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Guest Serenity12

Sometimes I wish I was back in Japan, holding your hand as we walked through the cherry blossoms. You were always there for me - a hand for me to hold on , a shoulder for me to lean on , a warm embrace at night when I snuggled against you, soft kisses and more where you always made me feel desirable . I didn't love you, my friend, not in the way that most women would love a man passionately. But I hold you dear to me always and I love you as a friend forever. You treated me better than most and still treat me like someone you will always treasure.


I don't think our paths will cross again. Thank you for everything, my friend.

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Dear C,


I'm getting too emotionally exhausted. The logical side of me wants me to start pulling away. I want to stop getting in touch with you until you need me again and you initiate. This was not meant to be a relationship in the first place. I warned you not to say those three words because these complications are precisely what I feared would transpire. My mistake was that I reciprocated. I should have held myself back even when I really did love you already. Now, I'm more confused than ever.


You can have your weekend with her. She is your fiancee after all. Manuyo ka sa kanya dahil nawala ka last weekend and you were with me. After all, I'm just your second choice, maybe even your last priority. I will never let you choose, because in the end, I know you will choose her over me. You can have your weekends with her. But you will need to start getting used to weekdays without me. I told you that I will try to be your friend even after you are married to her, that this hanky-panky will stop. But today, I realized that I might not be able to do that, let alone not cry at the sight of the two of you.


You can have me, over and over again. But sooner or later (maybe sooner), you won't have my heart anymore....



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Guest Serenity12

I love you dearly like a sister. But your cakes with all its sugar and cream will k*ll me sooner than I like . Please stop giving them to me, much less expect me to eat it. :cry:

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Guest biancaanne

My two best friends,


Seeing us together after two years, was definitely refreshing. I realized why the two of you will always be my best friends even if we don't see each other that often. You guys haven't changed a bit!


B, I am so happy you found your soulmate. Wag maging grumpy lagi dahil mahirap maghanap ng taong magmamahal ng tunay gaya ni A. Let's meet up again before you leave. We'll take care of her for you and that's a promise.


K, I love you so much, sis. You're the only person I was able to talk to that wholeheartedly understood my problem and made sense in giving me much-needed advice. I'm so happy we kept our ritual of walking down Session road in the wee hours of the morning while talking about life.


To the triumvirate...let our code be - Acceptance through unconditional love...


Your best friend,



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I hope you read this.


I'm sorry for making you a little bothered this morning...


You're right... you are sweet, in your own ways. Your gestures and words really make a difference this time.


I love where we are now... just the right mix of everything.


Take care. Love and always love the people around you.

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Our silence builds an invisible wall between us .... in this time of the year.


Nevertheless, I wish you well... in everything you do. I am just a message away.


I haven't told you this I guess... but I missed the argumentative you.


I missed your stories, especially about your baby girl.


How are your lovebirds? ^_^

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gentle giant,


you just don't know how much ate will miss you. :'(


take care of yourself there. I won't be around to look after you.


see you in a few years.









thanks for being a supportive husband to an emotionally distraught wife.


gawa na nga tayo ng baby... inggit na ko e! :)

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Guest biancaanne



There is still hope...


Remember that when you retreat into a vast universe of stars, you become a beacon of hope for others yourself.


Your world may be gradually ending, but even the book of Revelations promises a new world. It may not be in this lifetime, but the world that you will prosper with, and be whole with, will be yours and yours alone in its time.


In this time and space where this world is not yours, learn from its lessons and find your passion, whether it be in writing, singing, traveling, taking photos...just find it and make it your priority.


Never let the fear of losing, keep you from playing the game, baby girl. Rest for now, and live...live...live!


The universe is vast and beautiful. Embrace it!



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Guest Serenity12

If you don't know how to read more than what is written, then you may be missing a lot. Maybe it's time for you to take a risk.

Edited by Serenity12
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Guest biancaanne

...Another transition. And yet, I knew this was coming. I knew...but I was never prepared in the first place. No matter how carefully you ease me into the process, I will never be ready. I would just have to accept.

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Guest Serenity12

You know, I think I gave you enough time to get over it and move on but for some reason, you refuse to do so, even after four f#&king years. What closure do you need from me? I spared you the blow on your ego with the " It's me, not you" thing and I even kept from blurting out that sex with you was lousy towards the end and I found new men who could do better. You didn't need to know the truth, just like you didn't need to know that the only thing that kept me from leaving you sooner was PITY.


But dammit. I'm tired of your numerous missed calls, your numerous " I miss you" text, your numerous " Can I see you" mails. You're bordering on harassment and I'm contemplating on getting a restraining order. So just do one of two things. Move on. Or drop dead.


I prefer the latter.

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Doktor J,


Thanks for taking care of me in every way esp. this time that I wan't feeling well.

I am so lucky to have you...Please keep it that way:).


I am glad that we started the year right....looking forward for a better 2010 for us ;)


Your Sweet Patient

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Last time I posted... it was for Y.. now it's for you. I thought what I felt for Y was intense.. and it was.. but it was nothing compared to what I felt for you.


It's difficult for me.. I dunno where we stand or what we are. We loved each other intensely and ended so suddenly. I don't understand how loving each other from afar would help us.. I know there are hindrances.. and that you are fighting them alone. You shouldn't fight them alone.. you had me to fight them with you. But I guess that's just how you are... you know that I'll get hurt in the process... so I'll just trust you that this is for us.. and that in time... you and I could continue what we have. Till then, i'm reserving my heart for you.. this is our love story and i hope it goes down in history as an epic one. because i've never loved anybody as unconditionally and intensely as i love you now. I just hope you also realize that being far from you is hurting me more than 'they' can hurt me... and doubts are beginning to appear... please don't take too long. I'll wait for as long as I can.. and im still holding on to my promise to you.



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Guest biancaanne



Konti na lang. Makakalaya ka na sa mapang-aping sistema na yan.


Just look for more opportunities and put your best foot forward. And if you do find another job, make sure that you choose the right one this time. You're done and over with the "challenge" phase. This year is all about stability and comfort.


You can't find your happiness if you're stuck in a work place that fosters manipulation, dirty politics, favoritism, and a culture of silence.


Move! Move! Move on!



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