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The Mail Box

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I always wanted more from you

than you were willing to give;

So now we've gone our separate ways

each with different lives to live.


The bond will always be there

the friendship always intact;

But the time for us has come and gone

and the pages of time, you can't turn back.


I will always be a friend to you

and wonder how you are;

The smiles and laughter I will remember

and our fights have become painless scars.


Sometimes on those busy days

when you've a thousand things to do;

Please let me glide slowly through your mind

and spend some time with you.


In that quiet moment

when you're surprised to find me there;

Just remember even with the distance between us

I am still someone who cares


a borrowed poem



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It is that time of year again, a time of beautiful tingling


When the wind is yet cool on the cheeks, and the grass still so green

Yet already the skies are clear, crystal, cloudless, an infinite heartbreak blue

The brilliant sun coexists with a rain rich earth


February and March where our months, we called that time graduation weather,

and we breathed in that fresh scent of cut grass on those long weekends

in the vast sighing northern fields I called home.


But that coexistence, like the weather, did not stay. I lost you, your husky voice,

smooth tan skin, and such sharp skills of mind and words.

I lost you, and your delicate fingers.


I march on, enslaved to bitter destiny. Perpetually the seasons cycle

and return to our months. I cling with hungry hands to the memory,

hoping that you too remember, and that you too will return.


All partings are temporary! Love is perpetual!


Hope is forever.



--Felix Villaflor IV.

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to sabrina,


i saw u, we talked, we smiled, we laughed.

after 7 long years, ive forgotten.


you've invaded once more my head.

the mem'ry keeps on coming back.


how can i resist

you're still lovely as you were

and sweeter you look now


the sight of sadness

i saw from you as we bid goodbye

made me realize how sorry you are


you're always been here with me

you are still . . . my beloved frustration

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My Dear,


You don't have to worry about me. Continue with your life as I am with mine. I will be fine. I am a strong woman. I can take care of myself. I can handle everything. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Maybe I did hurt myself too for allowing myself to feel something for you. But you have imbibed in me to never regret loving someone. Fate really is twisted. But I am not blaming fate for all the hurt and the misery. Why should I blame fate when it is responsible for us crossing paths. But I'm here, you're there. You have your life there. I have my own life here far away from you. We can't do anything about it. There are ways but there are too many risks to take which I don't think you are ready to take. You are young, we both are. A man like you will not go on single for long. I am sure there are plenty of women there after you. Maybe you'll be happier with them. Who knows how and where fate and destiny will lead us. I always did believe there are reasons why people bump into each other. Maybe it still is not time for us to know the reason why. Maybe someday it will be revealed to us. In due time. Maybe someday our paths will cross again. Maybe someday we'll both be in the same wavelength. Who knows? In due time we will know. I love you. I always will. No one can take that feeling away from me. Not even time. You have been embedded too deep in my heart already for me to just stop loving you. But I have to move on. I have to....


Enjoy your life. Always be happy. Live, learn, and love.



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before the situation gets out of hand for both of us... i decided to put things right for us and settle for respect and sanity for the great things that are happening to us... we are so fast we may be gobbled up by the ecstatic passions and by the expectations that we tend to forget where we came from.


thanks for the wonderful intimacy that we shared... it will not be forgotten and it will remain as a part of you in me. still.


but i chose control over an affection going haywire because of obssession. im sorry.


still your friend in time of need.


your poison.



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I'm facing the toughest battle in my life right now...Even though I know how to face the toughest challenge, I woke up to the realization that I ain't seen nothing yet. What I'm experiencing right now can make a General order his men to retreat or a Captain to jump ship and leave his crew behind.


Yes I am battle scarred, but I didn't know that the worse is yet to come...Now I wonder if I still have enough strenght in me to go on with the fight. Indeed, everyday is a struggle. Life is tough. But no matter how tough it is as long as I hang on to my faith in Him I know that I'll make it through.



"Cast your burdens upon Me

Those who are heavily laden,

Come to Me, all of you who are tired

Of carrying heavy loads,

For the yoke I will give you is easy

And My burden is light,

Come to Me and I will give you rest."

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Desperate for changing

Starving for truth

Closer to where i started

Chasing after you


i'm falling even more in love with you

letting go of all i've held onto

i'm standing here until you make me move

i'm hanging by a moment here with you


forgetting all i'm lacking

completely incomplete

i'll take your invitation

you take all of me


now.. i'm falling even more in love with you

letting go of all i've held onto

i'm standing here until you make me move

i'm hanging by a moment here with you


i'm living for the only thing i know

i'm running and not quite sure where to go

i don't know what i'm diving into

just hanging by a moment here with you


there's nothing else to lose

there's nothing else to find

there's nothing in the world

that can change my mind

there is nothing else

there is nothing else...

there is nothing else


Desperate for changing

Starving for truth

Closer to where i Started

Chasing after you


i'm falling even more in love with you

letting go of all i've held onto

i'm standing here until you make me move

i'm hanging by a moment here with you


i'm living for the only thing i know

i'm running and not quite sure where to go

i don't know what i'm diving into

just hanging by a moment here with you


just hanging by a moment...

hanging by a moment...

hanging by a moment...

hanging by a moment here with you..


I had fun. Especially with all that singing :lol:

Thank you for listening, talking, and all the other things in between.

Thanks for everything.



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i didn't mean to alarm you the other day. i was just tired.

i'm sorry things happened. i couldn't deny it anymore.

i owe him the truth.


don't worry now. things will be ok.

next month or maybe next week i'll start my new life.

this time it'll be with you.


i love you.

and though i am ready to go, i won't.

i couldn't leave you.

i will fight for us.


i love you.

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Dearest ....


I know we have to say goodbye eventually ... thank you for the memories ... time will heal all wounds ... time will make me see things in perspective ... im sorry if i can't reciprocate it for i know there is no such thing as us ... im really sorry much as i wanted to let go of the feelings i can't ... i'd rather sacrifice what i felt than hurt someone along the way ... i know you can feel it ... but i won't say it ...



just me

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Dear God,


I really needed the quiet moment with you the other night. Sorry for not giving you the proper acknowledgments and thanks but thank you for being with me always. Thank you for the hugs and the love. You give and give so much - so much so that I find myself saying 'no'. Thank you for the blessings and the love. I just feel like venting. Either I've stayed around here too long or I just crave for my own little comfort zone over there, my own little space. One of my numerous vulnerable moments. I accept though not necessarily like it all the time - I did say my comfort zone is not having one. I am also aware its part and parcel of what needs to be done - the growing, molding, preparation, learning never stops. I know, I know. Where much is given much is also expected but it doesn't mean I can't bitch about it every now and then right? It also doesn't mean that I won't go through it willingly. The resistance is dying out and you sure don't leave a stone unturned. I will miss my friends. Be with them as you are with me. As for me and as always, my life is in your hands. You gave me the dream and I'm chasing it, living it. The rest is up to you, always has been. Funny but whatever I'm going through somehow reminded me of a quote from Gandhi 'My life is my message'. So bring it on because I want it all. You have always given what I've asked, never left me wanting, always beyond my expectations. Just blow me away. Use me. Guide me. 'I surrender to your guidance and prosper with ease'. Again, thank you for everything :)


Love always,



Edited by Z
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