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The Mail Box

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i've decided not to keep your hopes high. you're nice to talk with. you're funny. you're alright. but heck, these things aren't just good enough.


i'm looking at a certain something. something nameless. but i know what it is when i see it. and i didn't see it in you.


i guess i will stay date-less for a little while longer. better be real than be larger than life on a stage of pretentious ecstasy.


as i said, my marks are high. and no way in this lifetime will it get ever lowered.

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Dear R,


I guess I will have to force myself to understand why you have to leave. I just want you to know that my offer still stands.. I'm just here whenever you have "that itch" to text someone. Take care my friend. :)





And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

'Cause your presence still lingers here

And it won't leave me alone.....

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Guest simply_miss

Dear Mr. D,


Thanks for making our trip extra special

There is a lot of "first time" in my life

I enjoyed each moment with you

I appreciate you more everytime I look at you and

Seeing you as being you and getting along with people around you

I love hugging you and kissing you even in public

I am just so into you...and I hope you won't mind it....


I am looking forward to this week

Spending time with you alone again...


Take care always baby....



:) :wub: :)


Ms. C

Edited by simply_miss
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to the man after paul:


i regret having shoved you away. or rather how i shoved you away. so engrossed in that film about losing a guy in 10 days, i did some of the how's to you. my reasons weren't clear. but my fear was.


i sent you an e-mail blaming you for things you didn't do. i demanded that you defend yourself so i could crush you some more.


i sent you messages telling you i needed you, not you per se but what you can give. i turned myself into a user, a clingy girl, a whiner, an attention addict. i became every girl you hate.


and i lost you. unfortunately we're not stars in a film. we are real people and deus ex machina is only an element in fiction.


my fear consumed me. and i can't go back to the time when i was still whole.

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to the man after paul:


i regret having shoved you away. or rather how i shoved you away. so engrossed in that film about losing a guy in 10 days, i did some of the how's to you. my reasons weren't clear. but my fear was.


i sent you an e-mail blaming you for things you didn't do. i demanded that you defend yourself so i could crush you some more.


i sent you messages telling you i needed you, not you per se but what you can give. i turned myself into a user, a clingy girl, a whiner, an attention addict. i became every girl you hate.


and i lost you. unfortunately we're not stars in a film. we are real people and deus ex machina is only an element in fiction.


my fear consumed me. and i can't go back to the time when i was still whole.


waaaaah! this is exactly how i lost her... jeeeze... and i saw the film after we broke up. i should ask though, were you doing it on purpose? i mean knowingly to shooo him away?


para d OT...




you knew i was scared, and thats why i kept pressuring you. u handled it pretty well though... but it was just too much in the end. one of us had to give up... funny how you're told of the do's and donts of the game, yet still unable to follow them just the same...


no more showing of weaknesses. i will have to cry somewhere else.



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I wish I was just the only woman whom you've met in your life. Your first and your last. I wish I could erase your past... so that you won't be in pain anymore.


Ah yes you're life is all too complicated to handle.. to accept.. I guess no other girl could ever love you like I did. To stand by you, to be with you, to risk everything, to hold back nothing...


But lately... I've been tired. I've given so much of myself that there is a part of who I am that I do not know anymore.


I wanna go back...


But I don't want to lose you.


Right now, the only way to be with you is not to be me.


And it's not easy....


I hope you see how much I really love you.

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I long to be the balm that eases your pain.


The arms that hold you tight at the end of the day.


The smile that welcome you home, wherever we might be.


I long to be sand to your surf, forever meeting...


I long to be stars to your sky, that we may always be together.





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you are funny in your uncertainty. for sure, there are still feelings there. i see it in your eyes, feel it in the way you steal caresses. you beckoned me to sit by you the other day and i refused. it is funnier still the vindication i feel when i can say 'no' to you like that. point blank. no excuses.


the problem with this situation, i suppose, is that i am certain now... unlike before... where i wasn't sure what i wanted. and if there's anything the past year has bought me, it's the certainty that i don't deserve to go back to the shithole that you put me in.


i'm kind of confused, though, with what's going on between you and that lying-two-faced-bitch-i-used-to-call-a-friend. but whatever it is, i hope it works out. she looks like she wants it to. never mind what you look like. but, really. i mean it. you deserve some peace... and it should come if you let it.


and as for me? i'm resoundingly happy. and it's not because it's killing you that i'm ok. it's not because this time it seems you want to crawl back. it's because i just really, truly, genuinely am happy. and that's a very, very good thing.

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A few hours after Yesterday

A few hours into Today

and a few Hours until the break of a Tomorrow


My Gift,


It is raining, an auspicious omen. The sound of the rain serenading me outside the window would not let me sleep and I willingly surrendered to the thoughts of you to come.


Shhh, they are watching us. The words are freer than they have ever been. They are happy like me. They are envious like me. They singe with lust like me. But unlike me, they do not have you.


Am walking home now. After we embrace, we shall bathe.


Tu m'embrasse.



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i'm sorry for lying. i won't give it back. why? because it belongs to me now. its just a minute consolation for all the bad times. i don't hate you though. still, the thought to letting you get it depresses me. so, i'd rather not. you're going to hate me, don't you? well, its useless to ask. i know you'll freak out.

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waaaaah! this is exactly how i lost her... jeeeze... and i saw the film after we broke up. i should ask though, were you doing it on purpose? i mean knowingly to shooo him away?

yes, on purpose. there were no other ways. he was just too perfect and i wasn't ready for something that was too beautiful. the realtionship wasn't something that just grows by the day. it was something inexplicably wonderful, inhumanly right at the onset. and that was really, really scary.


and my friends crucified me for it. but, i'm forgiven now. today, i only have to deal with regrets and ...yeah...the what ifs.

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I want to be the witness to your life.


Witness your joys, your sorrows.

Witness the success, the disappointments.

Witness the big things, the mundane things.


You won't ever have to say that you are unnoticed. I will be there to notice you. You won't ever have to be unwitnessed. I will be your witness.

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Guest simply_miss

Dear Mr. D


I won't wish for riches but I wish you success in everything you do

I won't wish for fame but instead I pray that you'll find wisdom in every situation you face in life

I won't wish you any kind of material thing for I know you are easily satisfied with the things you have in life now


Instead, I pray for health so you can be with the people who loves you and cares and to have you around anytime they want

I pray for healing intenally so you can experience joy and happiness in your heart

I pray that you'll have more motivation and patience to face life's challenges

And most of all I pray that you will still be the guy that we've come to know in the coming years to come


....Thanks for being such a wonderful person that you are....


Am just here always,



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no picture in your wallet


no picture in your friendster account


not introducing me as your gf


simple gestures and yet you're not doing it. or you dont want to do it.


because people or your "friends" might know you're in a relationship


and now you're telling me that i should feel secure?


how can i?


if everytime we'll bump into one of your friends, you'll forget to introduce me


if everytime you'll meet new "friends" you'll try to shun me away from the scene


if everytime your exes would contact you, you'll hide them from me


you're proud of me?





you're the only person who made me feel im unpretty


you're the only person who made me feel so INSECURE


you're the only person who committed nth infidelities


you're the only person who made me feel so inferior compared to your "friends"





Edited by best_X_girlfriend
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Dear R,


Know what I'm glad that you're back to your old self.. no more geeky stuff ha? :P Pero alam mo, I felt panicky when you said that when you find that someone who will make you happy, I'll be the first to know. Ewan. :hypocritesmiley:





PS - parang may mali sa grammar ko ano.. gets mo naman di ba? ok na yan. hehehe :D

Edited by black cat
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