOd by Randy through cuts.

I hope after GSP wins, AS will be invited to the Octagon and will say “I am not Impressd by ur per4mance, I will let you redeem yourself by fighting me”.. I wonder how GSP will react to that, knowing that he is in front of his 42K+ countrymen.


I really didn't think Chael was hurt by Anderson from the bottom during the last round of that fight. If he had been hurt though (and it is really hard to hurt someone with punches when your punching from your back) I think he had more than enough time to remember. What did him in however IMO was by the time the fourth round came around he had become so accustomed to firing punches from within Anderson's guard with almost relative ease despite having one of his hands controlled by the Spider that it seems his 'defenses' weren't up and Anderson surprised him with a triangle.


Hendo was hurt by a head kick then a straight and ended up giving his back but I also thought he had more than enough time to regain his wits about him. If I remember correctly he actually managed to pull guard and hold Anderson for a while before getting passed, mounted and stretched out on his back eventually which led to the rear naked choke.


Look we cannot blame GSP if he takes a bit of time considering whether going up a weight class or not. Again Anderson is significantly larger than him and it's not just him... Remember you have the likes of Chael Sonnen, Munoz and Okami in the same weight class among others against these guys his obvious wrestling advantage will probably stifled not only by their wrestling skill but also by the fact that these guys are larger height wise and do walk around 205-210 and cut down to 185.

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